50 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation

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    We address the problem of referring image segmentation that aims to generate a mask for the object specified by a natural language expression. Many recent works utilize Transformer to extract features for the target object by aggregating the attended visual regions. However, the generic attention mechanism in Transformer only uses the language input for attention weight calculation, which does not explicitly fuse language features in its output. Thus, its output feature is dominated by vision information, which limits the model to comprehensively understand the multi-modal information, and brings uncertainty for the subsequent mask decoder to extract the output mask. To address this issue, we propose Multi-Modal Mutual Attention (M3Att\mathrm{M^3Att}) and Multi-Modal Mutual Decoder (M3Dec\mathrm{M^3Dec}) that better fuse information from the two input modalities. Based on {M3Dec\mathrm{M^3Dec}}, we further propose Iterative Multi-modal Interaction (IMI\mathrm{IMI}) to allow continuous and in-depth interactions between language and vision features. Furthermore, we introduce Language Feature Reconstruction (LFR\mathrm{LFR}) to prevent the language information from being lost or distorted in the extracted feature. Extensive experiments show that our proposed approach significantly improves the baseline and outperforms state-of-the-art referring image segmentation methods on RefCOCO series datasets consistently.Comment: IEEE TI

    VGSG: Vision-Guided Semantic-Group Network for Text-based Person Search

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    Text-based Person Search (TBPS) aims to retrieve images of target pedestrian indicated by textual descriptions. It is essential for TBPS to extract fine-grained local features and align them crossing modality. Existing methods utilize external tools or heavy cross-modal interaction to achieve explicit alignment of cross-modal fine-grained features, which is inefficient and time-consuming. In this work, we propose a Vision-Guided Semantic-Group Network (VGSG) for text-based person search to extract well-aligned fine-grained visual and textual features. In the proposed VGSG, we develop a Semantic-Group Textual Learning (SGTL) module and a Vision-guided Knowledge Transfer (VGKT) module to extract textual local features under the guidance of visual local clues. In SGTL, in order to obtain the local textual representation, we group textual features from the channel dimension based on the semantic cues of language expression, which encourages similar semantic patterns to be grouped implicitly without external tools. In VGKT, a vision-guided attention is employed to extract visual-related textual features, which are inherently aligned with visual cues and termed vision-guided textual features. Furthermore, we design a relational knowledge transfer, including a vision-language similarity transfer and a class probability transfer, to adaptively propagate information of the vision-guided textual features to semantic-group textual features. With the help of relational knowledge transfer, VGKT is capable of aligning semantic-group textual features with corresponding visual features without external tools and complex pairwise interaction. Experimental results on two challenging benchmarks demonstrate its superiority over state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TI

    Gradient-Semantic Compensation for Incremental Semantic Segmentation

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    Incremental semantic segmentation aims to continually learn the segmentation of new coming classes without accessing the training data of previously learned classes. However, most current methods fail to address catastrophic forgetting and background shift since they 1) treat all previous classes equally without considering different forgetting paces caused by imbalanced gradient back-propagation; 2) lack strong semantic guidance between classes. To tackle the above challenges, in this paper, we propose a Gradient-Semantic Compensation (GSC) model, which surmounts incremental semantic segmentation from both gradient and semantic perspectives. Specifically, to address catastrophic forgetting from the gradient aspect, we develop a step-aware gradient compensation that can balance forgetting paces of previously seen classes via re-weighting gradient backpropagation. Meanwhile, we propose a soft-sharp semantic relation distillation to distill consistent inter-class semantic relations via soft labels for alleviating catastrophic forgetting from the semantic aspect. In addition, we develop a prototypical pseudo re-labeling that provides strong semantic guidance to mitigate background shift. It produces high-quality pseudo labels for old classes in the background by measuring distances between pixels and class-wise prototypes. Extensive experiments on three public datasets, i.e., Pascal VOC 2012, ADE20K, and Cityscapes, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed GSC model

    Knowledge-aware Deep Framework for Collaborative Skin Lesion Segmentation and Melanoma Recognition

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    Deep learning techniques have shown their superior performance in dermatologist clinical inspection. Nevertheless, melanoma diagnosis is still a challenging task due to the difficulty of incorporating the useful dermatologist clinical knowledge into the learning process. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge-aware deep framework that incorporates some clinical knowledge into collaborative learning of two important melanoma diagnosis tasks, i.e., skin lesion segmentation and melanoma recognition. Specifically, to exploit the knowledge of morphological expressions of the lesion region and also the periphery region for melanoma identification, a lesion-based pooling and shape extraction (LPSE) scheme is designed, which transfers the structure information obtained from skin lesion segmentation into melanoma recognition. Meanwhile, to pass the skin lesion diagnosis knowledge from melanoma recognition to skin lesion segmentation, an effective diagnosis guided feature fusion (DGFF) strategy is designed. Moreover, we propose a recursive mutual learning mechanism that further promotes the inter-task cooperation, and thus iteratively improves the joint learning capability of the model for both skin lesion segmentation and melanoma recognition. Experimental results on two publicly available skin lesion datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed method for melanoma analysis.Comment: Pattern Recognitio

