6 research outputs found

    Female consumers' familiarity with clothing brands and their trust in brand names as an indication of certain desirable properties of clothing

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    Talle gevestigde, bekende handelsmerke het hulle produksie in onlangse jare na Oosterse lande verskuif om arbeidskoste te sny. Die land van herkoms (LvH) en die land van produksie (LvP) van gewilde, gesogte kledinghandelsmerke mag dus verskil. Dis nie duidelik of verbruikers bekend is met die LvH van gewilde han-delsmerke, of hulle aan die LvP aandag gee, of dit vir hulle ‘n probleem is die LvO en die LvP verskil, en hoe dit hulle persepsie van sulke produkte beinvloed nie. Hierdie studie het ondersoek ingestel na damesverbruikers se kennis van kledinghandelsname, hulle LvO asook die LvP, as deel van ‘n ondersoek na die gebruik van handelsname as aanduiding van sekere gesogte eienskappe van kleding, byvoorbeeld die funksionele- en gedragseienskappe, status en omgewingsvriendelikheid eerder as om kledingstukke deeglik te evalueer. ‘n Opname is deur middel van ‘n gestruktureerde vraelys in ‘n groot stedelike gebied in Suid-Afrika onder werkende dames gedoen gedoen. Data is deur geriefsteekproefneming ingesamel, en 322 dames tussen die ouderdom van 25 en 60 jaar het die gestruktureerde vraelys self voltooi. Data-analise het beskrywende statistiek, verkennende faktoranalise en ontledings soos Anova and post hoc toetse ingesluit. Die studie het die belang van handelsname as ‘n aanduiding van die funksionele- en gedrageienskappe van kledingprodukte bevestig en aangetoon dat die belang van handelsname as aanduiding van die status of omgewingsvriendelikheid in hierdie produkkategorie ondergeskik is aan die voorgenoemde ongeag ‘n verbruiker se ouderdom, inkomste, opleidingspeil of populasiegroep. In teenstelling met bestaande literatuur toon hierdie studie dat damesverbruikers handelsname gebruik as aanduiding van goeie pas, duursaamheid, gemak en goeie gehalte, eerder as ‘n simbool van status. Hoewel die studie handelsname wat wyd geadverteer word en geredelik in winkels beskikbaar is ingesluit het was respondente nie baie vertroud daarmee nie. Die meerderheid respondente het wel ver-kies dat die LvH en die LvP van handelsname ooreenstem. In die algemeen is Westerse lande as LvP verkies en is voorkeur gegee aan plaaslike- bo vervaardigers uit Oosterse lande. Verskille in die LvO en die LvP van handelsname, veral wanneer die LvP ‘n Oosterse land is, mag verbuikers se persepsie van handelsname nadelig beïnvloed tensy verbruikers ingelig word waarom die praktyk deesdae algemeen voorkom.http://reference.sabinet.co.za/sa_epublication/famecsam201

    Preparing students for the future workplace : how online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic hone required transferable skills

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    PURPOSE : Skilled graduates delivered through vocational programmes are critical to ensure the future growth of emerging economies. This study explored students' reflections and experiences of online teaching and learning (T&L) during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa. The study specifically focused on the transferable skills students acquired and their relevance to working in the local retail and hospitality industries. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH : Following a case study research design, this study retrospectively delved into the multi-perspectives of students enrolled in vocational programmes. A total of 145 students completed reflective questions via a Qualtrics link regarding the topic in question. Student reflections were grouped and analysed for recurring themes using Atlas.ti. Through thematic analysis, two topical themes emerged related to transferable skills development and the usefulness of skills for future work. FINDINGS : The findings suggest that although students had to rely on online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, they still developed vital transferable skills, including communication, teamwork, organisational, self-management, flexibility, technology, metacognition and problem-solving. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS : The findings offer valuable input into planning and developing student-centric online courses to facilitate the development of desired transferable skills. Findings could also guide best T&L practices regarding how education and training across digital platforms could be used to ensure that graduates are prepared to navigate the future complexities of working in ever-changing globalised industries. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : This study provides new insights into the evolution of T&L and how unexpected situations could provide an opportunity to hone desired skills and prepare students for employment and the 21st century workplace.https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0040-0912hj2024Consumer ScienceFood ScienceSDG-04:Quality Educatio

    The influence of brand incongruity on females’ perception of the properties of bi-national apparel products

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    This study investigated the influence of brand incongruity on females’ perception of the properties of bi-national apparel products. A survey was conducted across Tshwane, a major urban area in South Africa, to provide empirical evidence of female consumers’ reliance on brands in the context of an emerging economy where global brands have become widely available and easily accessible in recent years. Data was collected by means of convenient sampling and through self completion of a structured questionnaire by 322 willing, working females. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ANOVAs and post hoc tests. This study confirmed the significance of brand names as a cue of the functional performance related properties of female apparel and concluded that the relevance of brands for status related purposes is secondary to females’ use of brands to infer the functional and performance attributes or to deduce the eco friendliness of apparel. This was true for all the age, income, and education levels or population categories. Although extant research confirms the importance of brands to convey status and to boost consumers’ self image, i.e. serving as an extension of an individual’s self, this study revealed that females do not primarily use brands for status purposes. Brands are mostly trusted to provide good fit, durability, comfort and good quality. Consumers do not necessarily seem familiar with the majority of apparel brands that are widely advertised. However, the majority of consumers preferred the country of manufacture (COM) and the country of origin (COO) of brands to match. Overall, they preferred brands originating from Western countries as the COM, and were more approving of locally manufactured goods than apparel manufactured in Eastern countries. As a simplifying strategy, consumers’ ignorance about the COM of global brands is probably addressed by opting for brands associated with Western COM. Brand incongruence may therefore have noticeable consequences for brand equity in a highly competitive global market and this should be addressed through clever marketing initiatives to prevent dismay and brand switching.Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2013.gm2014Consumer Scienceunrestricte

