4 research outputs found

    Glycoengineering of NK Cells with Glycan Ligands of CD22 and Selectins for B-Cell Lymphoma Therapy

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    CD22, a member of Siglec family of sialic acid binding proteins, has restricted expression on B cells. Antibody-based agents targeting CD22 or CD20 on B lymphoma and leukemia cells exhibit clinical efficacy for treating these malignancies, but also attack normal B cells leading to immune deficiency. Here, we report a chemoenzymatic glycocalyx editing strategy to introduce high-affinity and specific CD22 ligands onto NK-92MI and cytokine-induced killer cells to achieve tumor-specific CD22 targeting. These CD22-ligand modified cells exhibited significantly enhanced tumor cell binding and killing in vitro without harming healthy B cells. For effective lymphoma cell killing in vivo we further functionalized CD22 ligand-modified NK-92MI cells with the E-selectin ligand sialyl Lewis X to promote trafficking to bone marrow. The dual-functionalized cells resulted in the efficient suppression of B lymphoma in a xenograft model. Our results suggest that nature killer cells modified with glycan ligands to CD22 and selectins promote both targeted killing of B lymphoma cells and improved trafficking to sites where the cancer cells reside, respectively

    Streamlining the chemoenzymatic synthesis of complex N-glycans by a stop and go strategy

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    Contemporary chemoenzymatic approaches can provide highly complex multi-antennary N-linked glycans. These procedures are, however, very demanding and typically involve as many as 100 chemical steps to prepare advanced intermediates that can be diversified by glycosyltransferases in a branch-selective manner to give asymmetrical structures commonly found in nature. Only highly specialized laboratories can perform such syntheses, which greatly hampers progress in glycoscience. Here we describe a biomimetic approach in which a readily available bi-antennary glycopeptide can be converted in ten or fewer chemical and enzymatic steps into multi-antennary N-glycans that at each arm can be uniquely extended by glycosyltransferases to give access to highly complex asymmetrically branched N-glycans. A key feature of our approach is the installation of additional branching points using recombinant MGAT4 and MGAT5 in combination with unnatural sugar donors. At an appropriate point in the enzymatic synthesis, the unnatural monosaccharides can be converted into their natural counterpart, allowing each arm to be elaborated into a unique appendage

    Hemicellulose from Plant Biomass in Medical and Pharmaceutical Application: A Critical Review

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