8 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Attitude towards Antibiotic Use among College Students in Jatinangor

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    Background: Lack of knowledge about antibiotics cause people to have a misconception about the use of antibiotics. This may potentially lead to inappropriate use of antibiotics in the community, which is themajor reason for the spread of antibiotic resistance. This study aimed to assess knowledge and attitudes toward antibiotic usage among non-medical students in Jatinangor.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional, questionnaire based survey conducted among non-medical college students in Jatinangor, sub-district of Sumedang regency, from September to October 2013. Samples were selected using convenience sampling method, with a total number of 250 samples.Results: More than half of the respondents (56.4%) had a poor knowledge regarding antibiotic use. Respondents who knew that antibiotics was indicated to treat bacterial infections reached 75.2%, although 58.4% of respondents still believed that antibiotics could be used in viral infection. In terms of antibioticresistance, 72% of respondents were aware that overused of antibiotics could cause antibiotic resistance. In addition, respondents were generally found to have more positive attitudes toward antibiotics with results over 50%, whereas more than one-third of the respondents wrongly self-medicated themselves withantibiotics.Conclusions: This study reveals that most of the respondents have poor knowledge regarding antibiotics. Almost half of the respondents have a negative attitude regarding the use of antibiotics. Educational interventions are needed to promote prudent use of antibiotics among the college students.[AMJ.2016;3(2):269–74]DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n2.79

    Perbedaan Kadar Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Cairan Peritoneum Tikus Wistar antara yang Diberi Vitamin E Topikal atau Ketorolak Intramuskular atau Simvastatin Oral atau Kombinasi Ketiganya pada Tikus Wistar yang Dilakukan Abrasi Ileum

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    Tujuan: untuk membuktikan adanya perbedaan kadar plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) cairan peritoneum tikus Wistar antara yang tidak diberi obat, diberi obat tunggal vitamin E topikal atau ketorolak intramuskular atau simvastatin oral dengan yang diberi obat kombinasi ketiganya pada tikus Wistar yang dilakukan abrasi ileum. Metode: penelitian eksperimental laboratorik, menggunakan tikus Wistar jantan. Tiga puluh ekor tikus Wistar dilakukan abrasi ileum dan dibagi 5 kelompok: kontrol (K); perlakuan 1, diberi vitamin E topikal (P1); perlakuan 2, diberi ketorolak intramuskular (P2); perlakuan 3, diberi simvastatin oral (P3); dan perlakuan 4, diberi kombinasi vitamin E topikal, ketorolak intramuskular, dan simvastatin oral (P4). Cairan peritoneum diambil 7 hari kemudian untuk mendapatkan kadar PAI-1 cairan intraperitoneum. Uji beda kadar PAI-1 cairan peritoneum dengan uji one way ANOVA dan Dunett’s T3. Hasil: kadar PAI-1 cairan peritoneum tikus Wistar yang dilakukan abrasi ileum antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok kombinasi (p=0,046), kelompok vitamin E dengan kombinasi (p=0,000), kelompok ketorolak dengan kombinasi (p=0,000), dan kelompok simvastatin dengan kombinasi (p=0,002). Simpulan: kadar PAI-1 cairan peritoneum lebih rendah secara bermakna pada kelompok yang diberi perlakuan kombinasi dibandingkan dengan pemberian obat tunggal dan yang tidak diberi

    Pattern of Intussusception on Infants and Children in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung

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    Background: Intussusception is the most frequent cause of acute intestinal obstruction in infants and toddlers. Incidence was reported at 1.5 to 4 cases for every 1000 live birth. In Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, 55 cases were reported between 2005–2008. This study aimed to identify the characteristics of intussusception patients at Department of Pediatric Surgery Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung periode 2009–2011.Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study by using medical records of intussusceptions patient’s from January 2009 to December 2011. The information collected were age, gender, chief complaint, signs and symptoms, onset of symptoms, nutritional status, history of previous infection, type of intussusceptions, pathologic lead point, and complications; including bowel necrosis and sepsis. The collected data was analyzed and presented as percentages shown in tablesResults: There were 32 cases found, of which 84.4% affected well-nourished infants <1 year. Male was predominant (2:1). Bloody mucous stool was the major chief complaint (84.4%). Accompanying symptoms were pain due to colic, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal mass. Eleven patients were found with the onset of symptoms at ≤24 hours. Thirty-one percent (31%) cases were reported with the history of respiratory tract infection and 44% cases with the history of diarrhea. Most common type found was ileocolic. Pathologic lead point was only found in a single case.Conclusions: Intussusception cases in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital are decreasing, with the characteristics mainly affect well-nourished children, under 1 year old, predominantly male. The prominent chief complaint is bloody mucous stool, whereas ileocolic is the most common type with history of infection. [AMJ.2015;2(3):458–62] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n3.50

