21 research outputs found

    Interleukin (IL)-1 gene polymorphisms: relevance of disease severity associated alleles with IL-1beta and IL-1ra production in multiple sclerosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder, with a considerable genetic influence on susceptibility and disease course. Cytokines play an important role in MS pathophysiology, and genes encoding various cytokines are logical candidates to assess possible associations with MS susceptibility and disease course. We previously reported an association of a combination of polymorphisms in the interleukin (IL)-1B and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) genes (i.e. IL-1RN allele 2+/IL-1B(+3959)allele 2-) with disease severity in MS. Extending this observation, we investigated whether IL-1beta and IL-1ra production differed depending on carriership of this gene combination. METHODS: Twenty MS patients and 20 controls were selected based upon carriership of the specific combination. In whole blood, in vitro IL-1beta and IL-1ra production was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent-assay after 6 and 24 h of stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. RESULTS: Carriers of the specific combination produced more IL-1ra, especially in MS patients, although not significantly. IL-1ra production was significantly higher in individuals homozygous for IL-1RN allele 2. In patients, Il-1ra production was higher and IL-1beta production lower compared with controls. In primary progressive patients, the IL-1beta /IL-1ra ratio was significantly lower than in relapsing-remitting patients. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest higher in vitro IL-1ra production in carriers of IL-1RN allele 2, with an indication of an allelic dose-effect relationship

    Extensive extracellular matrix depositions in active multiple sclerosis lesions

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    In the central nervous system, basement membrane (BM) constituents are predominantly associated with the vasculature. However, under inflammatory conditions, the expression of BM components may alter. Here, we investigated the distribution of several BM components, including laminin, collagen type IV and heparan sulfate proteoglycans in various multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions. We observed irregular and discontinuous BMs in active lesions. Throughout active MS lesions, we found dense networks of BM proteins, which were surprisingly not associated with the cerebrovasculature. These striking parenchymal networks were not observed in chronic inactive MS lesions and brains of non-neurological controls. In addition, we studied the distribution of transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), since it is known as a major modulator of ECM production. Leukocytes, in particular CD68-positive macrophages, expressed high levels of TGF-beta1 and were located in close proximity to parenchymal BM deposits in the MS lesions. We postulate that these BM networks may play a role in the further recruitment of inflammatory cells and form a barrier for axonal regeneration

    Interferon-beta prevents cytokine-induced neutrophil infiltration and attenuates blood-brain barrier disruption

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    Inflammation can contribute to brain injury, such as that resulting from ischemia or trauma. The authors have previously shown that the cytokine interferon-beta (IFN-beta) affords protection against ischemic brain injury, which was associated with a diminished infiltration of neutrophils and a reduction in blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption. The goal of the current study was to directly assess the effects of IFN-beta on neutrophil infiltration, with the use of an in vivo assay of neutrophil infiltration with relevance to ischemic brain injury. Intrastriatal injection of recombinant rat cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1, a member of the interleukin-8 family (1 microg in 1 microl), triggered massive infiltration of neutrophils and extensive BBB disruption 6 hours later, as measured using immunofluorescence microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging in the rat, respectively. Depleting the animals of neutrophils before interleukin-8 injection prevented BBB disruption. Treatment with IFN-beta (5 x 106 U/kg) almost completely prevented neutrophil infiltration and attenuated BBB damage. Gelatinase zymography showed matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in the ipsilateral striatum after interleukin-8 injection. Both neutrophil depletion and IFN-beta treatment downregulated matrix metalloproteinase-9. IFN-beta has already been approved for human use as a treatment for the chronic inflammatory disorder multiple sclerosis. The potential value of IFN-beta as a treatment that can attenuate acute brain inflammation is considered

    Interferon-beta blocks infiltration of inflammatory cells and reduces infarct volume after ischemic stroke in the rat

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    The inflammatory response that exacerbates cerebral injury after ischemia is an attractive therapeutic target: it progresses over days and strongly contributes to worsening of the neurologic outcome. The authors show that, after transient ischemic injury to the rat brain, systemic application of interferon-beta (IFN-), a cytokine with antiinflammatory properties, attenuated the development of brain infarction. Serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that IFN- treatment reduced lesion volume on diffusion-weighted MRI by 70% (P <0.01) at 1 day after stroke. IFN- attenuated the leakage of contrast agent through the blood–brain barrier (P <0.005), indicating a better-preserved blood–brain barrier integrity. Both control and IFN--treated animals showed a similar degree of relative hyperperfusion of the lesioned hemisphere, indicating that neuroprotection by IFN- was not mediated by improved cerebral perfusion as assessed 24 hours after stroke onset. IFN- treatment resulted in an 85% reduction (P <0.0001) in infarct volume 3 weeks later, as determined from T2-weighted MRI and confirmed by histology. This effect was achieved even when treatment was started 6 hours after stroke onset. Quantitative immunohistochemistry at 24 hours after stroke onset showed that IFN- almost completely prevented the infiltration of neutrophils and monocytes into the brain. Gelatinase zymography showed that this effect was associated with a decrease in matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression. In conclusion, treatment with the antiinflammatory cytokine IFN- affords significant neuroprotection against ischemia/reperfusion injury, and within a relatively long treatment window. Because IFN- has been approved for clinical use, it may be rapidly tested in a clinical trial for its efficacy against human stroke

