5 research outputs found

    Uptake of plasmodium falciparum gametocytes during mosquito bloodmeal by direct and membrane feeding

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    Plasmodium falciparum remains one of the leading causes of child mortality, and nearly half of the world’s population is at risk of contracting malaria. While pathogenesis results from replication of asexual forms in human red blood cells, it is the sexually differentiated forms, gametocytes, which are responsible for the spread of the disease. For transmission to succeed, both mature male and female gametocytes must be taken up by a female Anopheles mosquito during its blood meal for subsequent differentiation into gametes and mating inside the mosquito gut. Observed circulating numbers of gametocytes in the human host are often surprisingly low. A pre-fertilization behavior, such as skin sequestration, has been hypothesized to explain the efficiency of human-to-mosquito transmission but has not been sufficiently tested due to a lack of appropriate tools. In this study, we describe the optimization of a qPCR tool that enables the relative quantification of gametocytes within very small input samples. Such a tool allows for the quantification of gametocytes in different compartments of the host and the vector that could potentially unravel mechanisms that enable highly efficient malaria transmission. We demonstrate the use of our gametocyte quantification method in mosquito blood meals from both direct skin feeding on Plasmodium gametocyte carriers and standard membrane feeding assay. Relative gametocyte abundance was not different between mosquitoes fed through a membrane or directly on the skin suggesting that there is no systematic enrichment of gametocytes picked up in the skin

    Differential infectivity of gametocytes after artemisinin-based combination therapy of uncomplicated falciparum malaria

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    Background: Most malaria-endemic countries use artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) as their first-line treatment. ACTs are known to be highly effective on asexual stages of the malaria parasite. Malaria transmission and the spread of resistant parasites depend on the infectivity of gametocytes. The effect of the current ACT regimens on gametocyte infectivity is unclear. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the infectivity of gametocytes to Anopheles gambiae following ACT treatment in the field. Methods: During a randomised controlled trial in Bougoula-Hameau, Mali, conducted from July 2005 to July 2007, volunteers with uncomplicated malaria were randomised to receive artemether-lumefantrine, artesunate-amodiaquine, or artesunate-sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine. Volunteers were followed for 28 days, and gametocyte carriage was assessed. Direct skin feeding assays were performed on gametocyte carriers before and after ACT administration. Results: Following artemether-lumefantrine treatment, gametocyte carriage decreased steadily from Day 0 to Day 21 post-treatment initiation. In contrast, for the artesunate-amodiaquine and artesunate-sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine arms, gametocyte carriage increased on Day 3 and remained constant until Day 7 before decreasing afterward. Mosquito feeding assays showed that artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine significantly increased gametocyte infectivity to Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) (p < 10−4), whereas artesunate-sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine decreased gametocyte infectivity in this setting (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Different ACT regimens could lead to gametocyte populations with different capacity to infect the Anopheles vector. Frequent assessment of the effect of antimalarials on gametocytogenesis and gametocyte infectivity may be required for the full assessment of treatment efficacy, the potential for spread of drug resistance and malaria transmission in the field

    The Prevalence of Human <i>Plasmodium</i> Species during Peak Transmission Seasons from 2016 to 2021 in the Rural Commune of Ntjiba, Mali

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    Up-to-date knowledge of key epidemiological aspects of each Plasmodium species is necessary for making informed decisions on targeted interventions and control strategies to eliminate each of them. This study aims to describe the epidemiology of plasmodial species in Mali, where malaria is hyperendemic and seasonal. Data reports collected during high-transmission season over six consecutive years were analyzed to summarize malaria epidemiology. Malaria species and density were from blood smear microscopy. Data from 6870 symptomatic and 1740 asymptomatic participants were analyzed. The median age of participants was 12 years, and the sex ratio (male/female) was 0.81. Malaria prevalence from all Plasmodium species was 65.20% (95% CI: 60.10–69.89%) and 22.41% (CI: 16.60–28.79%) for passive and active screening, respectively. P. falciparum was the most prevalent species encountered in active and passive screening (59.33%, 19.31%). This prevalence was followed by P. malariae (1.50%, 1.15%) and P. ovale (0.32%, 0.06%). Regarding frequency, P. falciparum was more frequent in symptomatic individuals (96.77% vs. 93.24%, p = 0.014). In contrast, P. malariae was more frequent in asymptomatic individuals (5.64% vs. 2.45%, p P. ovale remained the least frequent species (less than 1%), and no P. vivax was detected. The most frequent coinfections were P. falciparum and P. malariae (0.56%). Children aged 5–9 presented the highest frequency of P. falciparum infections (41.91%). Non-falciparum species were primarily detected in adolescents (10–14 years) with frequencies above 50%. Only P. falciparum infections had parasitemias greater than 100,000 parasites per µL of blood. P. falciparum gametocytes were found with variable prevalence across age groups. Our data highlight that P. falciparum represented the first burden, but other non-falciparum species were also important. Increasing attention to P. malariae and P. ovale is essential if malaria elimination is to be achieved