2 research outputs found

    The diverse world of career guidance

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    This book is the product of an EU funded project involving parterns from The Czech Republic, Denmark and the United Kingdom. The book contains personal reflections of career guidance provision and activities in which theory and practice are united through the eyes of experienced practitioners from a range of guidance settings. This book is aimed at both established and new guidance practitionersEU Erasmus

    A Practitioner's Guide to Uncharted Waters of Career Counselling, a Critical Reflection Perspective

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    This is a practical book intended for career practitioners working with young people in schools and other institutions providing career guidance and counselling. The aim is to offer practitioners support so that they can feel empowered in their roles as career counsellors, and are able to take care of themselves and gain new ideas for their practice. The book is one output of an Erasmus funded project which invovled partners from the UK, Denmark, Greece, Spain and the Czech Republic.The research is sponsored by the Erasmus + programme of the European Unio