7 research outputs found

    The Genesis of Decentralization in Ethiopia: An Overview

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    Ethiopia in the hitherto periods was characterized as highly decentralized state where the regional or local governments possess much power even some times more than the central government. The central government especially during the Zemen Mesafint or the era of lord was very weak that it was incapable to maintain strong and unified state. Consequently, Ethiopia in that critical period was fragmented and ruled by various local rulers. However, as time goes in the second half of the 19th century, attempts were done to centralized and unified Ethiopia and it was successfully accomplished in the last decade of 19th century and such intense centralization policy was continued until the third quarter of the 20th century. In spite of this historical fact, currently, Ethiopia undergo a process of far-reaching decentralization, immediately after the Ethiopian Peoplesā€™ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) come in to power in 1991. The nature of decentralization registered in this period was differed from the hitherto one in that it gives for regional governments constitutional guarantee and give unconditional rights to self-determination including the right to secession under Article-39 of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) constitution in order to accommodating ethnic diversity and to avert a century old nationality problems. Besides to this, in the second phase of decentralization the lower tiers of government (districts) are established and constitutionally granted at least at state level. The most imperative objectives of such decentralization are developing grassroots democracy through increasing local participation, enhancing development and, rendering efficient and prompt social services to local people. Keywords: Decentralization, Regional Government, District Level Governmen

    Disability Vis-a-Vis Micro and Small Scale Enterprises The Case of Menbere-Mariam Saving and Credit Association, Debrebirhan, Ethiopia

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    Though micro and small scale enterprises are energetic and vibrant economic sectors which have the largest potential for job creation, access of vocational training, and hiring of persons with disabilities in these enterprises is low. The study examined the challenges of access to training and employment of persons with disabilities in micro and small scale enterprises in Debrebirhan town in the case of Menbere-Mariam saving and credit association. To realize the objective, data collection methods like in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and key informants interviews were used. Purposive sampling method was applied for the study.Ā  The study employed the qualitative method of analysis. Document analysis was used to examine various aspects of the associationā€™s experience of disability. The results of the study reveal that despite the wide range of protection under international, regional, and national laws, vocational training and employment access of persons with disabilities is a problem in the study area. Among the challenges they face are: absence of vocational training, attitudinal related challenges, institutional related barriers, employers related problems, guarantee related problems, barriers linked to project area and shop booths, lose of profit and health problems and problem with provision of infrastructure. Keywords: Disability, Employment, Micro and Small Scale, Enterprises, Vocational Training

    The Status of District level of Government in Amhara State, Ethiopia: From the perspective of primary health care service delivery

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    The existence of district level government was constitutionally recognized at regional level with legislative, executive and judicial power so as to make law centered on in its particular jurisdiction, enforce and adjudicate local cases with first instance court level respectively. They are also empowered to rendered important social services such as education, health, road and water etc for their electorate. Practically speaking, however, the kind of law they make need strict observance of the law of the upper levels of government and the quality and quantity of services they render are largely determined by the available funds they received from the above. Since they have limited resource availability, they could not provide and meet the intended objectives of decentralization in Ethiopia. Regardless of this fact, district level of government have entrusted health care service delivery related powers and responsibilities for instance, Undertake Building of HCs and health posts, health workers recruitment, provide in-service training and promotion to the health workers, management and Supervision of health institutions, and collect user fee and finance health institutions are given to the district government in Amhara state. Keywords: District Government, Health Center, Health post, Health Care Servic

    Factor Mobility Nexus Regional Competition: Switzerland in Focus

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    Regions or countries inter in to competition between or among themselves having an aspiration of improving their jurisdiction through attracting potential firms and labors towards their country by means of reducing tax burdens imposed upon firms and overlooking environmental and other related issues. The aims this paper is to explore the essential elements that are responsible for inter-regional growth disparities and brought an intense competition between or among regions of a nation. And attempts are also done to address the question like: why factors of productions move from one place to another; and what effect does it brings for the development of inter-regional inequalities. Besides, the theoretical and conceptual explanation of factor mobility and the underlying reason responsible for the mobility of factors of productions across and within a country, the practiceĀ  of factor mobility and inter-cantonal competition with particular emphasis of Switzerland confederationĀ  which is the oldest federation with extended autonomous of sub-national unities), and measures being taken by the confederal government to redress the ā€˜race to bottom effect- unproductive and imperfect tax competitionā€™ among cantons are also discussed in detail. Keywords: Factor mobility, revenue equalization, cost equalization, regional competition, tax harmonizatio

    Ethiopian Human Rights System: an overview

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    This article employed a more descriptive approach in dealing with the Ethiopian human rights system. To this effect, the national human rights experience in the past regimes along with their respective constitutional principles is referenced for the sake of comparison with the present system on the subject in question. Besides, it attempts to reveal the then socio-political and economic state-society inter-course in the way to assert that whether there is any changeĀ  in the present human rights system compared to the hitherto regimes as due emphasis is made to contrast the two (past-present regimes). An attempts is also did to provide a full image on the present human rights system in particular with a more detail discourse on the institutional structure of the national human rights system of post 1991. Accordingly, the paper explores lists of the institutional function, the mandate given thereby as well as the extent of human rights enshrined in the current constitution. In doing so, the following research questions are answered accordingly: How the present human rights differ from the hitherto regimes both in principle and practice?What are the institutions currently considered as tools of the national human rights system?How do these institutions behave for the realization and effectiveness of human rights? Keywords: Human Rights, Ethiopian Human Rights System, Ethiopian human Rights commission, Institutes of ombudsman