3 research outputs found

    Parental experiences of rapid exome sequencing in cases with major ultrasound anomalies during pregnancy

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    BACKGROUND: Adding rapid Exome Sequencing (rES) to conventional genetic tests improves the diagnostic yield of pregnancies showing ultrasound abnormalities but also carries a higher chance of unsolicited findings. We evaluated how rES, including pre- and post-test counseling, was experienced by parents investigating its impact on decision-making and experienced levels of anxiety. METHODS: A mixed-methods approach was adopted. Participating couples (n=46) were asked to fill in two surveys (pre-test and post-test counseling) and 11 couples were approached for an additional interview. RESULTS: All couples accepted the rES test-offer with the most important reason for testing emphasizing their hope of finding an underlying diagnosis that would aid decision-making. The actual impact on decision-making was low, however, since most parents decided to terminate the pregnancy based on the major and multiple fetal ultrasound anomalies and did not wait for their rES results. Anxiety was elevated for most participants and decreased over time. CONCLUSION: Major congenital anomalies detected on ultrasound seem to have more impact on prenatal parental decision-making and anxiety then the offer and results of rES. However, the impact of rES on reproductive decision-making and experienced anxiety requires further investigation, especially in pregnancies where less (severe) fetal anomalies are detected on ultrasound. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Incidence, causative factors and mortality rates of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) in northern Italy: data from the REACT registry.

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    PURPOSE Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are rare but severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions. We assessed incidence, drug exposure and mortality, analysing data obtained from the Lombardy Registry of Severe Cutaneous Reactions (REACT). METHODS Data were collected from hospitals in the Italian Lombardy region (9,502,272 people). A trained monitor was sent to the reporting hospital to collect data on drug exposure and clinical features. The algorithm for drug causality for epidermal necrolysis algorithm was applied to assess drug causality. Defined Daily Dose (DDD) was used to express drug consumption. RESULTS From April 2009 to November 2014, 17 cases of TEN and 59 cases of SJS were collected. The overall incidence rate was 1.40 cases (95%CI, 1.12-1.76) per million people per year. A total of 15 cases died during hospitalization with a mortality rate of 16.9% for SJS and 29.4% for TEN. Overall, 55.4% of cases had a probable or very probable relation with drug exposure. In a total of five patients (6.6%), no causative drug for the reaction was identifiable. Allopurinol contributed to the highest number of cases (23 cases), while the highest incidence based on more than one case reported was observed for cotrimoxazole and lamotrigine, with 5.37 cases (95%CI, 2.09-13.80) and 3.54 (95%CI, 1.21-10.42) per 10 million DDD/year, respectively. CONCLUSIONS We confirmed that SJS and TEN are rare adverse cutaneous reactions. As expected, mortality was influenced by the degree of skin detachment. The profile of drugs associated with the reactions was in agreement with data from other surveillance systems

    Human papillomavirus and posttransplantation cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a multicenter, prospective cohort study

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    Organ transplant recipients (OTRs) have a 100- fold increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). We prospectively evaluated the association between β genus human papillomaviruses (βPV) and keratinocyte carcinoma in OTRs. Two OTR cohorts without cSCC were assembled: cohort 1 was transplanted in 2003-2006 (n = 274) and cohort 2 was transplanted in 1986-2002 (n = 352). Participants were followed until death or cessation of follow-up in 2016. βPV infection was assessed in eyebrow hair by using polymerase chain reaction–based methods. βPV IgG seroresponses were determined with multiplex serology. A competing risk model with delayed entry was used to estimate cumulative incidence of histologically proven cSCC and the effect of βPV by using a multivariable Cox regression model. Results are reported as adjusted hazard ratios (HRs). OTRs with 5 or more different βPV types in eyebrow hair had 1.7 times the risk of cSCC vs OTRs with 0 to 4 different types (HR 1.7, 95% confidence interval 1.1- 2.6). A similar risk was seen with high βPV loads (HR 1.8, 95% confidence interval 1.2- 2.8). No significant associations were seen between serum antibodies and cSCC or between βPV and basal cell carcinoma. The diversity and load of βPV types in eyebrow hair are associated with cSCC risk in OTRs, providing evidence that βPV is associated with cSCC carcinogenesis and may present a target for future preventive strategies