225 research outputs found

    Two charged strangeonium-like structures observable in the Y(2175)→ϕ(1020)π+π−Y(2175) \to \phi(1020)\pi^{+} \pi^{-} process

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    Via the Initial Single Pion Emission (ISPE) mechanism, we study the ϕ(1020)π+\phi(1020)\pi^{+} invariant mass spectrum distribution of Y(2175)→ϕ(1020)π+π−Y(2175) \to \phi(1020)\pi^{+} \pi^{-}. Our calculation indicates there exist a sharp peak structure (Zs1+Z_{s1}^+) close to the KKˉ∗K\bar{K}^\ast threshold and a broad structure (Zs2+Z_{s2}^+) near the K∗Kˉ∗K^\ast\bar{K}^\ast threshold. In addition, we also investigate the ϕ(1680)→ϕ(1020)π+π−\phi(1680) \to \phi(1020)\pi^{+} \pi^{-} process due to the ISPE mechanism, where a sharp peak around the KKˉ∗K\bar{K}^\ast threshold appears in the ϕ(1020)π+\phi(1020)\pi^{+} invariant mass spectrum distribution. We suggest to carry out the search for these charged strangeonium-like structures in future experiment, especially Belle II, Super-B and BESIII.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    Hawking temperature of rotating charged black strings from tunneling

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    Thermal radiations from spherically symmetric black holes have been studied from the point of view of quantum tunneling. In this paper we extend this approach to study radiation of fermions from charged and rotating black strings. Using WKB approximation and Hamilton-Jacobi method we work out the tunneling probabilities of incoming and outgoing fermions and find the correct Hawking temperature for these objects. We show that in appropriate limits the results reduce to those for the uncharged and non-rotating black strings

    Hawking radiation of scalar particles from accelerating and rotating black holes

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    Hawking radiation of uncharged and charged scalars from accelerating and rotating black holes is studied. We calculate the tunneling probabilities of these particles from the rotation and acceleration horizons of these black holes. Using the tunneling method we recover the correct Hawking temperature as well

    Hawking radiation of Dirac particles from black strings

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    Hawking radiation has been studied as a phenomenon of quantum tunneling in different black holes. In this paper we extend this semi-classical approach to cylindrically symmetric black holes. Using the Hamilton-Jacobi method and WKB approximation we calculate the tunneling probabilities of incoming and outgoing Dirac particles from the event horizon and find the Hawking temperature of these black holes. We obtain results both for uncharged as well as charged particles

    Controlling chaos in a Lorenz-like system using feedback

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    We demonstrate that the dynamics of an autonomous chaotic laser can be controlled to a periodic or steady state under self-synchronization. In general, past the chaos threshold the dependence of the laser output on feedback applied to the pump is submerged in the Lorenz-like chaotic pulsation. However there exist specific feedback delays that stabilize the chaos to periodic behavior or even steady state. The range of control depends critically on the feedback delay time and amplitude. Our experimental results are compared with the complex Lorenz equations which show good agreement

    Modeling the Subsurface Structure of Sunspots

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    While sunspots are easily observed at the solar surface, determining their subsurface structure is not trivial. There are two main hypotheses for the subsurface structure of sunspots: the monolithic model and the cluster model. Local helioseismology is the only means by which we can investigate subphotospheric structure. However, as current linear inversion techniques do not yet allow helioseismology to probe the internal structure with sufficient confidence to distinguish between the monolith and cluster models, the development of physically realistic sunspot models are a priority for helioseismologists. This is because they are not only important indicators of the variety of physical effects that may influence helioseismic inferences in active regions, but they also enable detailed assessments of the validity of helioseismic interpretations through numerical forward modeling. In this paper, we provide a critical review of the existing sunspot models and an overview of numerical methods employed to model wave propagation through model sunspots. We then carry out an helioseismic analysis of the sunspot in Active Region 9787 and address the serious inconsistencies uncovered by \citeauthor{gizonetal2009}~(\citeyear{gizonetal2009,gizonetal2009a}). We find that this sunspot is most probably associated with a shallow, positive wave-speed perturbation (unlike the traditional two-layer model) and that travel-time measurements are consistent with a horizontal outflow in the surrounding moat.Comment: 73 pages, 19 figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Heavy quarkonium: progress, puzzles, and opportunities

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    A golden age for heavy quarkonium physics dawned a decade ago, initiated by the confluence of exciting advances in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and an explosion of related experimental activity. The early years of this period were chronicled in the Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) CERN Yellow Report (YR) in 2004, which presented a comprehensive review of the status of the field at that time and provided specific recommendations for further progress. However, the broad spectrum of subsequent breakthroughs, surprises, and continuing puzzles could only be partially anticipated. Since the release of the YR, the BESII program concluded only to give birth to BESIII; the BB-factories and CLEO-c flourished; quarkonium production and polarization measurements at HERA and the Tevatron matured; and heavy-ion collisions at RHIC have opened a window on the deconfinement regime. All these experiments leave legacies of quality, precision, and unsolved mysteries for quarkonium physics, and therefore beg for continuing investigations. The plethora of newly-found quarkonium-like states unleashed a flood of theoretical investigations into new forms of matter such as quark-gluon hybrids, mesonic molecules, and tetraquarks. Measurements of the spectroscopy, decays, production, and in-medium behavior of c\bar{c}, b\bar{b}, and b\bar{c} bound states have been shown to validate some theoretical approaches to QCD and highlight lack of quantitative success for others. The intriguing details of quarkonium suppression in heavy-ion collisions that have emerged from RHIC have elevated the importance of separating hot- and cold-nuclear-matter effects in quark-gluon plasma studies. This review systematically addresses all these matters and concludes by prioritizing directions for ongoing and future efforts.Comment: 182 pages, 112 figures. Editors: N. Brambilla, S. Eidelman, B. K. Heltsley, R. Vogt. Section Coordinators: G. T. Bodwin, E. Eichten, A. D. Frawley, A. B. Meyer, R. E. Mitchell, V. Papadimitriou, P. Petreczky, A. A. Petrov, P. Robbe, A. Vair

    A review on probabilistic graphical models in evolutionary computation

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    Thanks to their inherent properties, probabilistic graphical models are one of the prime candidates for machine learning and decision making tasks especially in uncertain domains. Their capabilities, like representation, inference and learning, if used effectively, can greatly help to build intelligent systems that are able to act accordingly in different problem domains. Evolutionary algorithms is one such discipline that has employed probabilistic graphical models to improve the search for optimal solutions in complex problems. This paper shows how probabilistic graphical models have been used in evolutionary algorithms to improve their performance in solving complex problems. Specifically, we give a survey of probabilistic model building-based evolutionary algorithms, called estimation of distribution algorithms, and compare different methods for probabilistic modeling in these algorithms
