77 research outputs found
Model Yayasan Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Peserta Didik (Studi Kasus Pada Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi di Surakarta)
Yayasan pada dasarnya merupakan suatu badan hukum yang mempunyai maksud dan tujuan
yang bersifat sosial, keagamaan dan kemanusiaan, didirikan dengan memperhatikan persyaratan
formal yang ditentukan dalam undang-undang. pada dasarnya yayasan lebih dikenal sebagai
suatu organisasi sosial nirlaba atau tidak berorientasi pada keuntungan dalam aktivitasnya.
Dalam praktek hukum dan kebiasaan terbukti bahwa di Indonesia pendirian yayasan mempunyai
kedudukan sebagai badan hukum, hal ini dikarenakan untuk memberikan jaminan kepastian
dalam hukum yayasan. Pendirian yayasan pendidikan diatur dalam ketentuan yang mengatur
tentang pendirian yayasan. Yayasan pendidikan sebagai wadah lembaga pendidikan selain harus
mampu memberikan dorongan kepada peserta didik untuk mencapai apa yang diharapkan
dengan belajar, yayasan pendidikan sebagai lembaga pendidikan harus mampu menciptakan
kesejahteraan peserta didik dalam belajar. Yayasan pendidikan harus mempunyai sistem yang
dapat mengapresiasikan kebutuhan peserta didik dalam belajar dan mencapai tujuan belajar.
Yayasan pendidikan harus selalu berupaya untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap
keberhasilan belajar peserta didiknya
Tujuan penelitian ini diantaranya adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui yayasan pendidikan perguruan
tinggi di Surakarta dalam perspektif perlindungan peserta didik. 2) Untuk mengetahui model
yayasan pendidikan perguruan tinggi di Surakarta yang dapat direkomendasikan dalam
perspektif perlindungan peserta didik.
Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di tiga yayasan pendidikan di Surakarta yaitu Yayasan Karya
Dharma Pancasila Surakarta, Yayasan Sari Baruna Asih Surakarta dan Yayasan Mitra Insani
Klaten. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian empiris. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach). Data yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan
data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi secara langsung, wawancara dan studi
kepustakaan atau library research. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik
analisis kualitatif dengan model analisis prediktif.
Hasil penelitian 1) Yayasan pendidikan yang ada di Surakarta pada dasarnya mempunyai
ciri sosial ekonomi (socio economics fundations). Yayasan pendidikan di Surakarta cenderung
mempunyai pandangan yang bersifat sosial swadiri yang mutlak (socio partikularistik absolute),
dimana dalam praktiknya model yayasan ini mempunyai fungsi ganda, yaitu di satu sisi tetap
mempertahankan tujuan idealnya, dan di sisi lain bertindak sebagai badan usaha yang
menggunakan kekuatan-kekuatan ekonomi sebagai motor penggerak dalam tercapainya tujuan
yayasan. 2) Model yayasan pendidikan tinggi yang ideal diantaranya harus memenuhi hal-hal
seperti memenuhi ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan dalam statuta perguruan tinggi/universitas
yang disusun oleh yayasan pendidikan yang membina dan benar-benar mampu melaksanakan
visi, misi dan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, mampu memberikan jaminan kualitas pembelajaran
bagi peserta didik (mahasiswa), mampu memberikan fasilitas pendidikan yang memadai tanpa
melihat adanya perbedaan suku, ras, maupun agama, mampu memberikan jaminan terhadap
peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, mampu memfasilitasi terhadap peserta didik ,
mampu perlindungan terhadap nama baik yayasan dan melindungi peserta didik, harus berperan
dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan pengabdian masyarakat khususnya
dalam bidang keilmuan melalui berbagai bidang keilmuan
Design of Local Agricultural Product based Pre-biotic Industry in Indonesia
Inulin as Pre biotics have a good opportunity to be developed in Indonesia due to the good potential of agriculture product as raw material. On the other hand, the market prospect of inulin is very potentially to be developed because the demand of this pre biotic is still be imported from other countries. This purpose of this research is financial and market analysis of pre biotic industry. Keywords: Pre-biotic, design, feasibl
Development of Agroindustry Based Tourism: Tea Industry Case Study
Tourism is one of the needs of human being. Agroindustry is one of the potential sources for tourism now and the near future. The objectives of this research are: (1) identify the factors which influence to the development of agroindustry based toursm, (2) analysis internal and external factors of the system of agroindustry based tourism.Agroindustry which has plantation, harvesting and processing tends to be developed by companies in order to spread out the mission of company, and also give deep understanding to customer and it also as a corporate social responsibility. Company’s management, farmers, workers, customers, and government are the actors of agroindustry based tourism. They have their needs and their roles for agroindustry tourism. This research can contribute to the development of ecotourism as well as sustainable natural resource development.Keywords: agroindustry, tourism, sustainable development.
