14 research outputs found

    Effect of Weeds and Some Methods for their Control in Seed Production Stands of Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.)

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    During the 2007-2009 period in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Cropsa study was conducted with the purpose of investigating the effect of weeds and somemethods for their control in seed production stands of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.).The trial was carried out on a slightly leached chernozem on an area with a natural backgroundof weed infestation. As a result of the study it was found:Establishment of very uniform and productive seed production stands of sainfoinrequired effective weed control concentrated mainly in the first year when the degree ofweed infestation was the highest and reached to a number of 245 plants/m2 and the freshweed biomass to 1311 g/m2.The chemical control method showed the highest efficacy had the highest efficiencywhen, in the year of stand establishment at the stage of second-fourth true leaf of sainfoin,the treatment was conducted with imazamox 40g/l (Pulsar 40) at the dose of 48 g a.i./haor with the system of Bentazon 600 g/l (Basagran 600 SL) – 900 g a.i./ha – fluazifop-P-butylg/l (Fusilad Forte) – 120 g a.i./ha. In the years of seed production in spring at the beginningof vegetation, the treatment was conducted with imazamox 40 g/l (Pulsar 40) at the doseof 20 g a.i./ha + adjuvant DESH at the dose of 1000 ml/ha.An alternative to the chemical method is to sow sainfoin under cover of spring barleyachieving more complete use of the area in the first year, a weed suppressive and ecologicaleffect, but some negative residual effect on the crop was also observed;The pure stands of sainfoin with chemical control of weeds had the highest seed productivity,exceeding the zero check by 24 to 28%, followed by the stands with spring barleyas a cover crop with an increase of 12% and the mixed stands of sainfoin with crestedwheatgrass had the lowest productivity

    Uticaj korova i metoda njihovog suzbijanja na proizvodnju semena esparzete (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.)

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    During the 2007-2009 period in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops a study was conducted with the purpose of investigating the effect of weeds and some methods for their control in seed production stands of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.). The trial was carried out on a slightly leached chernozem on an area with a natural background of weed infestation. As a result of the study it was found: Establishment of very uniform and productive seed production stands of sainfoin required effective weed control concentrated mainly in the first year when the degree of weed infestation was the highest and reached to a number of 245 plants/m2 and the fresh weed biomass to 1311 g/m2. The chemical control method showed the highest efficacy had the highest efficiency when, in the year of stand establishment at the stage of second-fourth true leaf of sainfoin, the treatment was conducted with imazamox 40g/l (Pulsar 40) at the dose of 48 g a.i./ha or with the system of Bentazon 600 g/l (Basagran 600 SL) – 900 g a.i./ha – fluazifop-P-butyl g/l (Fusilad Forte) – 120 g a.i./ha. In the years of seed production in spring at the beginning of vegetation, the treatment was conducted with imazamox 40 g/l (Pulsar 40) at the dose of 20 g a.i./ha + adjuvant DESH at the dose of 1000 ml/ha. An alternative to the chemical method is to sow sainfoin under cover of spring barley achieving more complete use of the area in the first year, a weed suppressive and ecological effect, but some negative residual effect on the crop was also observed; The pure stands of sainfoin with chemical control of weeds had the highest seed productivity, exceeding the zero check by 24 to 28%, followed by the stands with spring barley as a cover crop with an increase of 12% and the mixed stands of sainfoin with crested wheatgrass had the lowest productivity.U periodu 2007-2009. godine na eksperimentalnim parcelama Instituta za krmno bilje, Pleven, Bugarska, ispitivan je uticaj korova i nekih metoda njihovog suzbijanja na proizvodnju semena esparzete (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.). Istraživanja su obavljena na zemljištu tipa degradirani černozem pri zatečenom nivou zakorovljenosti parcela. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti sledeće: • zasnivanje uniformnih i visokoproduktivnih useva za proizvodnju semena esparzete zahtevalo je efikasno suzbijanje korova, prvenstveno u prvoj godini, kada je stepen zakorovljenosti bio najveći i dostizao 245 biljaka/m2, a sveža biomasa korova 1311 g/m2; • hemijsko suzbijanje korova je bilo najefikasnije u godini zasnivanja useva i u fazi kada je esparzeta imala 2-4 lista, tretiranjem imazamoksom 40 g/l (Pulsar 40) u količini 48 g a.m./ha ili mešavinom Bentazon 600 g/l (Basagran 600 SL) – 900 g a.m./ha – fluazifop- P-butyl g/l (Fusilad Forte) – 120 g a.m./ha. U godinama proizvodnje semena, na početku vegetacije u proleće, hemijsko suzbijanje je rađeno imazamoksom 40 g/l (Pulsar 40) u količini od 20 g a.m./ha + okvašivač DESH u količini od 1000 ml/ha; • alternativa hemijskoj metodi suzbijanja korova je setva jarog ječma kao pokrovnog useva. U ovom slučaju je postignuto suzbijanje korova ali su zabeleženi negativni rezidualni efekti na usevu; • produktivnost proizvodnje semena je bila najveća (24-28%) pri hemijskom suzbijanju korova u usevu esparzete, nešto manja (12%) pri setvi jarog ječma kao pokrovnog useva, a najmanja u usevu esparzete i češljaste pirevine

