6 research outputs found

    Suicide and Emo Youth Subculture – A Case Analysis

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    Depression and suicide present a serious health problem especially for teenagers as they are increasingly diagnosed with mood disorders of different severity, possibly leading to suicidal activity. Reported here is a misfortunate young girl who committed suicide by jumping from high altitude. She left a suicide note which, together with her behavior in the death-preceding period, pointed to her apparently belonging to an Emo subculture. Although few and scarce, most existing articles and reports on Emo subculture found that its members like to focus on negative things, dark premonitions and deprivation of enjoyment, like self harm and suicide but no scientific information are available about the characteristics, trends and possible suicidal tendencies of children and adolescents who belong to this subgroup. It is for the future researches to answer whether this type of behavior and music preference are causal factors for increased suicidal vulnerability, or personal characteristics and anamnesis, upbringing and mental health status are actual sources of the problem

    Ureterorenoscopic treatment of ureteral stones – influence of operator’s experience and skill on the procedure outcome

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    Aim To observe the influence of operating urologist’s education and adopted skills on the outcome of ureterorenoscopy treatment of ureteral stones. Methods The study included 422 patients (234 men, 55.4%) who underwent ureterorenoscopy to treat ureteral stones at the Urology Department of Clinical Hospital Center Split, Croatia, between 2001 and 2009. All interventions were carried out with a semi-rigid Wolf ureteroscope and an electropneumatic generator used for lithotripsy. The operating specialists were divided into two groups. The first group included 4 urologists who had started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization and the second group included 4 urologists who had started performing endoscopic procedures later in their careers, on average more than 5 years after specialization. Results Radiology tests confirmed that 87% (208/238) of stones were completely removed from the distal ureter, 54% (66/123) from the middle ureter, and 46% (28/61) from the proximal ureter. The first group of urologists completed significantly more procedures successfully, especially for the stones in the distal (95% vs 74%; P = 0.001) and middle ureter (66% vs 38%; P = 0.002), and their patients spent less time in the hospital postoperatively. Conclusion Urologists who started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization are more successful in performing ureteroscopy. It is important that young specialists receive timely and systematic education and cooperate with more experienced colleagues

    Ureterorenoscopic treatment of ureteral stones: influence of operator’s experience and skill on the procedure outcome

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    Aim To observe the influence of operating urologist’s education and adopted skills on the outcome of ureterorenoscopy treatment of ureteral stones. Methods The study included 422 patients (234 men, 55.4%) who underwent ureterorenoscopy to treat ureteral stones at the Urology Department of Clinical Hospital Center Split, Croatia, between 2001 and 2009. All interventions were carried out with a semi-rigid Wolf ureteroscope and an electropneumatic generator used for lithotripsy. The operating specialists were divided into two groups. The first group included 4 urologists who had started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization and the second group included 4 urologists who had started performing endoscopic procedures later in their careers, on average more than 5 years after specialization. Results Radiology tests confirmed that 87% (208/238) of stones were completely removed from the distal ureter, 54% (66/123) from the middle ureter, and 46% (28/61) from the proximal ureter. The first group of urologists completed significantly more procedures successfully, especially for the stones in the distal (95% vs 74%; P = 0.001) and middle ureter (66% vs 38%; P = 0.002), and their patients spent less time in the hospital postoperatively. Conclusion Urologists who started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization are more successful in performing ureteroscopy. It is important that young specialists receive timely and systematic education and cooperate with more experienced colleagues

    Elemental Status in Individuals from Naklice Burial Site (Southern Croatia): Mediaeval Diet Reconstruction

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    Elemental status of mediaeval individuals from Naklice burial site (Southern Croatia) was analyzed and their diet was reconstructed. Samples from different human bones were taken from 16 individuals who died in the 9th century and were recently excavated from Naklice burial site. The metal content of iron, lead, cadmium, magnum, zinc, copper, strontium, and calcium were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) in flame mode. Mercury concentration was determined by three direct consecutive measures taken with a mercury analyzer. When comparing our results to the modern bone heavy metal concentrations, it is obvious that Cu, Fe, Ca and Sr greatly exceeded the values while concentration of Zn and Pb were lower. Concentration of Sr was about ten times higher than in modern bone samples. Due to environmental contamination, lead concentration in studied bones was lower than in modern bone samples. According to our results we concluded that the probable main dietary components of individuals excavated from Naklice burial site from Early Mediaeval period were leafy vegetables, legumes and small amounts of cereals