14 research outputs found

    Ageing and the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis

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    Ageing-associated changes that affect articular tissues promote the development of osteoarthritis (OA). Although ageing and OA are closely linked, they are independent processes. Several potential mechanisms by which ageing contributes to OA have been elucidated. This Review focuses on the contributions of the following factors: age-related inflammation (also referred to as 'inflammaging'); cellular senescence (including the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)); mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress; dysfunction in energy metabolism due to reduced activity of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is associated with reduced autophagy; and alterations in cell signalling due to age-related changes in the extracellular matrix. These various processes contribute to the development of OA by promoting a proinflammatory, catabolic state accompanied by increased susceptibility to cell death that together lead to increased joint tissue destruction and defective repair of damaged matrix. The majority of studies to date have focused on articular cartilage, and it will be important to determine whether similar mechanisms occur in other joint tissues. Improved understanding of ageing-related mechanisms that promote OA could lead to the discovery of new targets for therapies that aim to slow or stop the progression of this chronic and disabling condition

    Cells exhibiting strong p16INK4a promoter activation in vivo display features of senescence

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    The activation of cellular senescence throughout the lifespan promotes tumor suppression, whereas the persistence of senescent cells contributes to aspects of aging. This theory has been limited, however, by an inability to identify and isolate individual senescent cells within an intact organism. Toward that end, we generated a murine reporter strain by “knocking-in” a fluorochrome, tandem-dimer Tomato (tdTom), into exon 1α of the p16 INK4a locus. We used this allele (p16 tdTom ) for the enumeration, isolation, and characterization of individual p16 INK4a -expressing cells (tdTom + ). The half-life of the knocked-in transcript was shorter than that of the endogenous p16 INK4a mRNA, and therefore reporter expression better correlated with p16 INK4a promoter activation than p16 INK4a transcript abundance. The frequency of tdTom + cells increased with serial passage in cultured murine embryo fibroblasts from p16 tdTom/+ mice. In adult mice, tdTom + cells could be readily detected at low frequency in many tissues, and the frequency of these cells increased with aging. Using an in vivo model of peritoneal inflammation, we compared the phenotype of cells with or without activation of p16 INK4a and found that tdTom + macrophages exhibited some features of senescence, including reduced proliferation, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activation, and increased mRNA expression of a subset of transcripts encoding factors involved in SA-secretory phenotype (SASP). These results indicate that cells harboring activation of the p16 INK4a promoter accumulate with aging and inflammation in vivo, and display characteristics of senescence

    p16Ink4a deletion in cells of the intervertebral disc affects their matrix homeostasis and senescence associated secretory phenotype without altering onset of senescence

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration is an important contributor to chronic low back and neck pain. Although many environmental and genetic factors are known to contribute to disc degeneration, age is still the most significant risk factor. Recent studies have shown that senescence may play a role in age-related disc degeneration and matrix catabolism in humans and mouse models. Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells reduces the degenerative phenotype in many age-associated diseases. Whether p16Ink4a plays a functional role in intervertebral disc degeneration and senescence is unknown. We first characterized the senescence status of discs in young and old mice. Quantitative histology, gene expression and a novel p16tdTom reporter mice showed an increase in p16Ink4a, p21 and IL-6, with a decrease in Ki67 with aging. Accordingly, we studied the spinal-phenotype of 18-month-old mice with conditional deletion of p16Ink4a in the disc driven by Acan-CreERT2 (cKO). The analyses of discs of cKO and age-matched control mice showed little change in cell morphology and tissue architecture. The cKO mice exhibited changes in functional attributes of aggrecan as well as in collagen composition of the intervertebral disc. While cKO discs exhibited a small decrease in TUNEL positive cells, lineage tracing experiments using ZsGreen reporter indicated that the overall changes in cell fate or numbers were minimal. The cKO mice maintained expression of NP-cell phenotypic markers CA3, Krt19 and GLUT-1. Moreover, in cKO discs, levels of p19Arf and RB were higher without alterations in Ki67, γH2AX, CDK4 and Lipofuscin deposition. Interestingly, the cKO discs showed lower levels of SASP markers, IL-1β, IL-6, MCP1 and TGF-β1. These results show that while, p16Ink4a is dispensable for induction and maintenance of senescence, conditional loss of p16Ink4a reduces apoptosis, limits the SASP phenotype and alters matrix homeostasis of disc cells.National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) AR055655 and AR064733 to MVR and the National Institute on Aging F32 AG050399 to BOD (BOD). Part of this research was conducted while Brian Diekman was an Arthritis and Aging Research Grant recipient from the Arthritis National Research Foundation and the American Federation for Aging Research. EJN receives a PhD fellowship (PD/BD/128077/2016) from MD/PhD Program of the University of Minho funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Chondrogenesis of Adult Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow: Induction by Growth Factors and Cartilage-Derived Matrix

