24 research outputs found


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    This study was carried out to ascertain the “Impact of Packaging on Consumer Purchase Decision”. The objectives of the study are to investigate the role of product attractiveness in stimulating consumer interest in a product, to examine whether product differentiation influence consumer evaluation of the product, to determine the effect of labeling in creating consumer awareness of the product and to investigate how product design can facilitate consumer trial purchase. Samples were drawn from loyal customers of a particular multinational company in food and beverage industry in Nigeria. While Regression was used to test the four hypotheses for this study. The core findings from the result obtained revealed that labeling can create consumer awareness. Product cataloguing and tagging can draw the attention of consumers, it also revealed that consumers are attracted to buy the product because of its shape, color and design of the product.It was concluded that packaging plays a positive role in the consumer purchase decision. It was recommended thatorganizations should pay attention to the information used. It must also be more useful technically.Management should ensure that their product package is not also deceptive

    Determinants Of Consumers’ Perception Towards PIRATEDirated Products; The Case Of Social Entrepreneurs And Marketers In Music Industry

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    Music is generally viewed as a platform for preaching and imparting social values. As a result of this, entrepreneurs in music industry seem to have succeeded in branding themselves as social entrepreneurs. They engage business models as well as profit-making strategies in championing and/or promoting societal values. Unfortunately, piracy has been a major clog in their business wheels. The study explored the possible determinants of consumer attitude toward pirated products in music industry. Interviews were conducted to explore these possible determinants and two of these determinants were subjected to hypothetical tests. The study revealed that price of the product and the state of the economy has significant effects on consumer attitude towards pirated products. Based on the findings, it was recommended that government should provide enabling environment for the social entrepreneurs in music industr

    Incentives and Job Satisfaction: Its Implications for Competitive Positioning and Organizational Survival in Nigerian Manufacturing Industries

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    This paper assessed the attitude of workers towards incentive and their satisfaction to work. A sample of 127 valid respondents selected from the managerial and non-managerial staff and data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) through descriptive statistics and regression. The findings revealed that financial rewards encourage workers externally; while nonfinancial rewards can satisfy employees internally by making them feel like a valued part of an organization. Also, it was indicated that some employees seem to be satisfied and content with their job not because they derive pleasure from the work itself but because there are no other alternatives. The manufacturing industry needs to embark on the restructuring of jobs and responsibilities in ways that would facilitate competitive advantage without sacrificing the basic objective of the organization

    Thermal Emission and heat transfer characteristics of ceiling materials: a necessity

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    The investigation of the thermal insulation properties of ceiling materials in comparison to the heat transfer constituent is a necessity because materials recommended as building ceiling due to their excellent thermal insulation nature may not necessarily reflect their heat transfer nature. This will eventually give insight to all building stakeholders on factors to consider in ceiling design from initiation to final stage thereby yielding excellent and enviable building ceiling product

    An Experimental Evaluation of LTA on the performance of a drone

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    aerodynamically created via the air by the motion of an air foil, hot air stays upward using a light lifting gas. This distinctive feature can provide them with a high payload to weight ratio having long endurance, which this research investigates. The experiment set up for comparison is simply a test designed to determine the battery performance of a drone. The test takes into account the time the drone can last while performing a simply hover at 3 meters with no accessories attached to it (i.e. no mount or camera). It also takes into account the time taken to recharge the battery and the battery consumption while the battery is idle. The aim of the experiment is to evaluate if the LTA concept increases battery performance by comparing its flight time while performing a hover at 3 meters with the results of the DJI inspired drone using MATLAB and SIMULINK. The result shows a total number of 565.7928 seconds (9.43 minutes) battery time for the first model and 581.1097 seconds (9.69 minutes) battery time for the second model. This result looks promising for the LTA concept considering that the battery supplies current for a total of 10 minutes for a 30-minute flight as opposed to a DJI Inspired 2 drone that requires current discharge through the entire 30-minute fligh


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    Innovation accountability can be activated by creating a culture of workplace transparency in an organization. Hence, workplace transparency is a philosophy that should be espoused by every organization that yearns for a critical framework to drive innovation undertaken by employees across all levels. This study critically examined the effect of workplace transparency on innovation accountability with a focus on Nigeria. To achieve this goal, a sample size of 89 academic and non-academic staff of covenant university in Ogun State, Nigeria, were used. The data collected were analysed by means of regression analysis. The result showed that workplace transparency has positive significant effect on innovation transparency (p<0.05). Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that workplace culture of accountability in which employees feel empowered to take responsibility and have the poise to innovate should be created by top management