    Biološka efikasnost herbicida u suzbijanju korova na strništu

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    An increasing problem facing agricultural producers is the invasion of weeds, perennial in particular, so that implementation of industrial technologies is impossible without their highly efficient and rational control. For the purpose of studying efficient herbicides for weed control in noncropped areas (stubbles), a biological study of five total systemic herbicides was conducted in areas under natural weed infestation and pressure from other surrounding weeds at the Institute of Forage Crops in Pleven in 2005-2007. The trials were carried out in field conditions using the block method with plot size of 20 m². Treatment was conducted at the predominant stage of budding of perennial dicotyledonous weeds and earing of monocotyledonous weeds. Herbicidal efficacy was recorded on the EWRS 9-score scale (0-100% killed weeds = score 9-1). It was found that treatment of noncropped areas (stubbles) with the total systemic herbicides Touchdown System 4 (360 g/l glyphosate); Cosmic (360 g/l glyphosate); Roundup Plus (441 g/l glyphosate potassium salt); Leon 36 SL (360 g/l glyphosate) and Glyphos Super 45 SL (450 g/l glyphosate) was highly efficient, so that it was a successful element of a strategy for controlling weeds of different biological groups, and was especially effective against perennial weeds.Poljoprivredni proizvođači se sve češće suočavaju sa problemom invazije korova, naročito višegodišnjih, tako da je primena industrijske tehnologije nemoguća bez njihovog efikasnog i racionalnog uklanjanja. Da bi se ispitala efikasnost herbicida u suzbijanju korova na neobrađenim površinama (strništima), tokom perioda 2005-2007. godine, u Institutu za krmno bilje u Plevenu sproveli smo biološko istraživanje pet totalnih sistemskih herbicida na površinama sa prirodnom infestacijom i drugim korovima u okruženju. Ogledi su izvedeni u polju, a korišćen je blok sistem sa veličinom elementarne parcele od 20 m². Tretmani su izvedeni u stadijumu pupoljka kod višegodišnjih dikotiledonih korova i u stadijumu klasanja kod monokotiledonih korova. Efikasnost herbicida je merena na skali EWRS od 9 poena (0-100% uništenih korova = ocene 9-1). Rezultati pokazuju da su tretmani neobrađenih područja (strništa) totalnim sistemskim herbicidima Touchdown System 4 (360 g/l glifosat); Cosmic (360 g/l glifosat); Roundup Plus (441 g/l glifosat kalijumova so); Leon 36 SL (360 g/l glifosat) i Glyphos Super 45 SL (450 g/l glifosat) postigli visoku efikasnost, tako da predstavljaju uspešan element u strategiji suzbijanja korova iz različitih bioloških grupa, s tim da je najznačajniji rezultat postignut kod višegodišnjih korova

