65 research outputs found

    Surgical Infection Society Guidelines for Vaccination after Traumatic Injury

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    Background: Recommendations for vaccination of injured patients against infection are evolving. Newly-recognized infections, safety considerations, changing epidemiology, and redefinition of patient groups at risk are factors that may influence vaccine development priorities and recommendations for immunization. However, recommendations must often be formulated based on incomplete data, forcing reliance on expert opinion to address some crucial questions. These guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the prevention or treatment of infectious morbidity and mortality after traumatic injury, such as soft tissue wounds, human or animal bites, or after splenectomy. Methods: A panel of experts conducted a thorough review of published literature, as well as information posted on the internet at the websites of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among others. MEDLINE was searched for the period 1966–2004 using relevant terms including anthrax, rabies, tetanus, tetanus toxoid, and splenectomy, in combination with vaccine and immunization. The Cochrane database was searched also. Reference lists were cross-referenced for additional relevant citations. All published reports were analyzed for quality and graded, with the strength of the recommendation proportionate to the quality of the supporting evidence. Results: Recommendations are provided for pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis of rabies and anthrax. For tetanus prophylaxis, recommendations are provided for prophylaxis of acute wounds stratified y age and prior immunization status, and for immunization of persons at high risk. After splenectomy, it is recommended that all persons ages 2–64 years receive 23- valent pneumococcal vaccine and meningococcal vaccine, with Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine administered to high-risk patients as well (all are Grade D recommendations). Vaccination should be given two weeks before elective splenectomy (Grade C), or two weeks after emergency splenectomy (Grade D). A booster dose of pneumococcal vaccine is recommended after five years (Grade D); no re- vaccination recommendation is made for meningococcal or Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine. Recommendations for prophylaxis of splenectomized children under the age of five years are also provided. Conclusion: There are limited data on the use of vaccines after injury. This document brings together a disparate literature of variable quality into a discussion of the infectious risks after injury relevant to vaccine administration, a summary of safety and adverse effects of vaccines, and evidence-based recommendations for vaccination

    Facilitation of penicillin haptenation to serum proteins.

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    Traditionally, penicillin binding to serum proteins was believed to be a passive chemical process; however, it appears to be facilitated by serum factors. The objectives of this in vitro investigation were to examine facilitated penicillin haptenation, to study the kinetics of haptenation, and to determine the nature of haptenation-facilitating factors. The model involved addition of [3H]benzylpenicillin to serum or albumin solutions (at pH 7.3 to 7.4) and incubation at 37 degrees C for up to 72 h. The extent of penicillin binding to proteins in serum was found to be four- to fivefold higher than with solutions having comparable concentrations of purified albumin, total protein, or total immunoglobulin. Ultrafiltration of serum reduced penicillin binding to serum proteinssubstantially. An ultrafiltrable haptenation-facilitating factor(s) was found to be less than 0.5 kDa but was not calcium or magnesium. Finally, the extent of penicillin binding was related to albumin purity, as binding substantially increased with albumin purity. These findings suggest that there is a factor(s) in serum that facilitates covalent binding of penicillin to serum proteins. The factor(s) can be removed and then restored to increase penicillin binding to albumin. It appears that at least one component of the facilitation factor is less than 0.5 kDa, which suggests that it is not a peptide and that it is some simple serum component other than calcium or magnesium

    Lack of influence of commonly used drugs on bioassay indicator organisms.

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    Many commonly used pharmaceutical agents have been found to inhibit bacterial growth in vitro. Determinations of antimicrobial concentrations in sera of patients taking nonrecognized antibacterial agents could possibly be altered if bioassay systems are utilized for the determinations. We therefore attempted to determine the in vitro effect of commonly used drugs on bioassay indicator organisms. Fifty-one different agents (antihistamines, anticholinergics, central nervous system agents, cardiovascular agents, analgesics, steroids, muscle blockers, and other miscellaneous agents) were tested for inhibition or enhancement of the growth of Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. None of the agents tested exhibited any effect on standard in vitro bioassay organisms. Nortriptyline hydrochloride inhibited the growth of B. subtilis and M. luteus at a concentration of 500 micrograms/ml (zones of inhibition, 14 and 13 mm, respectively), but no inhibition was observed with concentrations of 50 micrograms/ml or lower

    [beta]-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)ethanolamine hydrochloride [2-amino-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol hydrochloride]

