18 research outputs found

    Comparison of pixel-and object-based classification in land cover change mapping

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    Land use/land cover (LULC) change occurs when humans alter the landscape, and this leads to increasing loss, fragmentation and spatial simplification of habitat. Many fields of study require monitoring of LULC change at a variety of scales. LULC change assessment is dependent upon high-quality input data, most often from remote sensing-derived products such as thematic maps. This research compares pixel-and object-based classifications of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for mapping and analysis of LULC change in the mixed land use region of eastern Ontario for the period 1995-2005. For single date thematic maps of 10 LULC classes, quantitative and visual analyses showed no significant accuracy difference between the two methods. The object-based method produced thematic maps with more uniform and meaningful LULC objects, but it suffered from absorption of small rare classes into larger objects and the incapability of spatial parameters (e.g. object shape) to contribute to class discrimination. Despite the similar map accuracies produced by the two methods, temporal change maps produced using post-classification comparison (PCC) and analysed using intensive visual analysis of errors of omission and commission revealed that the object-based maps depicted change more accurately than maximum likelihood classification (MLC)-derived change maps

    Monitoring Crops Using Compact Polarimetry and the RADARSAT Constellation Mission

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    The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) can acquire imagery in Compact Polarimetric (CP) mode. With this new mode, and the increased revisit with three satellites, RCM can contribute to operational crop monitoring at national scales. The four Stokes (S0, S1, S2 and S3) and three m-chi decomposition (surface, double bounce, volume) parameters were used to identify crops (pasture/forage, barley, wheat, canola, flaxseed, peas, lentils) with a Random Forest classifier. The Stokes and m-chi parameters delivered maps of similar accuracies (95% overall accuracy) and were only slightly less accurate than a classification using optical satellite imagery (97%). To understand why Stokes parameters worked well in classifying crops, scattering responses for wheat, canola, lentils and peas were plotted on the Poincaré sphere. These responses were interpreted in the context of the degree of polarization and were related to crop phenology. These plots revealed that early and late in the season the polarized component of the scattered wave remained circular. However, in the active season when crop structure was changing, scattered waves became more elliptically polarized. Although the amount of polarized scattering was lower mid-season, the change in ellipticity was helpful in separating crop types

    Monitoring autumn agriculture activities using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and coherence change detection

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    Across Canada, farmers are encouraged to adopt beneficial management practices (BMPs) to protect soil heath, reduce green house gas emissions and mitigate off-site impacts from agriculture. Measuring the uptake of BMPs, including the implementation of conservation tillage, helps gauge the success of policies and programs to promote adoption. Satellites are one way to monitor BMP adoption and Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs) are of particular interest given their all-weather data collection capability. This research investigated coherent change detection (CCD) to determine when farmers harvest and till their fields. A time series of both Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) images was acquired over a site in the Canadian Lake Erie basin, during the autumn of 2021, when farmers were harvesting and tilling fields of corn, soybeans and wheat. 16 CCD pairs were created and coherence values were interpreted based on observations collected for 101 fields. An m-chi decomposition was applied to the RCM data, and the Volume/Surface (V/S) ratio was calculated as an additional source of information to interpret results. Change events due to harvest, tillage, autumn seeding and chemical termination resulted in coherence values below 0.20. The mean and standard deviation for fields with observed change was 0.18 ± 0.03. Coherence values were 0.42 ± 0.15 for fields where no change was noted. Tests confirmed that the coherence associated with changed and unchanged fields was significantly different. Coherence values could also differentiate between some types of management events, including tillage and harvest. CCD could also separate harvest as a function of crop type (corn or soybeans). V/S ratios declined after tillage events but increased after both harvesting and chemical termination. Narrowing the date of harvest and tillage is as important as detecting change. To meet this requirement, Sentinel-1 and RCM CCD products with values below 0.20 (indicating change had occurred), were graphically overlaid. With this approach, the timing of corn harvest was identified as occurring within a 5-day window. The tilling of corn, soybeans and wheat was narrowed to a 4-day window. The results of this research confirmed that CCD can be used to capture change due to autumn agricultural activities, and this technique can also separate change due to harvest and tillage. Finally, this study demonstrated that when data from different SAR missions are combined in a virtual constellation, timing of harvest and tillage can be more precisely defined