    Pattern of Intussusception on Infants and Children in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung

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    Background: Intussusception is the most frequent cause of acute intestinal obstruction in infants and toddlers. Incidence was reported at 1.5 to 4 cases for every 1000 live birth. In Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, 55 cases were reported between 2005–2008. This study aimed to identify the characteristics of intussusception patients at Department of Pediatric Surgery Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung periode 2009–2011.Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study by using medical records of intussusceptions patient’s from January 2009 to December 2011. The information collected were age, gender, chief complaint, signs and symptoms, onset of symptoms, nutritional status, history of previous infection, type of intussusceptions, pathologic lead point, and complications; including bowel necrosis and sepsis. The collected data was analyzed and presented as percentages shown in tablesResults: There were 32 cases found, of which 84.4% affected well-nourished infants <1 year. Male was predominant (2:1). Bloody mucous stool was the major chief complaint (84.4%). Accompanying symptoms were pain due to colic, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal mass. Eleven patients were found with the onset of symptoms at ≤24 hours. Thirty-one percent (31%) cases were reported with the history of respiratory tract infection and 44% cases with the history of diarrhea. Most common type found was ileocolic. Pathologic lead point was only found in a single case.Conclusions: Intussusception cases in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital are decreasing, with the characteristics mainly affect well-nourished children, under 1 year old, predominantly male. The prominent chief complaint is bloody mucous stool, whereas ileocolic is the most common type with history of infection. [AMJ.2015;2(3):458–62] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n3.50

    Congenital double lip pits

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    Introduction : Lip pits are unusual congenital anomalies affecting the lip, first described by DeMurquay in 1845. Lip pits can encounter aesthetic problem thus the patient ask for surgical overcome. Case Report : A 4-year-old girl patient came with double lower lip pits that present since birth with bilateral cleft lip and palate. The pits made a mucous accumulation occurs during mealtimes and crying, and felt aesthethic discomfort. The surgery was performed by simple excision combined with split-lip advancement technique under general anaesthesia and the excised pits was then analized for histopatological structures. The patient has no aesthetic defect after surgery. Discussion : Congenital lip pits are developmental anomalies that occur as an isolated defect or either in association with other developmental disturbances. It happens due to notching of lip at an early stage of development with fixation of tissues of the base of the notch or from a failure of complete union of embryonic lateral sulci of the lip. Lip pits can be shallow or deep, and may be associated with accessory salivary glands. The treatment is usually surgical excision with removal of entire fistulous tract. Conclusion : Surgical removal of lip pits is commonly for cosmetic purpose. It must be treated wisely because lips are essential part of someones face

    Compound Odontoma in young girl

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    Introduction. Odontomas are the most common type of odontogenic tumors and generally they are asymptomatic. These tumors are formed from enamel and dentin, and can have variable amounts of cement and pulp tissues. According to radiographic, microscopic, and clinical features, two types of odontomas are recognized: Complex and compound odontomas. Complex odontomas occur mostly in the posterior part of the mandible and compound odontomas in the anterior maxilla. Case Report. A young girl patient, 9 years old came to Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with a slow growing and asymptomatic swelling in her left posterior mandible for 5 years in his history taking. The panoramic radiograph show  a radioopacity and radiolucent lesion at the lower second molar region, with well-corticated limits. An insisional biopsi   confirmed  as compound odontoma. The surgery  performed with simple enucleation and curettage under general anaesthesia. Discussion. Compound odontomas are usually located in the anterior maxilla, over the crowns of unerupted teeth, or between the roots of erupted teeth. In this case report, Compound odontomas are found in the posterior mandible. Conclusion. Compound odontomas in the posterior mandible is a rare. The treatment of odontomas depends on the size of the lesion. The early diagnosis, the treatment of choice is conservative surgical enucleation and curettage and prognosis is excellent