    Comparison of the Elemental Structure and Emission Characteristics of Selected PVC and Non PVC Ceiling Materials Available in Nigerian Markets

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    The recurring fire outbreak in buildings in Nigeria is quite alarming, just as the shift to the use of PVC as a choice for ceiling material due to its aesthetic appearance is on the increase. Hence this study determined the emission characteristics PVC and non-PVC samples. This was done with a view to establishing their suitability as ceiling materials in building designs for tropical countries and providing thermal and combustion data for building stakeholders that could help to checkmate man made fire disasters. This experiment involves the burning of a consistent mass, 50g of 6 samples of 3 PVC and 3 non-PVC in an open furnace where the combustion is carefully controlled. It investigates the flue gasses concentration emitted in the cause of fire outbreak and its effect on occupants. It responds to the question in mind that not only visible flame kills but also toxicity from flue gas can be detrimental to health of victims. The results showed that PVC samples are unwelcome in terms of their emission characteristics which were due to their elemental makeup of their composites such as PVC recorded highest Carbon composition of 77.9% and lowest oxygen composition of 18.0 %. VOCs are cancerous, cause dizziness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and eventual death. Benzene, a known VOC, is used in making PVC which is a human carcinogen compound. Ceiling materials that will achieve low noxious emission and as well fire retardant should be investigated and employed for use. These materials can be improved upon to achieve environmental friendly building materials

    An integrated data set on organisational culture, job satisfaction and performance in the hospitality industry

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    The relevanceoforganisationalcultureonjobsatisfactionand performance particularlywithinthehospitalitysectorcannotbe over-emphasized.Thecultureofanorganizationgoesalongway in distinguishingitfromotherorganizationsbecauseitshowsits ability toeitherbesuccessfulortofail.Tohoweverachieve excellenceandhigh-levelperformance,itisimportanttonotethat for effectiveandefficient operation,anorganizationwouldneeda formal approachofcommunicationaswellasformakingdecisions and completingthetaskstomatchtheneedsoftheorganization. The managerialimplicationsdrawnfromthestudyisthatorga- nizations shouldtakeadvantageoftheircultureandinculcate valuesthatwillenhanceperformanc

    Dataset on brand culture and perceived value of offerings to customers in the hospitality industry in Nigeria

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    This studycriticallyexaminestheroleofbrandcultureininfluencing theperceivedvalueofofferingstocustomerswithinthe hospitality industryinNigeria.Intoday'scompetitivemarket,the extentatwhichorganizationsdisregardtheimportanceofdevel- oping astrongbrandculturebeforecommunicatingtheirvalueto the outsideworldhasbecomeworrisome.Hence,thisstudy filled in thegapsandatotalof434customersdrawnfromsixdifferent hotelsinLagosstate,Nigeria,weresampled.Thedatawereana- lysedusingStructuralEquationModelling(SEM).Managementof these hotelswereabletodefine theirexpectationsinorderto deliveraconsistentbrandexperiencetotheircustomers.The result showedthatbrandculturehaspositivesignificant influence on theperceivedvalueofofferingstocustomers.Important recommendations havealsobeenmade

    Development of a Human Powered Pedal Washing MACHINE

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    Human powered pedal washing machine has been designed using materials suitable for its application. An existing bicycle was used as the pedal and other parts of the machine such as the drum, the frame was fabricated using galvanized steel. The material selection was put into consideration, such as corrosion because of the machine’s involvement with water. The human powered pedal washing machine was tested with a used dirty Laboratory coat. The pedaling washing was first done for the first 15 minutes, using water and sunlight detergent soap. There was a partial cleaning of the Laboratory coat, though the coat was very dirty. Another round of washing was done after which the first washing water was drained out through the outlet part of the machine. The second washing was excellent because the Laboratory coat was clean. The human powered pedal washing machine performed well with all the designed parts functioning well. This is an eco-friendly machine, maintenance cost free, energy conservation machine and highly sustainable for underdeveloped nations of the world