2 research outputs found
Alexandre Yersin's explorations (1892-1894) in French Indochina before the discovery of the plague bacillus.
Alexandre Yersin, the great French discoverer of yersinia pestis, was a keen explorer of unknown lands. At the age of 30, a member of the French Colonial Health service, he set off to fulfil his intimate dream and explore other continents. For almost two years and three long expeditions, he journeyed through widely unknown regions in the province of the French Indochina, in southeast Asia, territories of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. This article presents vignettes from his explorations. During his difficult travels, he carefully planned and noted his itineraries; designed new routes, but also observed and recorded sociodemographic and environmental data and unidentified diseases. The immature science of late 19th century geography had the strength to allure such an influential medical figure and place him among the early medical geographers. His journeys, observations and recordings brought to Yersin great experience, and he made his most important scientific contributions after he had concluded his explorations
Istraživanja Alexandrea Yersina (1892.–1894.) u francuskoj Indokini prije otkrića bacila kuge
Alexandre Yersin, the great French discoverer of yersinia pestis, was a keen explorer of unknown lands. At the age of 30, a member of the French Colonial Health service, he set off to fulfil his intimate dream and explore other continents. For almost two years and three long expeditions, he journeyed through widely unknown regions in the province of the French indochina, in southeast Asia, territories of vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. This article presents vignettes from his explorations. during his difficult travels, he carefully planned and noted his itineraries; designed new routes, but also observed and recorded sociodemographic and environmental data and unidentified diseases. The immature science of late 19th century geography had the strength to allure such an influential medical figure and place him among the early medical geographers. His journeys, observations and recordings brought to yersin great experience, and he made his most important scientific contributions after he had con¬cluded his explorations.Alexandre Yersin, veliki francuski istraživač koji je otkrio Yersiniju pestis, strastveno je istraživao nepoznate zemlje. U dobi od trideset godina, kao član francuske kolonijalne zdravstvene službe, krenuo je u ostvarenje svoga intimnoga sna – istražiti druge kontinente. U gotovo dvije godine i tri duge ekspedicije proputovao je golema nepoznata prostrans¬tva jugoistočne Azije: Francusku indokinu, vijetnam, Kambodžu i Laos. ovaj članak donosi skice s njegovih istraživanja. Tijekom tih zahtjevnih putovanja pažljivo je planirao i ucrtavao itinerare, smišljao nove rute i pratio i bilježio sociodemografske i ekološke podatke te nepoznate bolesti. Geografija XiX. stoljeća, koja je još bila u povojima, privukla je ovu u medicinskim krugovima utjecajnu ličnost te ga svrstala među prve medicinske geografe. yersinu su putovanja, opažanja i bilješke donijela golemo iskustvo, a do svojih je najvažnijih znanstvenih otkrića došao nakon što je prestao putovati