9 research outputs found

    Die Mutter und ihr erstes Kind: individuelle und staatliche Arrangements im europÀischen Vergleich

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    'Die Mutter-Kind-Beziehung in den ersten Lebenswochen lĂ€sst sich in national differenzierten Typen beschreiben, sowohl hinsichtlich der demographischen Eckdaten als auch hinsichtlich der wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Aber selbst die elementarsten Begegnungen zwischen Mutter und Kind (Schlafen, ErnĂ€hrung) zeigen deutlich unterschiedliche Leitbilder von Mutterschaft. Diese Differenzen werden auf der Mikro-Ebene durch drei empirische ZugĂ€nge (Ratgeberliteratur, Geburtsstile, Internet-Foren) im deutsch-englisch-französischen Vergleich nachgewiesen, auf historische Entwicklungen und PhĂ€nomene der Longue duree zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt sowie zur Makro-Ebene politischer UnterstĂŒtzungssysteme in Beziehung gesetzt.' (Autorenreferat)'The mother-child relationship in the first weeks of life can be described in terms of national styles with respect to both demographic trends and welfare provisions. However, even the most elementary exchanges between a mother and her child (e.g. sleep, nutrition) tend to reflect different ideals of motherhood. These differences are shown at a micro-level using three different empirical approaches: parent advice books, styles of birthing, and internet discussion groups. These are compared across Germany, United Kingdom and France and traced back to historical developments and phenomena of long duration (longue duree). These are related, at a macro-level to the three countries' social policies in support of families.' (author's abstract)

    Spotlights on Contemporary Family Life

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    Spotlights on Contemporary Family Life covers four issues of cross-cutting importance to families Structures and forms of families: issues relating to a diversification of families away from the ‘traditional nuclear family form’ are relatively uncontroversial from an academic perspective, but much more so for policy makers and family associations. Chapter 1 provides a thorough overview of the state of contemporary European families. Solidarities in families: too often the issue of an ‘ageing society’ is simply reduced to the problem of over-burdening social care systems, but longevity also represents opportunities for new kinds of solidarities inside families and family networks, and new relations between family members – not to mention the satisfaction felt by people who can continue to live fulfilling and rewarding lives long after they’re considered ‘elderly’. Chapter 2 gives voice to authors who identify these new opportunities and challenges. Demographic change: women are having fewer children and having them later in life. Having children is now a conscious decision and fertility rates have declined below the level required to sustain our current populations. At the same time we witness the ‘greying’ of Europe, which brings with it a whole host of opportunities and challenges. Chapter 3 raises important issues for policy makers today. Volunteering: inspired by family associations who could not survive without the support of volunteers, this chapter gives an overview of what’s known - and what isn’t - about volunteering. Coinciding with the European Year of Volunteering 2011, this chapter takes a timely look at the efforts that families put into volunteering across Europe and the important benefits that Europe gains from all of this combined voluntary effort. Linden Farrer and William Lay work for the Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE). This publication was produced by FAMILYPLATFORM, a project funded by the European Commission

    Gender-Specific Effects of Unemployment on Family Formation: A Cross-National Perspective

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    Politique familiale en Allemagne : les récents changements

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    Produit d'Ă©volutions successives, le systĂšme de politique familiale allemand intervient tout au long du cycle familial de la femme au travail. Les prestations maternitĂ©, l'octroi d'un congĂ© parental rĂ©munĂ©rĂ© pendant trois ans Ă  la naissance de chaque enfant avec garantie de retour Ă  l'emploi, des allocations familiales dĂšs le premier enfant, et pour les familles la possibilitĂ© de choisir ce qui leur est le plus favorable entre abattement fiscal et allocations familiales, sont les principales caractĂ©ristiques du systĂšme. Par ailleurs, une aide Ă  l'accession Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© modulĂ©e selon le nombre d'enfants est versĂ©e pendant huit annĂ©es. Mais ces aides encouragent plutĂŽt la femme de trĂšs jeunes enfants Ă  ne pas travailler, voire l'en empĂȘchent en n'offrant, pour la garde des enfants, que trĂšs peu d'Ă©quipements aux horaires inadaptĂ©s pour un emploi Ă  temps plein. Aussi, selon l'auteur, le nombre Ă©levĂ© de femmes restĂ©es sans enfant serait-il dĂ» Ă  l'impossibilitĂ© pour les Allemandes de pouvoir concilier vie professionnelle et vie familiale. On notera que, depuis cette annĂ©e, tout enfant de plus de trois ans bĂ©nĂ©ficie d'un droit formel Ă  une place dans un jardin d'enfants. Enfin en mature d'aides aux familles, l'Assurance vieillesse accorde l'octroi de trois annĂ©es d'Assurance vieillesse par enfant Ă©levĂ©.Dienel Christiane. Politique familiale en Allemagne : les rĂ©cents changements. In: Recherches et PrĂ©visions, n°44, juin 1996. Travail social, trois points de vue. pp. 43-51

    Bologna – a utopy of harmony for European higher education

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    PflegebedĂŒrftigkeit als Jobmotor?

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    XXX1DCA1 : Gendered policies in Europe : Reconciling employment and family life

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    Gendered Policies in Europe provides important and timely insights into the changing policy process in the area of equal opportunities. The authors track the contributions of member states and pressure groups to EU policy formation, and analyse the impact of European legislation on gender issues in law and practice in France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and Sweden. By combining detailed analysis of the EU policy-making framework with national case-studies, the book illustrates how different policy styles and institutional settings have shaped equality policy and influenced implementation