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    CsH~2NO2+.C1 -, m.p. 441-449 K (from ethyl acetate), P212~2 l, a = 7.363 (2), b = 21.824 (6), c = 5.790 (2)/~, Z = 4, D x = 1.354, D m = 1.356 Mg m -3 (flotation: CC14-C6H6). The structure was solved by MULTAN. Full-matrix least-squares refinement converged to R = 0.057 for the R configuration and to R = 0.056 for the S configuration (P \u3c 0.05). This is consistent with spontaneous resolution of the title compound, single crystals of which provided optically active aqueous solutions. A partially occupied oxygen site O(1)\u27 is attributed to the oxidation of the alkyl hydroxyl group to a ketone during the data collection. The CI- is hydrogen bonded to H2(N)554, H3(N)555, and 1-t(O2)655 (2.37, 2-19, and 2.10 A). Both O(1) and 0(2) are internally hydrogen bonded [HI(N)...O(1), 2.41 and H(O1)...O(2) = 2.24 A]. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding may account for the unusual pharmacological properties of this compound in which only the N-C(1)-C(2)-O(1) and the O(1)-C(2)- C(3)-C(4) and O(1)-C(2)-C(3)-C(8) torsion angles (-41, -60, +122 ° ) differ significantly from those of other phenylethanolamines

    Lipopolysaccharide-reactive immunoglobulin E is associated with lower mortality and organ failure in traumatically injured patients

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    Antilipopolysaccharide (anti-LPS) immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM have been associated with protection from LPS effects in vivo. We investigated the presence of IgE and anti-LPS in 32 patients that had experienced severe traumatic injury and in 35 healthy volunteers; we also investigated whether IgE anti-LPS was associated with important clinical events. Plasma samples were collected daily from patients in the intensive care unit and on one occasion from volunteers; the samples were assayed for IgE anti-LPS. IgE anti-LPS was assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with monoclonal anti-human IgE as the capture antibody. Detection was accomplished with biotin-labeled LPS (Escherichia coli J5 mutant) followed by streptavidin-peroxidase with 2,2\u27-azino(3-ethylbenzthiazoline)sulfonic acid as the substrate. The assay was demonstrated to be specific for IgE and LPS-biotin by nonreactivity of control sera with high-titer anti-LPS IgG and IgM and by inhibition with unlabeled LPS. IgE anti-LPS was detected in 1 of 35 healthy controls (2.9%o) and 25 of 32 traumatically injured patients (78%) (P \u3c 0.001). The presence of IgE anti-LPS was associated with a lower incidence of death (P = 0.026) and of renal failure (P = 0.0012). There was no apparent temporal relationship between detection of IgE anti-LPS and clinical events. IgG anti-LPS was detected more frequently in patients that were positive for IgE anti-LPS (P = 0.06) but was not associated with clinical events. The inability to detect IgE anti-LPS may be related to adverse clinical events through depletion of specific IgE due to LPS exposure after trauma or through saturation of the assay by IgE with other specificities. We have reported increased total IgE concentrations in these patients (J. T. DiPiro, R. G. Hamilton, T. R. Howdieshell, N. F. Adkinson, and A. R. Mansberger, Ann. Surg. 215:460-466, 1992)

    Aminoglycosides for Intra-Abdominal Infection: Equal to the Challenge?

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    Background: Aminoglycosides, combined with antianaerobic agents, have been used widely for the treatment of intra-abdominal infection. However, some prospective randomized controlled trials and other data suggested that aminoglycosides were less efficacious than newer comparators for the treatment of these infections. We therefore performed a meta-analysis of all prospective randomized controlled trials utilizing aminoglycosides to reevaluate the efficacy of these agents for the treatment of intra-abdominal infection. Methods: Published English-language prospective randomized controlled trials comparing aminoglycosides with other agents for treatment of intra-abdominal infection were identified by MEDLINE search. For each study, data were collected regarding the number of patients enrolled and evaluated, their basic demographic characteristics, the sources of the intra-abdominal infections, the number of failures as determined by the study investigators, quality score, and the use of serum drug concentrations to monitor aminoglycoside therapy. These data were combined to calculate odds ratios for risk of therapeutic failure, which were assessed for significance using Chi-square analysis. Results: Forty-seven prospective randomized controlled trials comparing aminoglycosides to other agents were identified. These were published between 1981 and 2000, and included a total of 5,182 evaluable patients. Analysis of all studies combined revealed an odds ratio that slightly, but significantly, favored the comparators. After excluding six trials using comparators that lacked accepted antianaerobic efficacy, the odds ratio more strongly favored comparators. Trials published since 1990 also notably favored comparators. Analyzing results by quality score or the use of aminoglycoside monitoring did not alter these findings. Conclusions: In this meta-analysis, aminoglycosides were less efficacious than newer comparators for the treatment of intra-abdominal infection. Given the well-known toxicities of these agents, we conclude that they should not be used as first-line therapy for these infections

    Assessment of cefazolin and cefuroxime tissue penetration by using a continuous intravenous infusion.

