32 research outputs found

    PUMA2—grid-based high-throughput analysis of genomes and metabolic pathways

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    The PUMA2 system (available at ) is an interactive, integrated bioinformatics environment for high-throughput genetic sequence analysis and metabolic reconstructions from sequence data. PUMA2 provides a framework for comparative and evolutionary analysis of genomic data and metabolic networks in the context of taxonomic and phenotypic information. Grid infrastructure is used to perform computationally intensive tasks. PUMA2 currently contains precomputed analysis of 213 prokaryotic, 22 eukaryotic, 650 mitochondrial and 1493 viral genomes and automated metabolic reconstructions for >200 organisms. Genomic data is annotated with information integrated from >20 sequence, structural and metabolic databases and ontologies. PUMA2 supports both automated and interactive expert-driven annotation of genomes, using a variety of publicly available bioinformatics tools. It also contains a suite of unique PUMA2 tools for automated assignment of gene function, evolutionary analysis of protein families and comparative analysis of metabolic pathways. PUMA2 allows users to submit batch sequence data for automated functional analysis and construction of metabolic models. The results of these analyses are made available to the users in the PUMA2 environment for further interactive sequence analysis and annotation

    A case study for cloud based high throughput analysis of NGS data using the globus genomics system

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    AbstractNext generation sequencing (NGS) technologies produce massive amounts of data requiring a powerful computational infrastructure, high quality bioinformatics software, and skilled personnel to operate the tools. We present a case study of a practical solution to this data management and analysis challenge that simplifies terabyte scale data handling and provides advanced tools for NGS data analysis. These capabilities are implemented using the “Globus Genomics” system, which is an enhanced Galaxy workflow system made available as a service that offers users the capability to process and transfer data easily, reliably and quickly to address end-to-endNGS analysis requirements. The Globus Genomics system is built on Amazon's cloud computing infrastructure. The system takes advantage of elastic scaling of compute resources to run multiple workflows in parallel and it also helps meet the scale-out analysis needs of modern translational genomics research

    Experiences Building Globus Genomics: A Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Service using Galaxy, Globus, and Amazon Web Services

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    ABSTRACT We describe Globus Genomics, a system that we have developed for rapid analysis of large quantities of next-generation sequencing (NGS) genomic data. This system achieves a high degree of end-to-end automation that encompasses every stage of data analysis including initial data retrieval from remote sequencing centers or storage (via the Globus file transfer system); specification, configuration, and reuse of multi-step processing pipelines (via the Galaxy workflow system); creation of custom Amazon Machine Images and on-demand resource acquisition via a specialized elastic provisioner (on Amazon EC2); and efficient scheduling of these pipelines over many processors (via the HTCondor scheduler). The system allows biomedical researchers to perform rapid analysis of large NGS datasets in a fully automated manner, without software installation or a need for any local computing infrastructure. We report performance and cost results for some representative workloads

    Reproducible big data science: A case study in continuous FAIRness.

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    Big biomedical data create exciting opportunities for discovery, but make it difficult to capture analyses and outputs in forms that are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). In response, we describe tools that make it easy to capture, and assign identifiers to, data and code throughout the data lifecycle. We illustrate the use of these tools via a case study involving a multi-step analysis that creates an atlas of putative transcription factor binding sites from terabytes of ENCODE DNase I hypersensitive sites sequencing data. We show how the tools automate routine but complex tasks, capture analysis algorithms in understandable and reusable forms, and harness fast networks and powerful cloud computers to process data rapidly, all without sacrificing usability or reproducibility-thus ensuring that big data are not hard-to-(re)use data. We evaluate our approach via a user study, and show that 91% of participants were able to replicate a complex analysis involving considerable data volumes

    Gut microbiome-based dietary intervention in Parkinson disease subject: A case report

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    A 54-year-old woman was seeking medical treatment for Parkinson disease (PD) in the neurology outpatient department in JSS Hospital, Mysore, India. She was challenged in terms of reduced mobility and had sought several treatment options to control her PD symptoms without successful outcome. After examination and confirmation of diagnosis, the decision was taken to design a precision nutritional intervention using a gut microbiome-based diet combined with medical treatment. After 2 months of a superfood dietary intervention, the patient showed signs of clinical improvement as evidenced by improved mobility and a change in the Hoehn and Yahr clinical severity scale from stages 3 to 2. In conclusion, it is possible to modulate the gut microbiome to reverse the established gut dysbiosis associated with the neurodegenerative process in PD, which can lead to clinical benefit by reducing functional disability

    Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, 1–6

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    GNARE—a grid-based server for the analysis of user submitted genome