2,349 research outputs found

    D-Term Inflation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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    An inflationary stage dominated by a D-term avoids the slow-roll problem of inflation in supergravity and can naturally emerge in theories with a non-anomalous or anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry. In this talk different aspects of D-term inflation are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX file, uses sprocl.sty. Based on the invited plenary talk given at the COSMO97 Conference, Ambleside, England, September 15-19 1997 and on the talk given at the Phenomenological Aspects of Superstring Theories (PAST97) Conference, ICTP Trieste, Italy, October 2-4 1997. To appear in the Proceeding

    The Nature of Corporate Governance: The Significance of National Cultural Identity

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    This book presents a thoughtful inquiry into the nature and rationale of corporate governance. The authors address fundamental questions including; What is the balance between ownership and control?; For whose interests should the company be run?; What is the institutional balance between shareholders, directors and other potential stakeholders, including the economy

    Multigraviton Scattering in the Matrix Model

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    We consider scattering processes in the matrix model with three incoming and three outgoing gravitons. We find a discrepancy between the amplitude calculated from the matrix model and the supergravity prediction. Possible sources for this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, latex, references adde

    On Witten's Instability and Winding Tachyons

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    We investigate, from a spacetime perspective, some aspects of Horowitz's recent conjecture that black strings may catalyze the decay of Kaluza-Klein spacetimes into a bubble of nothing. We identify classical configurations that interpolate between flat space and the bubble, and discuss the energetics of the transition. We investigate the effects of winding tachyons on the size and shape of the barrier and find no evidence at large compactification radius that tachyons enhance the tunneling rate. For the interesting radii, of order the string scale, the question is difficult to answer due to the failure of the α′\alpha^\prime expansion.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Renormalization in General Gauge Mediation

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    We revisit General Gauge Mediation (GGM) in light of the supersymmetric (linear) sigma model by utilizing the current superfield. The current superfield in the GGM is identified with supersymmetric extension of the vector symmetry current of the sigma model while spontaneous breakdown of supersymmetry in the GGM corresponds to soft breakdown of the axial vector symmetry of the sigma model. We first derive the current superfield from the supersymmetric linear sigma model and then compute 2-point functions of the current superfield using the (anti-)commutation relations of the messenger component fields. After the global symmetry are weakly gauged, the 2-point functions of the current superfield are identified with a part of the 2-point functions of the associated vector superfield. We renormalize them by dimensional regularization and show that physical gaugino and sfermion masses of the MSSM are expressed in terms of the wavefunction renormalization constants of the component fields of the vector superfield.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Implications of Low Energy Supersymmetry Breaking at the Tevatron

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    The signatures for low energy supersymmetry breaking at the Tevatron are investigated. It is natural that the lightest standard model superpartner is an electroweak neutralino, which decays to an essentially massless Goldstino and photon, possibly within the detector. In the simplest models of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, the production of right-handed sleptons, neutralinos, and charginos leads to a pair of hard photons accompanied by leptons and/or jets with missing transverse energy. The relatively hard leptons and softer photons of the single e^+e^- \gamma \gamma + \EmissT event observed by CDF implies this event is best interpreted as arising from left-handed slepton pair production. In this case the rates for l^{\pm} \gamma \gamma + \EmissT and \gamma \gamma + \EmissT are comparable to that for l^+l^- \gamma \gamma + \EmissT.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, tables correcte

    Symmetric Points in the Landscape as Cosmological Attractors

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    In the landscape, if there is to be any prospect of scientific prediction, it is crucial that there be states which are distinguished in some way. The obvious candidates are states which exhibit symmetries. Here we focus on states which exhibit discrete symmetries. Such states are rare, but one can speculate that they are cosmological attractors. We investigate the problem in model landscapes and cosmologies which capture some of the features of candidate flux landscapes. In non-supersymmetric theories we find no evidence that such states might be cosmologically favored. In supersymmetric theories, simple arguments suggest that states which exhibit RR symmetries might be. Our considerations lead us to raise questions about some popular models of eternal inflation.Comment: 27 pages, latex, minor typo correcte

    Remarks on the Racetrack Scheme

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    There are only a small number of ideas for stabilizing the moduli of string theory. One of the most appealing of these is the racetrack mechanism, in which a delicate interplay between two strongly interacting gauge groups fixes the value of the coupling constant. In this note, we explore this scenario. We find that quite generally, some number of discrete tunings are required in order that the mechanism yield a small gauge coupling. Even then, there is no sense in which a weak coupling approximation is valid. On the other hand, certain holomorphic quantities can be computed, so such a scheme is in principle predictive. Searching for models which realize this mechanism is thus of great interest. We also remark on cosmology in these schemes.Comment: 20 pp, latex, discussion of calculability modifie

    Electroweak Symmetry Breaking due to Confinement

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    Within the framework of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, we consider an electroweak symmetry breaking pattern in which there is no conventional ÎĽ\mu term. The pattern is made appealing through realizing it as low energy effective description of a supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory which is of confinement. Phenomenological implications are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, no figure, the discussion on effective superpotential refine
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