80 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation for Wireless ad-hoc Networks

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    In this paper we introduce a novel modulation and multiplexing method which facilitates highly efficient and simultaneous communication between multiple terminals in wireless ad-hoc networks. We term this method Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation (CCSM). The CCSM method is particularly efficient in situations where communicating nodes operate in highly time dispersive environments. This is all achieved with a minimal MAC layer overhead, since all users are allowed to transmit and receive at the same time/frequency (full simultaneous duplex). The CCSM method has its roots in sparse modelling and the receiver is based on compressive sampling techniques. Towards this end, we develop a new low complexity algorithm termed Group Subspace Pursuit. Our analysis suggests that CCSM at least doubles the throughput when compared to the state-of-the art.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 201

    Discussion of "Functional Models for Time-Varying Random Objects'' by Dubey and M\"uller

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    The discussion focuses on metric covariance, a new association measure between paired random objects in a metric space, developed by Dubey and M\"uller, and on its relationship with other similar concepts which have previously appeared in the literature, including distance covariance by Sz\'ekely et al, as well as its generalisations which rely on the formalism of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS)

    A Kernel Test for Three-Variable Interactions

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    We introduce kernel nonparametric tests for Lancaster three-variable interaction and for total independence, using embeddings of signed measures into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The resulting test statistics are straightforward to compute, and are used in powerful interaction tests, which are consistent against all alternatives for a large family of reproducing kernels. We show the Lancaster test to be sensitive to cases where two independent causes individually have weak influence on a third dependent variable, but their combined effect has a strong influence. This makes the Lancaster test especially suited to finding structure in directed graphical models, where it outperforms competing nonparametric tests in detecting such V-structures

    Compressed sensing using sparse binary measurements: a rateless coding perspective

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    Compressed Sensing (CS) methods using sparse binary measurement matrices and iterative message-passing re- covery procedures have been recently investigated due to their low computational complexity and excellent performance. Drawing much of inspiration from sparse-graph codes such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, these studies use analytical tools from modern coding theory to analyze CS solutions. In this paper, we consider and systematically analyze the CS setup inspired by a class of efficient, popular and flexible sparse-graph codes called rateless codes. The proposed rateless CS setup is asymptotically analyzed using tools such as Density Evolution and EXIT charts and fine-tuned using degree distribution optimization techniques

    K2-ABC: Approximate Bayesian Computation with Kernel Embeddings

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    Complicated generative models often result in a situation where computing the likelihood of observed data is intractable, while simulating from the conditional density given a parameter value is relatively easy. Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is a paradigm that enables simulation-based posterior inference in such cases by measuring the similarity between simulated and observed data in terms of a chosen set of summary statistics. However, there is no general rule to construct sufficient summary statistics for complex models. Insufficient summary statistics will "leak" information, which leads to ABC algorithms yielding samples from an incorrect (partial) posterior. In this paper, we propose a fully nonparametric ABC paradigm which circumvents the need for manually selecting summary statistics. Our approach, K2-ABC, uses maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) as a dissimilarity measure between the distributions over observed and simulated data. MMD is easily estimated as the squared difference between their empirical kernel embeddings. Experiments on a simulated scenario and a real-world biological problem illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Approximate Message Passing under Finite Alphabet Constraints

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    In this paper we consider Basis Pursuit De-Noising (BPDN) problems in which the sparse original signal is drawn from a finite alphabet. To solve this problem we propose an iterative message passing algorithm, which capitalises not only on the sparsity but by means of a prior distribution also on the discrete nature of the original signal. In our numerical experiments we test this algorithm in combination with a Rademacher measurement matrix and a measurement matrix derived from the random demodulator, which enables compressive sampling of analogue signals. Our results show in both cases significant performance gains over a linear programming based approach to the considered BPDN problem. We also compare the proposed algorithm to a similar message passing based algorithm without prior knowledge and observe an even larger performance improvement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP 201
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