5 research outputs found

    Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Chronic Warming on Nitrogen (N)-Uptake Rate, -Assimilation, and -Concentration of Wheat

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    The concentration of nitrogen (N) in vegetative tissues is largely dependent on the balance among growth, root N uptake, and N assimilation. Elevated CO2 (eCO2) plus warming is likely to affect the vegetative-tissue N and protein concentration of wheat by altering N metabolism, but this is poorly understood. To investigate this, spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) was grown for three weeks at two levels of CO2 (400 or 700 ppm) and two temperature regimes (26/21 or 31/26 °C, day/night). Plant dry mass, plant %N, protein concentrations, NO3− and NH4+ root uptake rates (using 15NO3 or 15NH4), and whole-plant N- and NO3--assimilation were measured. Plant growth, %N, protein concentration, and root N-uptake rate were each significantly affected only by CO2, while N- and NO3−-assimilation were significantly affected only by temperature. However, plants grown at eCO2 plus warming had the lowest concentrations of N and protein. These results suggest that one strategy breeding programs can implement to minimize the negative effects of eCO2 and warming on wheat tissue N would be to target the maintenance of root N uptake rate at eCO2 and N assimilation at higher growth temperatures

    Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Chronic Warming Together Decrease Nitrogen Uptake Rate, Net Translocation, and Assimilation in Tomato

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    The response of plant N relations to the combination of elevated CO2 (eCO2) and warming are poorly understood. To study this, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants were grown at 400 or 700 ppm CO2 and 33/28 or 38/33 °C (day/night), and their soil was labeled with 15NO3− or 15NH4+. Plant dry mass, root N-uptake rate, root-to-shoot net N translocation, whole-plant N assimilation, and root resource availability (%C, %N, total nonstructural carbohydrates) were measured. Relative to eCO2 or warming alone, eCO2 + warming decreased growth, NO3− and NH4+-uptake rates, root-to-shoot net N translocation, and whole-plant N assimilation. Decreased N assimilation with eCO2 + warming was driven mostly by inhibition of NO3− assimilation, and was not associated with root resource limitations or damage to N-assimilatory proteins. Previously, we showed in tomato that eCO2 + warming decreases the concentration of N-uptake and -assimilatory proteins in roots, and dramatically increases leaf angle, which decreases whole-plant light capture and, hence, photosynthesis and growth. Thus, decreases in N uptake and assimilation with eCO2 + warming in tomato are likely due to reduced plant N demand

    Effects of Drought on Nutrient Uptake and the Levels of Nutrient-Uptake Proteins in Roots of Drought-Sensitive and -Tolerant Grasses

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    Climate change will increase drought in many regions of the world. Besides decreasing productivity, drought also decreases the concentration (%) of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) in plants. We investigated if decreases in nutrient status during drought are correlated with decreases in levels of nutrient-uptake proteins in roots, which has not been quantified. Drought-sensitive (Hordeum vulgare, Zea mays) and -tolerant grasses (Andropogon gerardii) were harvested at mid and late drought, when we measured biomass, plant %N and P, root N- and P-uptake rates, and concentrations of major nutrient-uptake proteins in roots (NRT1 for NO3, AMT1 for NH4, and PHT1 for P). Drought reduced %N and P, indicating that it reduced nutrient acquisition more than growth. Decreases in P uptake with drought were correlated with decreases in both concentration and activity of P-uptake proteins, but decreases in N uptake were weakly correlated with levels of N-uptake proteins. Nutrient-uptake proteins per gram root decreased despite increases per gram total protein, because of the larger decreases in total protein per gram. Thus, drought-related decreases in nutrient concentration, especially %P, were likely caused, at least partly, by decreases in the concentration of root nutrient-uptake proteins in both drought-sensitive and -tolerant species

    UAV‐based NDVI estimation of sugarbeet yield and quality under varied nitrogen and water rates

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    Abstract The accuracy of the traditional soil and plant‐based techniques for assessing sugarbeet demand for nitrogen (N) and yield prediction is generally low. Refining N and irrigation water management is a key to maximizing return for sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) growers from agronomic, economic, and environmental perspective. The use of Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) in combination with the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)‐based data collection for in‐season estimation of sugarbeet root yield and sugar concentration has potential for precision N management. Sugarbeet field trials were conducted in Idaho in 2019 and 2020 to assess (1) effects of water and N fertilizer rates on yield and estimated recoverable sugar (ERS) and (2) feasibility of predicting root yield and ERS using UAV NDVI. At the lowest N rate, application of water at 100% level resulted in greater yield, compared to 50%, in both years. At higher N rates, 50% level produced higher yields. At each N level, application of water at 100% level resulted in lower ERS, compared to 50%. The UAV NDVI was strongly correlated with root yield and ERS. The relationship between UAV NDVI and root yield and ERS was stronger in July (60 days after planting) compared to June (40 days after planting). Estimating the yield and ERS potential in late June/early July and topdressing the crop before the end of July may help to improve N use efficiency while optimizing sugarbeet production