32 research outputs found

    The Evaluation Process of the Real Estate (building and land) Sport Hotel, Cluj-Napoca

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    The first step to evaluate the Sport Hotel real estate, owned by S.C. UNITA TURISM HOLDING S.A., was to define the issues of the evaluation which includes the following facts: 1. identification of the solicitant – the owner of the real estate; 2. evaluation destination – for sell; 3. the purpose of the evaluation and the definition of the value type - to estimate the market value of a real estate composed of building and land; 4. the identification of the property features – the real estate is located in Cluj-Napoca City, in the western part of Central Park, near the Municipal Stadium, and it is not mortgaged; 5. assumptions - the legal aspects are based solely on information and documents submitted by the beneficiary assessment report; 6. limited conditions - Operations contained in the report are based on current marketprojections or estimates conditions on the factors of supply and demand predict short-term and stable economy


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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential for producing high-value lettuce, grown in protected area, irrigated with micro-sprinkler and surface drip systems. The experiments were carried out in 2004-2006, in glass-covered solarium within the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. We utilized two irrigation method’s: drip irrigation and micro-sprinkler irrigation and three irrigation levels were established for each irrigation method. From the combination of the two irrigation method and the three times of watering resulted six experimental variants. Production of lettuce obtained at variants are presented in the following table. Water use efficiency was higher in case of drip irrigation in comparison to micro-sprinkler irrigation. The results obtained show the usefulness of drip irrigation in vegetable growing which considerably decreased water consumption and maintained proper moisture conditions for lettuce growth and yielding. Reducing irrigation had resulted in significant decrease of marketable yield. This was accompanied by a decrease in the crop water use, as a consequence of inadequate soil moisture in the rooting zone. Results also showed that water deficit reduced average fresh weight and dry matter of individual lettuces by an average varying between 20 to 30%. A significant reduction in the number of leaves per head was also obtained in the stressed treatments

    Surveying Operations for Preparing the Evaluation Report of the Sport Hotel, in order to obtain Technical-economic Dates Regarding the Building Fund

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    The realization of the topographic documentation assumed the following steps: surveying measurements; topographic calculations; drawing of the topographic plans; calculation of surfaces. In the topographic plan were represented the constructive character of the buildings with index mapping. After all the calculations, which are supposed to be made during desk topographic operations (after Ortelecan, 2007), the terrain surfaces occupied with buildings were calculated after the following classification: total surface – 18673.72 square meters; buildings surface 1590.42 square meters; total built surface: 12698.12 square meters; free surface – 17,083.30 square meters. Based on the dates presented in the topographic plan were determined the following facts: POT= 8.52% and CUT=0.85 – which are qualitative and quantitative indicators for occupancy and utility of the land; based on this indicators it is establish the issues regarding the aims provide by evaluation report: usage category of free land, quality and production grade, and the best use of the property (after Dîrja, 2008). The site and delimitation plan of the real estate Sport Hotel (Fig. 1) contains all the surfaces of the buildings, and using the electronic form can be calculated all the areas needed for establish their value


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    In county of Cluj the major causes of arsons are represented by the unattended fires (especially by tourist but also by the agricultural or sylvicultural workers) and because are light up meadows and the fire could not be controlled. The major overwhelming forest fires (more than 90 %) happened during spring time (after the snow melt down and before the vegetation started) and during autumn (after the leaves falls and before snowing). To localize and to extinguish fires is very difficult when winds are more or less intense. Another factor is represented by the situation of erbacee vegetation or shrubs and bushes which are directly proportioned with their drying grade. The high humidity of soil might stop or to reduce the propagation of forest arsons

    Studies Regarding on the Correlation Between Forest Vegetation and Torrential Aspects from the Hydrographic Basin of Upper Strei River

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    The development of torrents has hereupon the decrease surface of productive grounds, suffocated the soils of the alluviation, destruction human placements and opening watery underground layers. In studied territory the eldest weight has it a forest background, 73 % from the surface the total. These are grounds from the forest background public state property. The principals sources of alluvia from the analysed basins are represented of the erosions in deeply, the crumblings and the slides of borders and the warehouses of passenger alluvia from channel. The degradations in basins consist of above-ground erosions and deeply, slides and crumblings of borders, as well of the alluviation surfaces from the proximity hydrographic water supply. The structure of crops age classes is a strong imbalance in the Streiului basin, with predominance of I, V and VI age classes. Therefore, for a rational management of forests will be taken during treatment with high regeneration in order not to produce major hydrological imbalances after callow soil at large surfaces. The study stressed the close correlation between forest vegetation and torrential processes in the Streiului basin areas with defective managed forests, consistent with much lower or barrenland well not done hydrological balance, torrential processes being much wider and more frequent than in the rest of the territory

    Study of the Landslide using GIS

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    GIS is a database designed to work with map data. The applicability of such system is very wide and in our case this system will be applied to the landslide study. The studied area is that of Chinteni Valley included in hydrographic basin of Somesul Mic river. The entire characterization of the interest area was made by our team in previous paper (Budiu et al., 2008). Using ArcInfo software the system developed was started with data collected from terrain using GPS technology and map of the area at scale 1:1000 that was georefenciated and digitized using personal geodatabase. The information connected with landslide was collected for three years for seven points using marks positions. All these information were included into the chinteni.mdb geodatabase and process using SQL queries. The results are illustrated in Fig. 1, and the soil exposed to landslide is situated between the ravine and the border of interested area. The table attached emphasizes the horizontal movement and the chart shows the vertical movement of the marks: Vertical Bar movement between 2007 and 2008, Vertical Bar 2 movement between 2008 and 2009 and Vertical Bar 3 movement between 2007 and 2009. The name and the position of the marks are fixed on the map using small triangles

    Spatial Patterns of Soil Moisture

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    The previous study of soil moisture is an important factor in hydrological context. Most of the models assume that the initial moisture is constant but most of the time this assumption is more theoretical one. In this paper the focus on the spatial pattern of soil moisture because when an area is recurrent survey for soil water content the sites can be fixed where the soil is consistently wetter or consistently dryer than the average across the studied area, depending of the experiment interest. The spatial pattern study was made over one transect during three consecutive years from April to October in each year

    Studies Regarding Biometric Characteristics of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), Grown at Different Rates of Irrigation

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    Many vegetable species are shallow-rooted and sensitive to mild water stress. A possibility for improving water use is better management of water application, but that’s require information on detailed seasonal changes in crop growth and on root distribution and root extraction of soil water that is not currently available for most vegetable crops. In lettuce, where the harvested part of the plant is the photosynthetic leaf area, it is especially important to maintain optimal growth through the application of water and nutrients (GALLARDO et al, 1996). The experiments were made in bifactorial sequences, in spring of year 2006, placed in the vegetable field glasshouse, from USAMV Cluj-Napoca. The main purpose was to study the watering regime influence on the yield level and the quality of lettuce. The experiment included drip irrigation and microsprinkler irrigation, with three irrigation water levels (60, 70 and 80 % from activ humidity interval). Harvested plants from each variant were evaluated immediately according to yield, plant height, head diameter, leaf number and dry matter. Plant weight (g), head diameter (cm) and plant height (cm) were measured by caliper rule and calculated as the average of measured values

    Study Regarding Temperature Differences between a Traditional Roof and Green Roof

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    In the last years a lot of studies were focus on green roofs in different regions and zone on the continent. The study location is in Germany, at the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg and lasted 2 weeks in summer of 2014. To determine temperature were used 6 devices Data Logger LOG. The temperature differences between a green roof and a traditional roof were measured and statistically assured; therefore, it was determined a difference around 3oC between the traditional roof and the green roof. The results of the experiment demonstrate that the temperature recording in summer is lower on the green roof than on the traditional roof in temperate zone. In the current paper are also recording temperature differences between the building height levels.Â


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    The hydrological characteristically regime to pouring freshet from any hydrographical basin is in interrelation with precipitation regime. The dimensions which present a characteristic importance for the hydrological regime to pouring freshet are: - the high of maximum precipitation batch in 24 hour; - the pouring rains with these parameters: the quantity of fallen precipitation, the duration, intensity and frequency, all correlated with spreading area in studied territory, distribution in the course of year and the force of pouring freshet resulted; - the annual average number of pouring rains attend to resulted pourings. The hydrological pouring freshet regime was studied in two classical way: - According to a modified antropic pouring basin but without hydro technical works (Pârâul Cuşma), where the outflow is rowdy and the transportation of alluvial is massive. Through hydrographs analysis is ascertain hasten of water level in upward section till result the maximum capacity afterwards results a decreasing slight slope. In case of calculated pouring owing to raised time of trickling and high flow is ascertain that result frequently damages owed to erosion process but also of the alluvia accumulated in dejection cone area. - In case of transformed torrential basin trough hydro technical executed works on these thread (Pârâul Jigoneasa). It was observed immediately after the hydro technical works executed transverse, the value of maximum capacity it was reduced to 50-70 %, while the duration of trickling is reduced to 40-60 %. The hydrographs form is upset according to the abstention of a remarkable pouring upstream of work