3 research outputs found

    QoS awareness support in Web-Service semantics

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    Web Services (WSs) are a new breed of web application that have brought out quite challenging research issues. One of these is the establishment of an interoperable semantic framework suitable to represent all potential features of WSs. Apart from the functional properties that have already been modeled via standardized tools, there are also the nonfunctional features of WSs i.e. their Quality-of-Service, which in most cases are not included in the WS description. Nevertheless, integrating QoS features in WS profiles is to the advantage of both users and providers, as it supports QoS-aware WS selection and composition addressing the user’s QoS requirements, while enabling WS providers to increase their profit in the e-business domain. This paper is concerned with the creation of a QoS ontology framework adequate for WS provision. It has sprang from the work carried ou

    A QoS Ontology Language for Web-Services

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    Recently, Web Services (WSs) have evolved to a quite popular research field. Nevertheless, there are obstacles that prevent the introduction of WS provision in the wide market. Among these is the inability to represent the non-functional features of WSs, i.e. their Quality-of-Service. Integrating QoS features in WS profiles is to the advantage of both users and providers, as it enables QoS-aware WS selection and composition addressing the user’s QoS requirements and objectives, while giving WS providers a significant competitive advantage in the e-business domain, also maximizing their resources ’ utilization. This paper focuses on the formulation of a QoS ontology framework that is used to support QoS-aware WS provision. It is based on work carried out in the IST-Amigo 1 Integrated Project for Ambient Intelligence (AmI) homes, which, exploiting heterogeneous technologies and infrastructures, aims to develop an open, standardized, interoperable middleware for the provision of QoS-aware AmI WSs to domestic users. 1