17 research outputs found

    Le groupe Intra. Mission - Moyens - Perspectives

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    Le Groupement d'Intérêt Économique Intra s'est doté, afin d'intervenir sur accident grave d'une Installation Nucléaire de Base française, de moyens matériels importants : moyens héliportés pour réalisation de cartographie radiologique ; moyens de Génie Civil radiocommandés ou télé-opérés sous vidéo pour effectuer des travaux de déblaiement ou de terrassements extérieurs aux bâtiments; moyens de reconnaissance extérieurs télé-opérés, capables d'effectuer des mesures de paramètres spécifiques ou des petites interventions; moyens de reconnaissance intérieurs radio-commandés par câble ou télé-opérés sous vidéo, capables de circuler à l'intérieur des bâtiments, de monter des escaliers, d'ouvrir des portes, etc. permettant ainsi l'acquisition de paramètres physiques spécifiques ou d'effectuer des petites interventions

    A Root-to-Leaf Algorithm Computing the Tree of Shapes of an Image

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    International audienceWe propose an algorithm computing the tree of shapes of an image, a unified variation of the component trees, proceeding from the root to the leaf shapes in a recursive fashion. It proceeds differently from existing algorithms that start from leaves, which are regional extrema of intensity, and build the intermediate shapes up to the root, which is the whole image. The advantage of the proposed method is a simpler, clearer, and more concise implementation, together with a more favorable running time on natural images. For integer-valued images, the complexity is proportional to the total variation, which is the memory size of the output tree, which makes the algorithm optimal

    Equivalence results for TV diffusion and TV regularization

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    It has been stressed that regularisation methods and diffusion processes approximate each other. In this paper we identify a situation where both processes are even identical: the space-discrete 1-D case of total variation (TV) denoising. This equivalence is proved by deriving identical analytical solutions for both processes. The temporal evolution confirms that space-discrete TV methods implement a region merging strategy with finite extinction time. Between two merging events, only extremal segments move. Their speed is inversely proportional to their size. Our results stress the distinguished nature of TV denoising. Furthermore, they enable a mutual transfer of all theoretical and algorithmic achievements between both techniques

    Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in intensive care units: a multicenter study by ESGCIP and EFISG

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    Background: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP) is an opportunistic, life-threatening disease commonly affecting immunocompromised patients. The distribution of predisposing diseases or conditions in critically ill patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) and subjected to diagnostic work-up for PJP has seldom been explored. Materials and methods: The primary objective of the study was to describe the characteristics of ICU patients subjected to diagnostic workup for PJP. The secondary objectives were: (i) to assess demographic and clinical variables associated with PJP; (ii) to assess the performance of Pneumocystis PCR on respiratory specimens and serum BDG for the diagnosis of PJP; (iii) to describe 30-day and 90-day mortality in the study population. Results: Overall, 600 patients were included in the study, of whom 115 had presumptive/proven PJP (19.2%). Only 8.8% of ICU patients subjected to diagnostic workup for PJP had HIV infection, whereas hematological malignancy, solid tumor, inflammatory diseases, and solid organ transplants were present in 23.2%, 16.2%, 15.5%, and 10.0% of tested patients, respectively. In multivariable analysis, AIDS (odds ratio [OR] 3.31; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13–9.64, p = 0.029), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (OR 3.71; 95% CI 1.23–11.18, p = 0.020), vasculitis (OR 5.95; 95% CI 1.07–33.22, p = 0.042), metastatic solid tumor (OR 4.31; 95% CI 1.76–10.53, p = 0.001), and bilateral ground glass on CT scan (OR 2.19; 95% CI 1.01–4.78, p = 0.048) were associated with PJP, whereas an inverse association was observed for increasing lymphocyte cell count (OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.42–1.00, p = 0.049). For the diagnosis of PJP, higher positive predictive value (PPV) was observed when both respiratory Pneumocystis PCR and serum BDG were positive compared to individual assay positivity (72% for the combination vs. 63% for PCR and 39% for BDG). Cumulative 30-day mortality and 90-day mortality in patients with presumptive/proven PJP were 52% and 67%, respectively. Conclusion: PJP in critically ill patients admitted to ICU is nowadays most encountered in non-HIV patients. Serum BDG when used in combination with respiratory Pneumocystis PCR could help improve the certainty of PJP diagnosis

    Exposição ao mercúrio e ao arsênio em Estados da Amazônia: síntese dos estudos do Instituto Evandro Chagas/FUNASA Exposure to mercury and arsenic in Amazon States: a summary of studies by the Evandro Chagas Institute/FUNASA

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    Este artigo é uma revisão das pesquisas da Seção de Meio Ambiente do Instituto Evandro Chagas/FUNASA sobre exposição ao mercúrio (Hg) no vale do rio Tapajós e Estado do Acre, e exposição ao arsênio (As) através de resíduos da exploração de manganês (Mn) realizada pela ICOMI deixados no Porto de Santana-AP. Em relação ao mercúrio, têm sido pesquisadas populações sob risco através da via respiratória ou alimentar. No primeiro caso, os trabalhadores de casas de compra e venda de ouro têm apresentado teores mais elevados de Hg em urina do que os garimpeiros estudados. No segundo caso, as populações ribeirinhas têm mostrado níveis diferenciados de exposição (Hg em cabelo). Comunidades ribeirinhas situadas em áreas não afetadas pelo mercúrio da garimpagem e com hábitos alimentares semelhantes às de área de risco têm sido avaliadas, visando a construção de parâmetros de normalidade regional. São também pesquisados os teores de Hg em materiais ambientais e na biota aquática. Os estudos de saúde humana e ambiente na cidade de Santana-AP objetivaram avaliar as fontes e possíveis vias de exposição da população da comunidade do Elesbão ao arsênio. Verificou-se a existência de fonte de risco através dos rejeitos de Mn, porém os níveis de As na água consumida pela população mostraram-se dentro dos parâmetros de normalidade. As médias encontradas em sangue e cabelo coincidem com médias de normalidade referidas na literatura, em populações não expostas, e as associações entre variáveis epidemiológicas, avaliação clínico-laboratorial e os teores de arsênio não mostraram significância estatística.<br>This article is a review of the studies carried out by Environmental Section of the Evandro Chagas Institute/FUNASA on mercury (Hg) exposure in the Tapajós river basin, and arsenic exposure (As) due to residues of the manganese (Mn) exploration, performed by ICOMI and left at the port of Santana-AP. Regarding mercury exposure, the populations under respiratory or ingestion risk have been studied. In the first case, gold shop workers have been showing higher Hg levels in urine than gold miners. In the second case, riverine populations have been showing differentiated exposure levels (Hg in hair). Riverine communities from areas not affected by gold mining mercury and with similar dietary habits to those of a risk area are studied seeking to establish what the normal parameters for the region area. Levels of Hg in environmental materials and in the aquatic biota were also studied. The studies of human and environmental health in the city of Santana-AP were carried out to evaluate sources and possible exposure routes of the Elesbão community to Arsenic. The existence of a risk source for As was verified through Mn wastes, although the As levels in the water consumed by the population were within normal standards. The averages found in blood and hair match normal averages found in the literature in non-exposed population, and the statistical associations between epidemiological variables, clinical evaluation, laboratorial results and arsenic levels were not significant