    The role of personal values in Millennial men’s perception of clothing store image and store choices

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    South African clothing retailers are currently struggling to obtain and retain market share as a result of the challenging economic climate, new international market entrants and changes in consumer behaviour (MarketLine, 2018). In particular, consumer behaviour relating to men’s clothing is changing and for the first time in decades, menswear is dominating the South African clothing retail industry (MarketLine, 2018; Hastreiter & Marchetti, 2016). A lucrative market segment is the Millennial generation, born between 1980 and 2000 (Cham, Ng, Lim & Cheng, 2018; Cho, 2017). Consequently, knowledge on the clothing consumer behaviour of specifically Millennial men is crucial and the topic is still under explored, resulting in a research gap, which inspired this study. The store image perceived by the consumer has a direct influence on store choice and is important for retailer success. Since personal values ultimately drive consumer decision-making, an understanding of the personal values that motivate store choice may assist clothing retailers with their positioning (store image) to obtain customer loyalty and a sustainable competitive advantage. Gutman (1982) means-end chain (MEC) theory explains that consumers make choices based on the product/store attributes that they perceive as ultimately assisting them in reaching the desirable end-state (personal value). An MEC is a hierarchical structure that consists of three main interconnected levels, namely, attributes (means), consequences and personal values (ends), which are organised according to the level of abstraction. This study applied the MEC as a theoretical framework for exploring and understanding the role of Millennial men’s personal values in their perception of store image and their store choice. Laddering is a probing technique that is used specifically in MEC studies to uncover underlying motivations for behaviour. This technique can be used in qualitative studies (where it is referred to as soft laddering) and also in quantitative studies (where it is referred to as hard laddering). This exploratory mixed-method study started with an initial qualitative phase and the findings were subsequently used to develop the measuring instrument for the second quantitative phase. The second quantitative phase specifically used the Association Pattern Technique (APT), a hard laddering technique developed by Ter Hofstede, Audenaert, Steenkamp and Wedel (1998). Using a series of matrices, the APT reveals how consumers link desirable attributes, sought-after consequences and personal values. Using non-probability sampling methods (i.e. convenience-, snowball and quota sampling), 25 participants were recruited in the first phase and 408 workable questionnaires were obtained during the second phase. The personal in-depth interviews conducted during phase 1 used soft laddering and elicited the attributes and consequences that are pivotal in clothing store choice. Together with these attributes and consequences, the ten basic personal values of Schwartz (1992) and colleagues (2001; 2014) were used to develop the matrices for the measuring instrument used in phase 2. During this phase, data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire that was completed online. The findings of this study indicate that hedonism ultimately motivates store image and store choice. Although the personal values of “self-direction”, “achievement” and “power” were also indicated as motivational drivers within different demographic subsets and different types of clothing retailers, “hedonism” unequivocally was found to be the most relevant personal value. It is therefore hedonism that influences Millennial men’s clothing store image and store choice. From this study it is recommended that clothing retailers in South Africa, targeting the Millennial male, pay specific attention to hedonism in terms of the design and implementation of their marketing strategies to give credit to consumers’ need to associate with a store image that projects a pleasurable experience. Clothing retailers that can successfully position themselves accordingly, will most likely be favoured.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2019.Consumer SciencePhDUnrestricte

    Now is the time to embrace interactive electronic applications of Association Pattern Technique

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    Over time, researchers have explored and used diverse methodologies and innovative techniques to gain a better understanding of consumer behaviour. The laddering technique, in particular, has drawn considerable interest in recent years. Scholars across various fields have produced valuable findings using the Association Pattern Technique (APT) as a hard laddering technique. Compared to soft laddering, however, its potential to uncover consumers’ behavioural processes has not yet been optimised, probably due to several misconceptions. Following a systematic review of APT studies, prevailing issues are highlighted and an interactive electronic APT is proposed as a useful guideline for expanding future consumer behaviour research with actionable implications across different disciplines, including retailing.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jretconser2021-09-01hj2020Consumer ScienceFood ScienceGordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    Investigating the influence of the properties of school uniforms on children with sensory overreactivity

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    This study aimed to deepen the understanding of the influence of the properties of school uniforms that may contribute to discomfort and irritation for children with sensory overreactivity. The specific objectives were (a) to identify the difficulties that children with sensory overreactivity experience when wearing a school uniform and (b) explore possible adaptations of the school uniform that can reduce the discomfort and irritation caused by the uniform. In this exploratory, qualitative study, four focus group interviews were conducted with a total sample of 16 participants. Mothers and occupational therapists that live and work with children with sensory overreactivity participated in this study. During thematic analysis, three themes emerged as important to understand the discomfort caused by a school uniform: textiles, design, and construction. This study contributes to the literature on school uniforms and the sensory aspects of clothing. Guidelines for parents are presented and future research possibilities are discussed.The National Research Foundation.https://journals.sagepub.com/home/CTRhj2023Consumer ScienceFood ScienceOccupational TherapySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein