16 research outputs found

    GATA4 controls regionalization of tissue immunity and commensal-driven immunopathology

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    There is growing recognition that regionalization of bacterial colonization and immunity along the intestinal tract has an important role in health and disease. Yet, the mechanisms underlying intestinal regionalization and its dysregulation in disease are not well understood. This study found that regional epithelial expression of the transcription factor GATA4 controls bacterial colonization and inflammatory tissue immunity in the proximal small intestine by regulating retinol metabolism and luminal IgA. Furthermore, in mice without jejunal GATA4 expression, the commensal segmented filamentous bacteria promoted pathogenic inflammatory immune responses that disrupted barrier function and increased mortality upon Citrobacter rodentium infection. In celiac disease patients, low GATA4 expression was associated with metabolic alterations, mucosal Actinobacillus, and increased IL-17 immunity. Taken together, these results reveal broad impacts of GATA4-regulated intestinal regionalization on bacterial colonization and tissue immunity, highlighting an elaborate interdependence of intestinal metabolism, immunity, and microbiota in homeostasis and disease.</p

    Does gluten intake influence the development of celiac disease-associated complications?

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    Celiac disease (CD) is regarded as the most common autoimmune enteropathy in western countries. Epidemiological studies indicate that approximately 1:100 individuals may present with histologically proven CD. CD develops in genetically predisposed subjects after gluten ingestion. It usually subsides after gluten is withdrawn from their diet. Gluten is the only known environmental factor that affects the progression/regression of the intestinal villous atrophy, which is the hallmark of this disease. CD generally follows a benign course after gluten elimination. However, it is also associated with the development of other autoimmune disorders or of intestinal malignancies. The issue of whether such complications, sometimes of significant clinical and prognostic impact, are or are not the result of ongoing gluten ingestion, is an important one that has been investigated over the recent years with conflicting results. In terms of practical implications, the presence of a positive correlation between gluten intake and the development of severe complications would lead to the need for early diagnosis and mass screening. The lack of such correlation would instead suggest a less aggressive diagnostic strategy. This review aims at critically summarizing the evidence supporting either hypothesis. Copyright © 2013 by Lippincott Williams &Wilkins

    Pediatric celiac disease patients show alterations of dendritic cell shape and actin rearrangement

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    Celiac disease (CD) is a frequent intestinal inflammatory disease occurring in genetically susceptible individuals upon gluten ingestion. Recent studies point to a role in CD for genes involved in cell shape, adhesion and actin rearrangements, including a Rho family regulator, Rho GTPase-activating protein 31 (ARHGAP31). In this study, we investigated the morphology and actin cy-toskeletons of peripheral monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) from children with CD and controls when in contact with a physiological substrate, fibronectin. DCs were generated from peripheral blood monocytes of pediatric CD patients and controls. After adhesion on fibronectin, DCs showed a higher number of protrusions and a more elongated shape in CD patients compared with controls, as assessed by immunofluorescence actin staining, transmitted light staining and video time-lapse mi-croscopy. These alterations did not depend on active intestinal inflammation associated with gluten consumption and were specific to CD, since they were not found in subjects affected by other intestinal inflammatory conditions. The elongated morphology was not a result of differences in DC activation or maturation status, and did not depend on the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ2 haplotype. Notably, we found that ARH-GAP31 mRNA levels were decreased while RhoA-GTP activity was increased in CD DCs, pointing to an impairment of the Rho pathway in CD cells. Accord-ingly, Rho inhibition was able to prevent the cytoskeleton rearrangements leading to the elongated morphology of celiac DCs upon adhesion on fibronectin, confirming the role of this pathway in the observed phenotype. In conclusion, adhesion on fibronectin discriminated CD from the controls’ DCs, revealing a gluten-independent CD-specific cellular phenotype related to DC shape and regulated by RhoA activity

    Insulin-dependent diabetes induced by pancreatic beta cell expression of IL-15 and IL-15R?

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    Increased serum levels of IL-15 are reported in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Here we report elevated serum soluble IL-15R? levels in human T1D. To investigate the role of IL-15/IL-15R? in the pathogenesis of T1D, we generated double transgenic mice with pancreatic ?-cell expression of IL-15 and IL-15R?. The mice developed hyperglycemia, marked mononuclear cell infiltration, ?-cell destruction, and anti-insulin autoantibodies that mimic early human T1D. The diabetes in this model was reversed by inhibiting IL-15 signaling with anti-IL2/IL15R? (anti-CD122), which blocks IL-15 transpresentation. Furthermore, the diabetes could be reversed by administration of the Janus kinase 2/3 inhibitor tofacitinib, which blocks IL-15 signaling. In an alternative diabetes model, nonobese diabetic mice, IL15/IL-15R? expression was increased in islet cells in the prediabetic stage, and inhibition of IL-15 signaling with anti-CD122 at the prediabetic stage delayed diabetes development. In support of the view that these observations reflect the conditions in humans, we demonstrated pancreatic islet expression of both IL-15 and IL-15R? in human T1D. Taken together our data suggest that disordered IL-15 and IL-15R? may be involved in T1D pathogenesis and the IL-15/IL15R? system and its signaling pathway may be rational therapeutic targets for early T1D