    Selectivity of Some Herbicides to Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), Grown for Seed Production

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    During the period 2008-2010, on the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven, on slightly leached chernozem a study was conducted with the purpose to determine the selectivity of some herbicides to perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and theirinfluence on the seed productivity. As a result of the study the following was found: herbicides for broadleaf weeds control – Arat (500 g/l dicamba + 250 g/l tritosulfuron) at rate of 100 ml/ha, Korida 75 VDG (750 g/kg tribenuron-methyl) – 15 g/ha and Cambio SL (320 g/l bentazone + 90 g/l dicamba) – 1250 ml/ha had high selectivity to perennial ryegrass, applied at 2-4 leaf stage during establishing year of the stand and until the stage of the beginning of shooting up in seed production year. Herbicide for grass weeds control: Topik 080EK (80 g/l clodinafop-prop-argyl + antidote) at rate of 300 ml/ha, applied at the same stage can be applied in seed production stands of perennial ryegrass. Herbicide for grass weeds control – Grasp 25SK (250 g/l tralkoxydim) + Atplus 463 at rate of 1000 + 1000 ml/ha showed phytotoxic effect on L. perenne and caused the reduction of seed and dry biomass productivity. Realization of the biological potential concerning seed and dry mass yield of perennial ryegrass demands application of selective herbicides Arat, Korida 75 VDG and Cambio SL in control of broadleaf weeds and Topik 080EK in control of grass weeds

    Selektivnost nekih herbicida prema engleskom ljulju (Lolium perenne L.), gajenom za proizvodnju semena

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    During the period 2008-2010, on the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven, on slightly leached chernozem a study was conducted with the purpose to determine the selectivity of some herbicides to perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and their influence on the seed productivity. As a result of the study the following was found: herbicides for broadleaf weeds control – Arat (500 g/l dicamba + 250 g/l tritosulfuron) at rate of 100 ml/ha, Korida 75 VDG (750 g/kg tribenuron-methyl) – 15 g/ha and Cambio SL (320 g/l bentazone + 90 g/l dicamba) – 1250 ml/ha had high selectivity to perennial ryegrass, applied at 2-4 leaf stage during establishing year of the stand and until the stage of the beginning of shooting up in seed production year. Herbicide for grass weeds control: Topik 080EK (80 g/l clodinafop-prop-argyl + antidote) at rate of 300 ml/ha, applied at the same stage can be applied in seed production stands of perennial ryegrass. Herbicide for grass weeds control – Grasp 25SK (250 g/l tralkoxydim) + Atplus 463 at rate of 1000 + 1000 ml/ ha showed phytotoxic effect on L. perenne and caused the reduction of seed and dry biomass productivity. Realization of the biological potential concerning seed and dry mass yield of perennial ryegrass demands application of selective herbicides Arat, Korida 75 VDG and Cambio SL in control of broadleaf weeds and Topik 080EK in control of grass weeds.Tokom 2008-2010, na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za krmno bilje, Pleven, na slabo propusnom černozemu sprovedeno je istraživanje sa ciljem da se utvrdi selektivnost nekih herbicida prema engleskom ljulju (Lolium perenne L.) i njihov uticaj na prinos semena. Kao rezultat istraživanja dobijeno je sledeće: herbicidi za suzbijanje širokolisnih korova – Arat (500 g/l dicamba + 250 g/l tritosulfuron) u količini primene 100 ml/ha, Korida 75 VDG (750 g/kg tribenuron- methyl) – 15 g/ha i Cambio SL (320 g/l bentazone + 90 g/l dicamba) – 1250 ml/ha ispoljili su visoku selektivnost prema engleskom ljulju, kada su primenjeni u fazi 2-4 lista prilikom zasnivanja useva i u kasnijim godinama gajenja. Herbicid namenjen za suzbijanje travnih korova: Topik 080EK (80 g/l clodinafop-prop-argyl + antidote) u količini primene 300 ml/ha, kada se primeni u istoj fazi može da se koristi u engleskom ljulju za proizvodnju semena. Herbicid za suzbijanje travnih korova – Grasp 25SK (250 g/l tralkoxydim) + Atplus 463 u količini primene 1000 + 1000 ml/ha ispoljio je fitotoksičan efekat na L. perenne i prouzrokovao smanjenje prinosa semena i suve biomase. Realizacija biološkog potencijala u vezi sa prinosom semena i suve mase engleskog ljulja zahteva primenu selektivnih herbicida Arat, Korida 75 VDG i Cambio SL u suzbijanju širokolisnih korova i Topik 080EK u suzbijanju travnih korova

