5 research outputs found

    Properties of slow-and fast-twitch skeletal muscle from mice with an inherited capacity for hypoxic exercise

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    Abstract Muscle fiber type, myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform composition, capillary density (CD) and citrate synthase (CS) activity were investigated in predominantly slow-twitch (soleus or SOL) and fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus or EDL) skeletal muscle from mice with inherited differences in hypoxic exercise tolerance. Striking differences in hypoxic exercise tolerance previously have been found in two inbred strains of mice, Balb/cByJ (C) and C57BL/6J (B6), and their F1 hybrid following exposure to hypobaric hypoxia. Mice from the three strains were exposed for 8 weeks to either normobaric normoxia or hypobaric hypoxia (1/2 atm). Hypoxia exposure led to a slightly higher 2b fiber composition and a lower fiber area of types 1 and 2a in SOL of all mice. In the EDL, muscle fiber and MHC isoform composition remained unaffected by chronic hypoxia. Chronic hypoxia did not significantly affect CD in either muscle from any of the three strains. There were relatively larger differences in CS activity among strains and treatment, and in SOL the highest CS activity was found in the F1 mice that had been acclimated to hypoxia. In general, however, neither differences among strains nor treatment in these properties of muscle vary in a way that clearly relates to inherited hypoxic exercise tolerance.

    The Initiation and Early Stages of Postmolt Mineralization in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus

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    Crabs are encased in a rigid exoskeleton or cuticle that is hardened by both protein crosslinking and calcification. In order to grow, the exoskeleton must be periodically molted. The two outermost layers of the exoskeleton of crabs are deposited prior to the molt, but remain uncalcified until the animal sheds its old exoskeleton. The inhibition of premolt calcification and initiation of postmolt calcification are effected by biochemical changes in the organic matrix. In the 2 h after the molt, sugar moieties are enzymatically altered on cuticular glycoproteins by an N-acetylhexosaminidase secreted by the underlying epithelium. These alterations appear to unmask nucleation sites that allow calcification to commence. The initial deposition of mineral is in the form of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). As postmolt calcification continues and the principal layer (endocuticle) is deposited and mineralized, the ACC is largely converted to or overgrown by calcite. Prior to the onset of ACC deposition, silicon has been detected in those areas of the exoskeleton that are about to undergo mineralization. As calcification proceeds, silicon is no longer detected. It is hypothesized that silicon is involved in the stabilization of ACC by destabilizing the crystal lattice of calcite before it undergoes the transition to or is overgrown by crystalline calcite

    A skeletal muscle model of extreme hypertrophic growth reveals the influence of diffusion on cellular design

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    Muscle fibers that power swimming in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus are <80 μm in diameter in juveniles but grow hypertrophically, exceeding 600 μm in adults. Therefore, intracellular diffusion distances become progressively greater as the animals grow and, in adults, vastly exceed those in most cells. This developmental trajectory makes C. sapidus an excellent model for characterization of the influence of diffusion on fiber structure. The anaerobic light fibers, which power burst swimming, undergo a prominent shift in organelle distribution with growth. Mitochondria, which require O2 and rely on the transport of small, rapidly diffusing metabolites, are evenly distributed throughout the small fibers of juveniles, but in the large fibers of adults they are located almost exclusively at the fiber periphery where O2 concentrations are high. Nuclei, which do not require O2, but rely on the transport of large, slow-moving macromolecules, have the inverse pattern: they are distributed peripherally in small fibers but are evenly distributed across the large fibers, thereby reducing diffusion path lengths for large macromolecules. The aerobic dark fibers, which power endurance swimming, have evolved an intricate network of cytoplasmically isolated, highly perfused subdivisions that create the short diffusion distances needed to meet the high aerobic ATP turnover demands of sustained contraction. However, fiber innervation patterns are the same in the dark and light fibers. Thus the dark fibers appear to have disparate functional units for metabolism (fiber subdivision) and contraction (entire fiber). Reaction-diffusion mathematical models demonstrate that diffusion would greatly constrain the rate of metabolic processes without these developmental changes in fiber structure