    MeViS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Video Segmentation with Motion Expressions

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    This paper strives for motion expressions guided video segmentation, which focuses on segmenting objects in video content based on a sentence describing the motion of the objects. Existing referring video object datasets typically focus on salient objects and use language expressions that contain excessive static attributes that could potentially enable the target object to be identified in a single frame. These datasets downplay the importance of motion in video content for language-guided video object segmentation. To investigate the feasibility of using motion expressions to ground and segment objects in videos, we propose a large-scale dataset called MeViS, which contains numerous motion expressions to indicate target objects in complex environments. We benchmarked 5 existing referring video object segmentation (RVOS) methods and conducted a comprehensive comparison on the MeViS dataset. The results show that current RVOS methods cannot effectively address motion expression-guided video segmentation. We further analyze the challenges and propose a baseline approach for the proposed MeViS dataset. The goal of our benchmark is to provide a platform that enables the development of effective language-guided video segmentation algorithms that leverage motion expressions as a primary cue for object segmentation in complex video scenes. The proposed MeViS dataset has been released at https://henghuiding.github.io/MeViS.Comment: ICCV 2023, Project Page: https://henghuiding.github.io/MeViS

    Learning-Based Biharmonic Augmentation for Point Cloud Classification

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    Point cloud datasets often suffer from inadequate sample sizes in comparison to image datasets, making data augmentation challenging. While traditional methods, like rigid transformations and scaling, have limited potential in increasing dataset diversity due to their constraints on altering individual sample shapes, we introduce the Biharmonic Augmentation (BA) method. BA is a novel and efficient data augmentation technique that diversifies point cloud data by imposing smooth non-rigid deformations on existing 3D structures. This approach calculates biharmonic coordinates for the deformation function and learns diverse deformation prototypes. Utilizing a CoefNet, our method predicts coefficients to amalgamate these prototypes, ensuring comprehensive deformation. Moreover, we present AdvTune, an advanced online augmentation system that integrates adversarial training. This system synergistically refines the CoefNet and the classification network, facilitating the automated creation of adaptive shape deformations contingent on the learner status. Comprehensive experimental analysis validates the superiority of Biharmonic Augmentation, showcasing notable performance improvements over prevailing point cloud augmentation techniques across varied network designs

    Towards Robust Referring Image Segmentation

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    Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) aims to connect image and language via outputting the corresponding object masks given a text description, which is a fundamental vision-language task. Despite lots of works that have achieved considerable progress for RIS, in this work, we explore an essential question, "what if the description is wrong or misleading of the text description?". We term such a sentence as a negative sentence. However, we find that existing works cannot handle such settings. To this end, we propose a novel formulation of RIS, named Robust Referring Image Segmentation (R-RIS). It considers the negative sentence inputs besides the regularly given text inputs. We present three different datasets via augmenting the input negative sentences and a new metric to unify both input types. Furthermore, we design a new transformer-based model named RefSegformer, where we introduce a token-based vision and language fusion module. Such module can be easily extended to our R-RIS setting by adding extra blank tokens. Our proposed RefSegformer achieves the new state-of-the-art results on three regular RIS datasets and three R-RIS datasets, which serves as a new solid baseline for further research. The project page is at \url{https://lxtgh.github.io/project/robust_ref_seg/}.Comment: technical repor

    Federated Incremental Semantic Segmentation

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    Federated learning-based semantic segmentation (FSS) has drawn widespread attention via decentralized training on local clients. However, most FSS models assume categories are fixed in advance, thus heavily undergoing forgetting on old categories in practical applications where local clients receive new categories incrementally while have no memory storage to access old classes. Moreover, new clients collecting novel classes may join in the global training of FSS, which further exacerbates catastrophic forgetting. To surmount the above challenges, we propose a Forgetting-Balanced Learning (FBL) model to address heterogeneous forgetting on old classes from both intra-client and inter-client aspects. Specifically, under the guidance of pseudo labels generated via adaptive class-balanced pseudo labeling, we develop a forgetting-balanced semantic compensation loss and a forgetting-balanced relation consistency loss to rectify intra-client heterogeneous forgetting of old categories with background shift. It performs balanced gradient propagation and relation consistency distillation within local clients. Moreover, to tackle heterogeneous forgetting from inter-client aspect, we propose a task transition monitor. It can identify new classes under privacy protection and store the latest old global model for relation distillation. Qualitative experiments reveal large improvement of our model against comparison methods. The code is available at https://github.com/JiahuaDong/FISS.Comment: Accepted to CVPR202