3 research outputs found


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    International audienceLe régime alimentaire de 81 spécimens (dont l'estomac de 63 d'entre eux contenait des aliments) de Synodontis bastiani, provenant de la rivière Bia (Côte d'Ivoire) a été étudié en fonction de la taille des spécimens, de la saison hydrologique et des stations d'étude. Un indice alimentaire calculé en combinant les pourcentages d'occurrence, numérique et pondéral a été utilisé. L'espèce est omni-vore et consomme des invertébrés benthiques et des macrophytes avec comme aliments principaux les larves de Chironomidae, l'Insecte Povilla adusta (Polymitarcyidae), des fruits et des débris de végé-taux. Une variation du régime alimentaire a été observée en fonction de la taille, de la saison et des stations à l'exception du lac où aucune différence statistiquement significative n'a été mise en évidence entre les saisons hydrologiques. ABSTRACT.-Diet of Synodontis bastiani (Siluriformes: Mochokidae) Bia river, Ivory Coast. The diet of 81 specimens (with 63 stomachs containing preys) of Synodontis bastiani from the Bia river (Ivory Coast) was examined in relation to the specimen size, the hydrological season and the site of study. A feeding index was computed by combining the occurrence, numerical and weight of percentages of the items identified in the stomach contents. This examination revealed for this species an omnivorous diet mainly composed of benthic invertebrates and higher plant materials. The dominants food items were the larvae of Chironomidae, the Insect Povilla adusta (Polymitarcyidae), fruits and macrophyte fragments. This study showed differences in diet in relation to the size of the specimens, the hydrological season and the site except in man-made lake where no statistically significant difference was observed between the diet composition and the hydrological season

    Utilisation des ressources en eaux, assainissement et risques sanitaires dans les quartiers précaires de la commune de Port-Bouët (Abidjan; Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The sanitation, water sources and utilizations, and the health status of the population about malaria (SPP) and diarrhea (SD) have been evaluated in 6 precarious area (Abattoir, Adjouffou, Derrière wharf, Tofiato, Vridi canal et Zimbabwe) at Port-Bouet in Côte d’Ivoire. An overall of 567 concessions were checked and the population were about 9 741. Human excreta in these areas are dumped in self-sanitation systems (septic tank, unsewered public toilets and family latrines) (8-69%), but 3 to 42% of the inhabitant dumped their excreta in the nature. The clustering of these precarious areas upon sanitation gave 2 groups: Derrière wharf, Adjouffou, Zimbabwe, Tofiato and Vridi canal composed the first group and Abattoir the second one. The discrimination of Abattoir from the others precarious area could be explained by the best sanitation of excreta and rainwater. But, domestic water is dumped on the soil surface (73-100%) in all of the precarious area. Only a few portion of the wastewater is dumped in a septic tank (1-22%). The inhabitants have both access to the potable water distributed by SODECI (99%). This water is essentially used for drinking. The second source of water (well water) in the precarious areas is used as supplement for washing, bathing and as dishwater. The clustering of the precarious area upon water utilization gave 2 groups: Derrière wharf, Tofiato, Adjouffou and Vridi canal composed the first group, and the second one is composed by Abattoir and Zimbabwe. The first group uses more well water than the potable one of SODECI, although in the second group, the potable water is essentially used for all of the duties. The health statues of the inhabitants is worrying, as about 64% are ill, with 45% of SPP and 19% of SD. Children ([0-8 age]) are the most concerned, with 70% of illness, composed of 32% of SPP and of 48% SD