    Selektivnost nekih herbicida prema jeĹľevici (Dactylis glomerata L.) gajenoj za proizvodnju semena

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    The study was conducted to determine selectivity of some herbicides to cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), and their influence on the seed production, during the years 2008- 2010. The trial was set on the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven, on slightly leached chernozem. As a result of the research the following was found: herbicides Arat (500 g/l dicamba + 250 g/l tritosulfuron) at the dose of 100 ml/ha, Korida 75 VDG (750 g/kg tribenuron-methyl) – 15 g/ha and Cambio SL (320 g/l bentazon + 90 g/l dicamba) – 1250 ml/ha and Grasp 25SK (250 g/l tralkoxyidim) + Atplus at rate of 1000 + 1000 ml/ha had high selectivity to cocksfoot, applied at 2-4 leaf stage during establishing year of the stand, and until the stage of the beginning of shooting up in seed production year. Herbicide Topik 080EK (80 g/l clodinofop – propargyl + antidote) at rate of 300 ml/ha, showed phytotoxic effect to D. glomerata and caused the reduction of seed and dry biomass productivity.U periodu 2008-2010. godine ispitivana je selektivnost nekih herbicida prema gajenoj ježevici (Dactylis glomerata L.) i njihov uticaj na produkciju semena. Ogled je postavljen na eksperimentalnim površinama Institute of Forage Crops, Plovdiv, na blago ispranom černozemu. Na osnovu izvedenih istraživanja konstatovano je sledeće: herbicidi Arat (550 g/l dikamba + 250 g/l tritosulfuron) primenjen u količini 100 ml/ha, Korida 75 VDG (750 g/kg tribenuron- metil) – 15 g/ha, Cambio SL (320 g/l bentazon + 90 g/l dikamba) – 1250 ml/ha i Grasp 25SK (250 g/l tralkoksidim) + Atplus u količini 1000 + 1000 ml/ha, primenjeni u fazi 2-4 lista u godini zasnivanja ježevice i do početka vlatanja u godini proizvodnje semena, pokazali su visok stepen selektivnosti prema ježevici. Herbicid Topik 080EK (80 g/l klodinofop-propargil + antidot) u količini primene 300 ml/ ha, izazvao je fototoksične efekte na D. glomerata koji su se odrazili na smanjenu produkciju semena i nižu produktivnost suve biomase

    Selektivnost nekih herbicida prema pirevini (Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schultes) tokom zasnivanja useva i produkcije semena