    Distinct and synergistic contributions of epithelial stress and adaptive immunity to functions of intraepithelial killer cells and active celiac disease.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The mechanisms of tissue destruction during progression of celiac disease are poorly defined. It is not clear how tissue stress and adaptive immunity contribute to the activation of intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells and the development of villous atrophy. We analyzed epithelial cells and intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells in family members of patients with celiac disease, who were without any signs of adaptive antigluten immunity, and in potential celiac disease patients, who have antibodies against tissue transglutaminase 2 in the absence of villous atrophy. METHODS: We collected blood and intestinal biopsy specimens from 268 patients at tertiary medical centers in the United States and Italy from 2004 to 2012. All subjects had normal small intestinal histology. Study groups included healthy individuals with no family history of celiac disease or antibodies against tissue transglutaminase 2 (controls), healthy family members of patients with celiac disease, and potential celiac disease patients. Intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells were isolated and levels of inhibitory and activating natural killer (NK) cells were measured by flow cytometry. Levels of heat shock protein (HSP) and interleukin 15 were measured by immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructural alterations in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) were assessed by electron microscopy. RESULTS: IECs from subjects with a family history of celiac disease, but not from subjects who already had immunity to gluten, expressed higher levels of HS27, HSP70, and interleukin-15 than controls; their IECs also had ultrastructural alterations. Intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells from relatives of patients with celiac disease expressed higher levels of activating NK receptors than cells from controls, although at lower levels than patients with active celiac disease, and without loss of inhibitory receptors for NK cells. Intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells from potential celiac disease patients failed to up-regulate activating NK receptors. CONCLUSIONS: A significant subset of healthy family members of patients with celiac disease with normal intestinal architecture had epithelial alterations, detectable by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. The adaptive immune response to gluten appears to act in synergy with epithelial stress to allow intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells to kill epithelial cells and induce villous atrophy in patients with active celiac disease

    IL-15, gluten and HLA-DQ8 drive tissue destruction in coeliac disease

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    Coeliac disease is a complex, polygenic inflammatory enteropathy caused by exposure to dietary gluten that occurs in a subset of genetically susceptible individuals who express either the HLA-DQ8 or HLA-DQ2 haplotypes1,2. The need to develop non-dietary treatments is now widely recognized3, but no pathophysiologically relevant gluten- and HLA-dependent preclinical model exists. Furthermore, although studies in humans have led to major advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of coeliac disease4, the respective roles of disease-predisposing HLA molecules, and of adaptive and innate immunity in the development of tissue damage, have not been directly demonstrated. Here we describe a mouse model that reproduces the overexpression of interleukin-15 (IL-15) in the gut epithelium and lamina propria that is characteristic of active coeliac disease, expresses the predisposing HLA-DQ8 molecule, and develops villous atrophy after ingestion of gluten. Overexpression of IL-15 in both the epithelium and the lamina propria is required for the development of villous atrophy, which demonstrates the location-dependent central role of IL-15 in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease. In addition, CD4+ T cells and HLA-DQ8 have a crucial role in the licensing of cytotoxic T cells to mediate intestinal epithelial cell lysis. We also demonstrate a role for the cytokine interferon-γ (IFNγ) and the enzyme transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in tissue destruction. By reflecting the complex interaction between gluten, genetics and IL-15-driven tissue inflammation, this mouse model provides the opportunity to both increase our understanding of coeliac disease, and develop new therapeutic strategies

    Reovirus infection triggers inflammatory responses to dietary antigens and development of celiac disease

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    Viral infections have been proposed to elicit pathological processes leading to the initiation of T helper 1 (TH1) immunity against dietary gluten and celiac disease (CeD). To test this hypothesis and gain insights into mechanisms underlying virus-induced loss of tolerance to dietary antigens, we developed a viral infection model that makes use of two reovirus strains that infect the intestine but differ in their immunopathological outcomes. Reovirus is an avirulent pathogen that elicits protective immunity, but we discovered that it can nonetheless disrupt intestinal immune homeostasis at inductive and effector sites of oral tolerance by suppressing peripheral regulatory T cell (pTreg) conversion and promoting TH1 immunity to dietary antigen. Initiation of TH1 immunity to dietary antigen was dependent on interferon regulatory factor 1 and dissociated from suppression of pTreg conversion, which was mediated by type-1 interferon. Last, our study in humans supports a role for infection with reovirus, a seemingly innocuous virus, in triggering the development of CeD