31 research outputs found

    Dynamic Scope Analysis for Emacs Lisp

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    Abstract Dynamic Scope Analysis is a static analysis for Emacs Lisp programs. It enables the compilation of existing programs written in Emacs Lisp into more modern programming languages using lexical scoping. Dynamic Scope Analysis is a new variant of a class of known analysis techniques called constraint-based flow analyses. Its central criteria to gain precision is the usage of variable birthplaces. A compilation can benefit in several ways, when based on information gained from this approach: it can substitute dynamic variable bindings by static variable bindings, it makes conflicts between the variable and the function name space obvious, and it often allows a true separation between code and data. This thesis contains a formal specification of the analysis for a subset of Emacs Lisp and a correctness result for it with respect to the structural operational semantics in the style of Wright and Felleisen with evaluation contexts and rewriting rules. Finally, there is the description of the analysis ' implementation in Scheme

    A Constraint Approach for Optimization of IP Networks

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    Communication networks need to cope with the constantly emerging services that impose an ever larger demand on bandwidth resources. Evolving networks have to be controlled by pro-actively determining which resources need to be upgraded and how the topology could be optimally revised. In this work, we propose a constraint approach that finds the best topology re-arrangement such that the bandwidth usage is minimized by enforcing a "fair" traffic distribution. The algorithm basically interleaves two phases: 1) application of powerful pruning heuristics to rule out non-interesting changes, and 2) search for the optimal topology changes by solving a linear problem which captures a global view of the network behaviour. The algorithm has been successfully applied on real data and has shown to deliver optimal topology revisions for the problem under consideration

    Power-Aware Computing A Kernel-Directed Compiler-Assisted Dynamic Voltage Scaling Algorithm

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    Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass die Arbeit ver"offentlicht und dass in wissenschaftlichenVer"offentlichungen auf sie Bezug genommen wird

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