    Combination of optical and SAR sensors for monitoring biomass over corn fields

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    In this study, a cross-calibration approach was applied to combine RADARSAT-2 and RapidEye sensors for biomass monitoring over corn fields. First, RapidEye and RADARSAT-2 sensors were compared in terms of biomass estimation. Then the estimated biomass from RADARSAT-2 was cross-calibrated with respect to the biomass estimated from RapidEye. Combination of the optical and cross-calibrated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) derived biomass was proposed to have higher temporal resolution biomass maps. Vegetation indices including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), red-edge triangular vegetation index (RTVI), simple ratio (SR) and red-edge simple ratio (SRre) were used for modeling of biomass estimation from RapidEye. Water Cloud Model (WCM) was also used for biomass estimation from RADARSAT-2. Data collected during SMAP Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12) field campaign was used for validation. The results demonstrate that the accuracies of biomass estimations from RapidEye and RADARSAT-2 are close. For RapidEye, the highest accuracies derived from RTVI index with correlation coefficient (R) of 0.92 and Root Mean Square of (RMSE) of 118.18 gr/m 2 . The R values derived from RADARSAT-2 is 0.83 and its RM

    Compact Polarimetry for Agricultural Mapping and Inventory: Preparation for Radarsat Constellation Mission

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    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has combined RADARSAT-2 C-band dual polarization data with optical imagery to map crop types across the agricultural extent of Canada yearly since 2009. In preparation for the launch of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) primary research has been focused on incorporating similar-mode dual polarization RCM data in the operational system. The availability of the compact polarimetry (CP) mode with continuous coverage has important implications for crop mapping and inventory. CP mode on RCM has a circular transmit and two orthogonal linear receive structure and maintains phase information. The addition of CP data to AAFC's operational crop type mapping will expand the information that the current dual polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) component provides. This will increase the SAR contribution from the simple intensity of backscatter to capturing the scattering char

    Assessment of Multi-Frequency SAR for Crop Type Classification and Mapping

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    Annual and within-season crop type monitoring and mapping is an important ongoing consideration for governments, global agricultural monitoring organizations and private interests worldwide. Successful country-wide operational remote sensing-based inventories are well-established utilizing optical-only and optical/single frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) combinations of data. However, the drawbacks of these data combinations are the requirement of multiple sources of imagery throughout the entire growing season, which impedes within-season analysis, and cloud cover effects on the optical data. Currently, C-band SAR data are available with continuous global coverage from Sentinel-1A and B, RADARSAT-2 and from the expected launch of the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). With current and expected launches of several other frequency (L-, P-, etc.) SAR missions over the next few years (SAOCOM, NISAR, etc.) the opportunity for continuous, multi-frequency SAR coverage edges toward reality. The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment is a multi-year

    Integration of synthetic aperture radar and optical satellite data for corn biomass estimation

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    Efforts to use satellites to monitor the condition and productivity of crops, although extensive, can be challenging to operationalize at field scales in part due to low frequency revisit of higher resolution space-based sensors, in the context of an actively growing crop canopy. The presence of clouds and cloud shadows further impedes the exploitation of high resolution optical sensors for operational monitoring of crop development

    Comparison between Dense L-Band and C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Time Series for Crop Area Mapping over a NISAR Calibration-Validation Site

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    Crop area mapping is important for tracking agricultural production and supporting food security. Spaceborne approaches using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) now allow for mapping crop area at moderate spatial and temporal resolutions. Multi-frequency SAR data is highly useful for crop monitoring because backscatter response from vegetation canopies is wavelength dependent. This study evaluates the utility of C-band Sentinel-1B (Sentinel-1) and L-band ALOS-2 (PALSAR) data, collected during the 2019 growing season, for generating accurate active crop extent (crop vs. non-crop) classifications over an agricultural region in western Canada. Evaluations were performed against the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada satellite-based Annual Cropland Inventory (ACI), an open data product that maps land cover across the extent of Canada’s agricultural land. Classifications were performed using the temporal coefficient of variation (CV) approach, where an optimal crop/non-crop delineating CV threshold (CVthr) is selected according to Youden’s J-statistic. Results show that crop area mapping agreed better with the ACI when using Sentinel-1 data (83.5%) compared to PALSAR (73.2%). Analysis of performance by crop reveals that PALSAR’s poorer performance can be attributed to soybean, urban, grassland, and pasture ACI classes. This study also compared CV values to in situ wet biomass data for canola and soybeans, showing that crops with lower biomass (soybean) had correspondingly lower CV values