153 research outputs found

    Adaptive vertex-centered finite volume methods for general second-order linear elliptic PDEs

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    We prove optimal convergence rates for the discretization of a general second-order linear elliptic PDE with an adaptive vertex-centered finite volume scheme. While our prior work Erath and Praetorius [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 54 (2016), pp. 2228--2255] was restricted to symmetric problems, the present analysis also covers non-symmetric problems and hence the important case of present convection

    On the convergence of adaptive nonconforming finite element methods for a class of convex variational problems

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    We formulate and analyze an adaptive nonconforming finite element method for the solution of convex variational problems. The class of minimization problems we admit includes highly singular problems for which no Euler–Lagrange equation (or inequality) is available. As a consequence, our arguments only use the structure of the energy functional. We are nevertheless able to prove convergence of an adaptive algorithm, using even refinement indicators that are not reliable error indicators

    Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimation for adaptive IGA boundary element methods for weakly-singular integral equations

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    We consider the Galerkin boundary element method (BEM) for weakly-singular integral equations of the first-kind in 2D. We analyze some residual-type a posteriori error estimator which provides a lower as well as an upper bound for the unknown Galerkin BEM error. The required assumptions are weak and allow for piecewise smooth parametrizations of the boundary, local mesh-refinement, and related standard piecewise polynomials as well as NURBS. In particular, our analysis gives a first contribution to adaptive BEM in the frame of isogeometric analysis (IGABEM), for which we formulate an adaptive algorithm which steers the local mesh-refinement and the multiplicity of the knots. Numerical experiments underline the theoretical findings and show that the proposed adaptive strategy leads to optimal convergence