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    A study was conducted in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven on a slightly leached chernozem soil in 2011-2012 to determine the selectivity of some herbicides to standard wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schultes) during stand establishment and its seed production. The study had the following results: the herbicides Kambio SL (320 g/l bentazone + 90 g/l dicamba) – 1250 ml/ha; Kalam (125 g/l tritosulfuron + 600 g/kg dicamba) – 200 g/ha; Lintur 70 WG (4.1% triasulfuron + 65.9% dicamba) – 150 g/ha, and Axial 050ЕK (50 g/l pinoxaden) – 600 ml/ha showed high selectivity to standard wheatgrass when applied at the stage of 3-4 leaves during the year of stand establishment; the herbicides Imaspro (69 g/l fenoxaprop-P-ethyl+antidote) and Stelar (50 g/l topramezone + 160 g/l dicamba), each applied at the rate of 1000 ml/ha, caused phytotoxicity (scores from 4 to 6), while Termidor (40 g/l nicosulfuron) – 1250 ml/ha completely destroyed the crop (score 9); the herbicides Kambio SL; Kalam; Lintur 70WG and Axial 050ЕK applied at the same doses at the stage from spring growth to the beginning of shooting up in the seed production year had a high selectivity to standard wheatgrass and could be applied in seed production stands without negative influence on seed productivity. The herbicide Termidor was very phytotoxic (scores from 3 to 7) and prevented the formation of generative stems.U Institutu za krmno bilje Pleven sprovedeno je istraživanje na blago izluženom tipu zemljišta tokom 2011-2012. godine kako bi se utvrdila selektivnost nekih herbicida prema pirevini (Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schultes) tokom perioda zasnivanja useva i produkcije semena. Zabeleženi su sledeći rezultati: herbicidi Kambio SL (320 g/l bentazon + 90 g/l dikamba) – 1250 ml/ha; Kalam (125 g/l tritosulfuron + 600 g/kg dikamba) – 200 g/ha; Lintur 70 WG (4.1% triasulfuron + 65.9% dikamba) – 150 g/ha i Axial 050ЕK (50 g/l pinoksaden) – 600 ml/ha su pokazali visoku selektivnost prema pirevini u fazi 3-4 lista tokom godine zasnivanja useva; herbicidi Imaspro (69 g/l fenoksaprop-P-etil+antidot) and Stelar (50 g/l topramezon + 160g/l dikamba) primenjeni u dozi 1000 ml/ha izazvali su fitotoksičnost (ocene od 4 do 6), dok je Termidor (40 g/l nikosulfuron) – 1250 ml/ha potpuno uništio usev (ocena 9); herbicidi Kambio SL, Kalam, Lintur 70WG i Axial 050ЕK primenjeni u istoj dozi u fazi od prolećnog nicanja do početka izbijanja izdanka u godini produkcije semena imali su visoku selektivnost prema pirevini, tako da se mogu primenjivati u zasadima za produkciju semena bez negativnog uticaja na produktivnost semena. Herbicid Termidor je pokazao veoma visoku fitotoksičnost (ocene od 3 do 7) i sprečio je formiranje generativnih izdanaka

    Effects of Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa pastoris (L.) Medic.) on the Chemical Composition of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)

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    SUMMARY A study was conducted in a pure stand of lucerne (variety Viktoria) Statistically significant (P<0.05) functional relations were found between the chemical characteristics and percentage of Capsella bursa pastoris (L.) Medic. participation in the lucerne sward, and forage quality. These relations indicated a multiple practical relevance and a necessity to control Capsella bursa pastoris (L.) Medic. in lucerne stands in order to decrease weed density and improve forage quality

    Selectivity of Some Herbicides to Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), Grown for Seed Production

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    The study was conducted to determine selectivity of some herbicides to cocksfoot(Dactylis glomerata L.), and their influence on the seed production, during the years 2008-2010. The trial was set on the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven, onslightly leached chernozem. As a result of the research the following was found: herbicidesArat (500 g/l dicamba + 250 g/l tritosulfuron) at the dose of 100 ml/ha, Korida 75 VDG (750g/kg tribenuron-methyl) – 15 g/ha and Cambio SL (320 g/l bentazon + 90 g/l dicamba) –1250 ml/ha and Grasp 25SK (250 g/l tralkoxyidim) + Atplus at rate of 1000 + 1000 ml/ha hadhigh selectivity to cocksfoot, applied at 2-4 leaf stage during establishing year of the stand,and until the stage of the beginning of shooting up in seed production year.Herbicide Topik 080EK (80 g/l clodinofop – propargyl + antidote) at rate of 300 ml/ha,showed phytotoxic effect to D. glomerata and caused the reduction of seed and dry biomassproductivity