6 research outputs found
Vocational high school in Indonesia is familiar with the concept of dual system education program. There are two places of learning such as school-based learning and work-based learning. A few vocational education institutions have claimed that during carry out work-based learning, they ask students to master some competencies through self-regulated learning without a learning environment that planned. Therefore, this article aims to give an integrative learning design framework for online learning as an effort to guide educators and instructional designers in designing and developing online learning environment that meet with the students need. Shifting roles of educators and instructional designers in online learning, each component within integrative learning design framework for online learning, as well as the features of online learning model are discussed here. So that, educators and instructional designers who want to design online learning model could not only avoid mistakes but also reduce the failure
Modified Bottle Cap for Improving Children’s Arithmetic Ability
The preliminary study showed that the main problem, however, faced by kindergarten students are lack of mathematics skill, such arithmetic ability in kindergarten Galis. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a modified bottle cap as an educational game tool towards enhancement of arithmetic ability. Samples were prepared for the quasi-experiment research design involving 60 children, aged 4-5 years. A detailed comparison is made between the experimental condition, consisted of 30 students, received the educational game tool activities and the control condition which consisted of 30 students, received the instructional activities as usual. Before and after two weeks of the intervention with the game tool of a modified bottle cap, measures of arithmetic ability were administered to either experiment or control class. The results of the study indicated that in the experiment class, children’s arithmetic ability increased significantly compared to children in the control class. The differences may have been due to the intervention. To conclude, the modified bottle cap as an educational game tool effective to improve children’s mathematics skill, especially for arithmetic ability. However, the findings required the extended study on other research methods and the bigger size of the samples.
Keywords: Early Childhood, Modified bottle cap, Early Arithmetic Ability.
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Grindheim, L. T. (2017). Children as playing citizens. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(4), 624–636. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2017.1331076
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Correlation Between Facebook Use, Mental Health And Learning Engagement: A Case Of Universities In Surabaya City, Indonesia
This study was propelled by the Covid 19 Global Pandemic which necessitates online platforms to replace traditional classrooms than ever before. The study investigated on the perception on and interrelationships between Facebook use, mental health and engagement in learning. Using Descriptive Correlational Design, the study used online questionnaire to collect data from a convenient sample of 253University students with varied demographic characteristics in Surabaya City. The mean age of respondents was 21.5. Cronbach’s Alpha of above 0.7 was established for each variable prior to data analysis. The study established that students did not consider Facebook as a valuable platform for learning. Difference in Facebook use by gender and area of study was not significant. Students’ preferred platforms included Google classroom, WhatsApp and Zoom. Students experienced anxiety and it was not easy for them to cope up with stressful moments. However, they concentrated in learning without any interference from Facebook and took active role in extra-curricular activities, sports and games. Mental health positively influenced students’ engagement while Facebook use enhanced mental health. Therefore, it is recommended that educators should make use of Google Classroom, WhatsApp and Zoom to support students’ engagement. Students need to actively engage in sports and games to overcome potential stressful moments. Educators should take advantage of students’ engagement by introducing alternative social media platforms for further enhancement of learning engagement. Finally, Education stakeholders need to enhance mental health education in order to increase rates of students’ engagement in learning
Design Framework for A School Playground
Playing in outdoor learning environment is pivotal to the life of children. Allowing them to interact with playground promise the children to enhance their well-being and healthy growth and development. Experts believe in capabilities of playground on supporting not only the childrens growth, but also the childrens development. In contrast, research showed lack of appropriateness playground with the childrens need become the hardest challenge for some educators. Therefore, this study aims to provide theoretical framework in design a school playground that fits with the childrens needs. The methodology used for this study has been done through analyze the recent literature such as books, journals and research related to design playground. The study has attempted to answer questions such as principles of playground design, causes of childrens use the playground and the design framework for playground that suitable for childrens needs. In summary, this article will facilitate educators to design higher quality playground that fit with the needs of the children. Thus, it is recommended for educators to use design framework for a school playground in order to minimize the failure in design and develop playground. Therefore, the effort to facilitate the childrens growth and development through a playground become effectively
Improving Children’s Understanding of Early Sex Education through Modified Puppet
Educators have increasingly provided teaching and learning practices to teach children’s understanding of early sex education. In accordance with the inappropriate of the teaching practices, the current study examined the effectiveness of utilization modified puppet within play-based learning approach. A quasi-experimental research design was employed with two classes in a private kindergarten in Galis subdistrict. This study evolved 61 children, aged 5-6 years. During four weeks, the experimental class received modified puppet in their learning activity and the control class condition received conventional learning. Before, and after, the four weeks modified puppet intervention, measures of children’s understanding of early sex education were administered to all groups. The findings showed that the children’s understanding of early sex education who taught by the modified puppet outperformed children who received conventional method. However, the findings need to be explored with an extended to different learning outcomes that involve larger groups of participants
El efecto de un modelo de Aula Invertida Extendida para un aprendizaje totalmente on-line y su interacciĂłn con la capacidad de memoria de trabajo sobre la comprensiĂłn lectora de los estudiantes
The flipped classroom model is an innovative and increasingly popular pedagogical approach in higher education. However, despite its increasing popularity, few studies have elaborated on specific strategies to implement a flipped classroom model. This study has as its purpose to investigate the effect of an extended flipped classroom model for fully online learning and its interaction with working memory capacity on students’ reading comprehension by means of a quasi-experimental study with a 2 x 2 factorial design in which a total of one hundred and twelve students participated for nine weeks. The two-way analysis of variance revealed that students’ reading comprehension ability increased significantly in the extended flipped classroom model compared to that of students in the original flipped classroom. Students with a high WMC also largely outperformed their counterparts with a low WMC in reading comprehension, an interaction effect being thus identified between the instructional model and WMC as well. This paper concluded with a call to implement an extended flipped classroom model in reading courses and to undertake more specific types of research into the effectiveness of this model across different settings and language skills.El modelo de aula invertida es un enfoque innovador y cada vez más popular en la enseñanza superior. Sin embargo, pese a su creciente popularidad, son pocos los estudios realizados sobre estrategias especĂficas para la implementaciĂłn del modelo de aula invertida. El presente trabajo tiene como propĂłsito investigar el efecto que causa un modelo de aula invertida extendida para un aprendizaje totalmente on-line y su interacciĂłn con la capacidad de memoria de trabajo sobre la comprensiĂłn lectora de los estudiantes, mediante un estudio cuasiexperimental con un diseño factorial 2 x 2 en el que participaron un total de ciento doce estudiantes durante nueve semanas. El análisis de la varianza en dos direcciones revelĂł que la capacidad de comprensiĂłn lectora de los estudiantes aumentaba de forma significativa en el modelo de aula invertida extendida en comparaciĂłn con la de los estudiantes del aula invertida original. Los estudiantes con una MCT alta tambiĂ©n superaban ampliamente en el ámbito de la comprensiĂłn lectora a sus compañeros con una MCT baja, constatándose por tanto un efecto de interacciĂłn entre el modelo de instrucciĂłn y la MCT tambiĂ©n. Este artĂculo concluyĂł con una llamada a poner en práctica un modelo de aula invertida extendida en los cursos de lectura y a emprender tipos de investigaciĂłn especĂficos centrados en la eficacia de este modelo para diferentes entornos y destrezas lingĂĽĂsticas