Analisa kualitas layanan pada industri jasa boga (analisys on service quality in catering service (resta ura nt)
The growth of income, knowledge, jobs, and work places supported the existence of the food service industry to fulfill the society\u27s need To increase the consumer\u27s satisfaction, it was needed to measure the service quality. The service quality was measured based on several variables: tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy, which ordered by SERVQUAL instruments.
The research was conducted by using questionnaire which was spread out to the consumers. The research methodology was purposive random sampling. The data were analyzed by product moment correlation test and Alpha technique for reliability test. The assumption for the double regression model had to fulfill following criteria\u27s: no multicolinearity no autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity which could be ignored
The results showed, that consumer\u27s acceptance level for service quality was high, which could be ranked as follow: reliability (highest), assurance, tangibles, responsiveness, and empathy (lowest). Double regression model for the quality service was : Y = 1.377 + 3.99x10-2X1
7.278x104X2â 4.673x10-2X3 + 0.118X, + 2.381x10\u272X3, which meant variable assurance (X4) gave the highest contribution to the consumer\u27s satisfaction.
Keywords: consumer\u27s satisfaction, food, catering service, double regression, SERVQUA
Yogyakarta is the right place to run a culinary business because of Yogyakarta's status as a city of culture, education city, and tourist destination, so it requires restaurant facilities, including for the high class segment. The right business strategy is needed to minimize the risk of competing and maximize the advantages of competition. The object of this research was GW restaurants and the comparisons were LD and SS restaurants. This research was aimed at identifying success factors, analyzing the business environment, and developing its business strategy. This research used descriptive-qualitative techniques with Critical Success Factors (CSF) and SWOT approaches. GW restaurants had Critical Success Factors, namely clear concepts, strong customer relationships, cultural interests, managing a competitive environment, good customer relationships, and determining the right location/place. The business environment consisted of internal and external. The development of its business strategy is to improve the quality of employees, improve the quality of its products and innovations, favor specific menus, increase service time, and conduct advertising promotions and expand the network with social media.
Keywords: business strategy, critical success factors, restauran
Evaluation of Worker Discomfort on Manual Palletization Activities of Bottled Water Products
The risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is one of the problems that often occurs in manual handling workers with heavy loads in repetitive work movements for a long time. One example of this movement is the manual palletization activity of Bottled Drinking Water products at PT XYZ. Initial observations showed that 18 workers felt limb discomfort while stacking cardboards of 18kg water bottles. This study aims to determine the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) used to measure the lifting load limit for workers; Lifting Index (LI) measurement that can describe the level of safety of lifting loads.The results showed that the load limit in drinking water palletization activities exceeded RWL, while the results of the LI calculation showed that manual palletization activities of bottled drinking water had a score of 6.4 where the LI score according to the safety standards of lifting activities was 1. These results indicate that manual palletization activities are not safe for workers and are at risk of causing MSDs. This is evidenced by the results of the assessment of the level of work posture discomfort using NBM which shows the highest pain score in the lower back of the body. Furthermore, workload measurement results vary from heavy to very heavy. From all parameters measured, it can be seen that the manual palletization activity of Bottled Drinking Water products at PT XYZ is very poor. The recommendation that can be proposed is to change the work system of manual palletization activities to a mechanical or automatic system
The PKUM scheme service activities for the Iron Pande Industry Group are carried out to improve the quality of production and export-based management. There are dozens of large, medium and small scale iron pande industries in Rejosari Pakis Magelang in Central Java and one of them is a member of the Mijil Karya group. The development of facilities for members of the iron pane industry is aimed at increasing the capacity / productivity and quality of iron pane products and carved bamboo furniture. And to achieve the capacity and quality of local content-based iron products and with local and national market share (exports), the service team prepares work steps or service activities including deepening company management management, especially in the flow of materials or goods and finance, deepening of improvements and improvements production units, deepening the improvement and refinement of local and national scale marketing (exports), completing showrooms to support marketing, implementation in partner industries and formulating indicators of success. In principle, a seated drilling machine consists of a leg or a base, an electric motor, a table, a power transmission, a hand-feed lever, a vise, a clamp set, an anvil (parallel block), a chuck, a reduction case, an opening peg, a boring head and a eye drill. Testing of drill tools with brass material showed an increase in drill feeding speed and effective drilling time at 1400 rpm. Meanwhile, testing of drilling tools using Cast Iron ST 20 also shows that it is effective at 960 rp
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