    The macrophage CD163 surface glycoprotein is an erythroblast adhesion receptor

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    Erythropoiesis occurs in erythroblastic islands, where developing erythroblasts closely interact with macrophages. The adhesion molecules that govern macrophage-erythroblast contact have only been partially defined. Our previous work has implicated the rat ED2 antigen, which is highly expressed on the surface of macrophages in erythroblastic islands, in erythroblast binding. In particular, the monoclonal antibody ED2 was found to inhibit erythroblast binding to bone marrow macrophages. Here, we identify the ED2 antigen as the rat CD163 surface glycoprotein, a member of the group B scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) family that has previously been shown to function as a receptor for hemoglobin-haptoglobin (Hb-Hp) complexes and is believed to contribute to the clearance of free hemoglobin. CD163 transfectants and recombinant protein containing the extracellular domain of CD163 supported the adhesion of erythroblastic cells. Furthermore, we identified a 13-amino acid motif (CD163p2) corresponding to a putative interaction site within the second scavenger receptor domain of CD163 that could mediate erythroblast binding. Finally, CD163p2 promoted erythroid expansion in vitro, suggesting that it enhanced erythroid proliferation and/or survival, but did not affect differentiation. These findings identify CD163 on macrophages as an adhesion receptor for erythroblasts in erythroblastic islands, and suggest a regulatory role for CD163 during erythropoiesis

    The macrophage CD163 surface glycoprotein is an erythroblast adhesion receptor

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    Erythropoiesis occurs in erythroblastic islands, where developing erythroblasts closely interact with macrophages. The adhesion molecules that govern macrophage-erythroblast contact have only been partially defined. Our previous work has implicated the rat ED2 antigen, which is highly expressed on the surface of macrophages in erythroblastic islands, in erythroblast binding. In particular, the monoclonal antibody ED2 was found to inhibit erythroblast binding to bone marrow macrophages. Here, we identify the ED2 antigen as the rat CD163 surface glycoprotein, a member of the group B scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) family that has previously been shown to function as a receptor for hemoglobin-haptoglobin (Hb-Hp) complexes and is believed to contribute to the clearance of free hemoglobin. CD163 transfectants and recombinant protein containing the extracellular domain of CD163 supported the adhesion of erythroblastic cells. Furthermore, we identified a 13-amino acid motif (CD163p2) corresponding to a putative interaction site within the second scavenger receptor domain of CD163 that could mediate erythroblast binding. Finally, CD163p2 promoted erythroid expansion in vitro, suggesting that it enhanced erythroid proliferation and/or survival, but did not affect differentiation. These findings identify CD163 on macrophages as an adhesion receptor for erythroblasts in erythroblastic islands, and suggest a regulatory role for CD163 during erythropoiesis

    The macrophage CD163 surface glycoprotein is an erythroblast adhesion receptor

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    Erythropoiesis occurs in erythroblastic islands, where developing erythroblasts closely interact with macrophages. The adhesion molecules that govern macrophage-erythroblast contact have only been partially defined. Our previous work has implicated the rat ED2 antigen, which is highly expressed on the surface of macrophages in erythroblastic islands, in erythroblast binding. In particular, the monoclonal antibody ED2 was found to inhibit erythroblast binding to bone marrow macrophages. Here, we identify the ED2 antigen as the rat CD163 surface glycoprotein, a member of the group B scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) family that has previously been shown to function as a receptor for hemoglobin-haptoglobin (Hb-Hp) complexes and is believed to contribute to the clearance of free hemoglobin. CD163 transfectants and recombinant protein containing the extracellular domain of CD163 supported the adhesion of erythroblastic cells. Furthermore, we identified a 13-amino acid motif (CD163p2) corresponding to a putative interaction site within the second scavenger receptor domain of CD163 that could mediate erythroblast binding. Finally, CD163p2 promoted erythroid expansion in vitro, suggesting that it enhanced erythroid proliferation and/or survival, but did not affect differentiation. These findings identify CD163 on macrophages as an adhesion receptor for erythroblasts in erythroblastic islands, and suggest a regulatory role for CD163 during erythropoiesi