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    A continuous intravenous infusion was used to assess the tissue penetration of cefazolin (14 subjects) and cefuroxime (15 subjects) in orthopedic surgery patients. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive a continuous intravenous infusion of cefazolin (mean, 178.6 mg/h) orcefuroxime (mean, 330.0 mg/h) at a rate estimated to achieve a target steady-state total concentration of 50 micrograms/ml in serum. The infusion was initiated 12 to 14 h before surgery, and blood and muscle tissue samples were collected intraoperatively at the times of incision and wound closure. Although there was a significant difference between the free concentrations ofcefazolin (at incision, 9.3 micrograms/ml; at closure, 9.2 micrograms/ml) and cefuroxime in serum (at incision, 26.9 micrograms/ml; at closure, 31.8 micrograms/ml), there was no difference in the total concentrations in muscle at either surgical incision (cefazolin, 6.1 micrograms/g; cefuroxime, 5.6 micrograms/g) or wound closure (cefazolin, 7.7 micrograms/g; cefuroxime, 7.4 micrograms/g). There was a significant correlation between the pooled free serum and total muscle concentrations for cefazolin (P = 0.001); however, there was no correlation between these variables with the pooledcefuroxime data (P = 0.403). These findings indicate that the free drug concentration in serum alone is not consistently predictive of the total concentration of cephalosporin in muscle

    Advancing our pharmacy reformation-accelerating education and practice transformation: Report of the 2019-2020 argus commission

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    © 2020, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. All rights reserved. The Argus Commission examined changes that should be considered by colleges and schools of pharmacy to meet the bold aim of better integrating pharmacists’ and physi-cians’ practices articulated by President Sorensen. The Commission assessed the readiness of pharmacy educators to contribute to the acceleration of practice transformation. The primary focus of the report is on how the doctor of pharmacy curriculum and post-graduate training might be modified and better aligned to ensure that graduates complete their education ready to engage in roles partnered with primary care clinicians. The aim is to achieve comprehensive medication management and other pharmacist patient care services as standards of care. The Argus Commission provides preliminary recommendations for new or more intensified priorities by the 2020-21 AACP Strategic Planning Committee as they update the AACP plan. This includes the recommendation that AACP should create the Center for Academic Innovation and Practice Transformation, a hub to coordinate many current and emerging activities relevant to accelerating change in pharmacy education and practice

    The Surgical Infection Society Guidelines on Antimicrobial Therapy for Intra-Abdominal Infections: Evidence for the Recommendations

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    Revised guidelines for the use of antimicrobial therapy in patients with intra-abdominal infections were recently developed by the Therapeutic Agents Committee of the Surgical Infection Society (Mazuski et al., Surg Infect2002;3:161-173). These were based, insofar as possible, on evidence published over the past decade. The objective of this document is to describe the process by which the Committee identified and reviewed the published literature utilized to develop the recommendations and to summarize the results of those reviews. English-language articles published between 1990 and 2000 related to antimicrobial therapy for intra-abdominal infections were identified by a systematic MEDLINE search and an examination of references included in recent review articles. If current literature with regard to a specific issue was lacking, relevant articles published prior to 1990 were identified. All prospective randomized controlled trials, as well as other articles selected by the Committee, were evaluated individually and collectively. Data with regard to patient numbers, types of infections, and results of interventions were abstracted. Studies were categorized according to their design, and all included trials were graded according to quality. On the basis of this evidence, the Committee formulated recommendations for antimicrobial therapy for intra-abdominal infections and graded those recommendations. After receiving comments from invited reviewers and the general membership of the Society, the guidelines were finalized and submitted to the Council of the Surgical Infection Society for approval. The final recommendations related to the selection of patients needing therapeutic antimicrobials, acceptable antimicrobial regimens, duration of antimicrobial use, and the identification and treatment of higher-risk patients. Although numerous publications pertaining to these topics were identified, but nearly all of the prospective randomized controlled trials represented comparisons of different antimicrobial regimens for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections. A few prospective trials evaluated the need for therapeutic antimicrobial therapy in patients with peritoneal contamination following abdominal trauma. The quality of these prospective trials was highly variable. Many did not limit enrollment to patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections, lacked blinding of treatment assignment, did not provide a complete description of the criteria used to determine therapeutic success or failure, failed to identify the reasons why patients were excluded from analysis, or did not include an intention-to-treat analysis. For many issues, no prospective randomized controlled trials were encountered, and guidelines had to be formulated using evidence from studies with historical controls or uncontrolled data, or on the basis of expert opinion