4 research outputs found

    Comparative Studies of Ethanol and Kerosene Fuels and Cook Stoves Performance

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    Comparative studies of ethanol and kerosene fuels and their performance with household kerosene cookstoves of the same dimensions and geometry were carried out. The authors examined the different sources of domestic cooking fuels such as LPG, kerosene, fuel wood, and ethanol. The overview of the use of bioethanol and kerosene cookstoves in different countries such as Brazil, India, Ethiopia, Kenya and Malawi were also done by the researchers. Simple water boiling test was carried out to determine the boiling time for a specified volume of water. The result showed that kerosene fuel boils water in a shorter time. The study compared the advantages and disadvantages of the two brands of fuels. Keywords: cook stove, deforestation ethanol fuel, kerosene and performance