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    Se exponen los resultados de una investigaci贸n acci贸n participativa sobre el desempe帽o del profesional de la salud de la provincia de Las Tunas, en la que se indaga su producci贸n cient铆fica, el perfil de investigaci贸n cient铆fica de su modelo de formaci贸n en las diferentes figuras del posgrado, as铆 como el dominio que estos poseen de la metodolog铆a de la investigaci贸n en general, y en particular, de la investigaci贸n en salud. Se presenta un modelo contextualizado del contenido esencial de metodolog铆a de la investigaci贸n en salud, que sirvi贸 de base en la confecci贸n de un programa bajo una concepci贸n transdisciplinaria y flexible que permite su adaptaci贸n a la diversidad de profesionales y a los diferentes niveles del posgrado. Se pudo constatar, luego de la aplicaci贸n del programa, un impacto positivo en la calidad y cantidad de la producci贸n cient铆fica, as铆 como en la actitud ante la investigaci贸n cient铆fica. ABSTRACT It deals with the results of an action and participatory research about the performance of the health professional in Las Tunas province, which explores their scientific production, its training model in the research profile in different postgraduate levels, as well as the mastery of research methodology in general and particularly in health research they possess. It is portrayed a contextualized model of the substance content of research methodology in health, which was the basis for the preparation of a syllabus under a transdisciplinary and flexible design which allows its adaptation to the diversity of professionals and the different levels of postgraduate courses. It was found after the implementation of the syllabus a positive impact on the quality and quantity of scientific production as well as the attitude towards the scientific research. KEYWORDS: Action research, scientific production, didactic model, research methodology