3 research outputs found

    Usporedba osjetljivosti Screening metoda na ostatke antibiotika - The four plate test (FPT), Screening test na ostatke antibiotika (STAR) i Premi(R) test na standarde sulfonamida

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    The sensitivity of three microbiological antibiotic residue screening methods, the FPT, the STAR and the Premi®Test, were compared for the detection of 10 different standards from the sulphonamide (SA) group. Phtalylsulphathiazole (PHT), sulphadimidine (SD), sulphaguanidine (SG), sulphachlorpyridazine (SCHP), sulphamerazine (SRZ), sulphamethoxazole (SMX), sulphanilamid (SAM), sulphanilic acid (SAC), sulphaquinoxaline (SQ) and sulphathiazole (STZ) were tested using the concentrations from 0.05 μg.ml-1 to 1 μg.ml-1. The detection sensitivity of the methods represented by minimum inhibiting concentration (MIC) was evaluated. The MIC of SA standards detected by FPT was 0.1 μg.ml-1 for SRZ, 0.2 μg.ml-1 for SMX, SQ and STZ, 0.3 μg.ml-1 for SCHP, and 1 μg.ml-1 for SD. No detection sensitivity was observed for PHT, SG, SAC and SAM standards. The MIC of SA standards detected by STAR method was 0.05 μg.ml-1 for SCHP, SMX, SQ and STZ, 0.1 μg.ml-1 for SRZ, and 0.3 μg.ml-1 for SD. No detection sensitivity was observed for PHT, SG, SAC and SAM standards. The MIC of SA standards detected by Premi®Test was 0.05 μg.ml-1 for SD, SCHP, SMX, SQ and STZ, 0.1 μg.ml-1 for SRZ and PHT, and 0.3 μg.ml-1 for SG, SAC and SAM. The MICs represent the detection limit of the methods (LOD). The results of examinations showed that Premi®Test is the most sensitive method to sulphonamides followed by STAR method and FPT. Premi®Test detected six SA at the level of the maximum residue limit (MRL) 0.1 μg.ml-1 set for SA group, STAR method detected five SA at the level of MRL, and FPT detected only one SA at the level of MRL.U radu je uspoređena osjetljivost mikrobioloških screening metoda u određivanju rezidua 10 različitih standarda sulfonamida. Korišteni su phtalylsulphathiazole (PHT), sulphadimidine (SD), sulphaguanidine (SG), sulphachlorpyridazine (SCHP), sulphamerazine (SRZ), sulphamethoxazole (SMX), sulphanilamid (SAM), sulphanilic acid (SAC), sulphaquinoxaline (SQ) i sulphathiazole (STZ) u koncentracijama od 0.05 μg.ml-1 do 1 μg.ml-1. Minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija standarda utvrđena Four Plate Testom bila je 0.1 μg.ml-1 za SRZ, 0.2 μg.ml-1 za SMX, SQ i STZ, 0.3 μg.ml-1 za SCHP, te 1 μg.ml-1 za SD. Minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija standarda utvrđena STAR metodom bila je 0.05 μg.ml-1 za SCHP, SMX, SQ i STZ, 0.1 μg.ml-1 za SRZ, i 0.3 μg.ml-1 za SD. Ni jednom od navedenih metoda nije zabilježena inhibicija za standarde PHT, SG, SAC i SAM. Upotrebom Premi®Testa minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija bila je 0.05 μg.ml-1 za SD, SCHP, SMX, SQ i STZ, 0.1 μg.ml-1 za SRZ i PHT, te 0.3 μg.ml-1 za SG, SAC i SAM. Minimalne inhibicijske koncentracije predstavljaju prag detekcije metode. Rezultati su pokazali da je najosjetljivija metoda za određivanje ostataka sulfonamida Premi®Test, potom STAR metoda i na kraju Four Plate Test. Premi®Testom utvrđeno je 6 sulfonamida na razini propisane najviše dopuštene količine (NDK) od 0,1 0.1μg.ml-1, STAR metodom njih 5, a Four Plate Testom samo 1 sulfonamid