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    OBJECTIVES: Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult stem cells with potential for use in cartilage tissue engineering. We hypothesized that these cells show distinct responses to different chondrogenic culture conditions and extracellular matrices, illustrating important differences between cell types. METHODS: Human ASCs and MSCs were chondrogenically differentiated in alginate beads or a novel scaffold of reconstituted native cartilage-derived matrix with a range of growth factors, including dexamethasone, transforming growth factor beta3, and bone morphogenetic protein 6. Constructs were analyzed for gene expression and matrix synthesis. RESULTS: Chondrogenic growth factors induced a chondrocytic phenotype in both ASCs and MSCs in alginate beads or cartilage-derived matrix. MSCs demonstrated enhanced type II collagen gene expression and matrix synthesis as well as a greater propensity for the hypertrophic chondrocyte phenotype. ASCs had higher upregulation of aggrecan gene expression in response to bone morphogenetic protein 6 (857-fold), while MSCs responded more favorably to transforming growth factor beta3 (573-fold increase). CONCLUSIONS: ASCs and MSCs are distinct cell types as illustrated by their unique responses to growth factor-based chondrogenic induction. This chondrogenic induction is affected by the composition of the scaffold and the presence of serum

    Long-term treatment with senolytic drugs Dasatinib and Quercetin ameliorates age-dependent intervertebral disc degeneration in mice

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration is a leading cause of chronic back pain and disability. Here the authors show that long term treatment with senolytic compounds Dasatinib and Quercetin reduces disc senescence burden and ameliorates age-dependent degeneration in mice

    Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) regulates redox homeostasis and signaling events in human articular chondrocytes

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    The nuclear localized protein deacetylase, SIRT6, has been identified as a crucial regulator of biological processes that drive aging. Among these processes, SIRT6 can promote resistance to oxidative stress conditions, but the precise mechanisms remain unclear. The objectives of this study were to examine the regulation of SIRT6 activity by age and oxidative stress and define the role of SIRT6 in maintaining redox homeostasis in articular chondrocytes. Although SIRT6 levels did not change with age, SIRT6 activity was significantly reduced in chondrocytes isolated from older adults. Using dimedone-based chemical probes that detect oxidized cysteines, we identified that SIRT6 is oxidized in response to oxidative stress conditions, an effect that was associated with reduced SIRT6 activity. Enhancement of SIRT6 activity through adenoviral SIRT6 overexpression specifically increased the basal levels of two antioxidant proteins, peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1) and sulfiredoxin (Srx) and decreased the levels of an inhibitor of antioxidant activity, thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP). Conversely, in chondrocytes derived from mice with cartilage specific Sirt6 knockout, Sirt6 loss decreased Prx1 levels and increased TXNIP levels. SIRT6 overexpression decreased nuclear-generated H2O2 levels and oxidative stress-induced accumulation of nuclear phosphorylated p65. Our data demonstrate that SIRT6 activity is altered with age and oxidative stress conditions associated with aging. SIRT6 contributes to chondrocyte redox homeostasis by regulating specific members of the Prx catalytic cycle. Targeted therapies aimed at preventing the age-related decline in SIRT6 activity may represent a novel strategy to maintain redox balance in joint tissues and decrease catabolic signaling events implicated in osteoarthritis (OA)