1 research outputs found
Physicians' knowledge of syncope in adults and its care in the emergency department
IIntroducci贸n: el s铆ncope constituye una entidad com煤n en los servicios de urgencias.Objetivo: evaluar en m茅dicos de un hospital general, el conocimiento sobre el s铆ncope y su manejo en urgencias.M茅todos: se realiz贸 una investigaci贸n cualitativa, de tipo evaluativo; mediante la aplicaci贸n de un cuestionario acad茅mico predise帽ado, sobre aspectos claves de la atenci贸n del s铆ncope en urgencias, a m茅dicos de especialidades cl铆nicas relacionadas con la atenci贸n de urgencias, del hospital general docente Abel Santamar铆a; provincia Pinar del R铆o, en abril del 2022. Los encuestados, fueron escogidos al azar, de forma voluntaria y an贸nimo.Resultados: se aplic贸 el cuestionario a 35 m茅dicos. Se requirieron menos de cinco minutos para responder el cuestionario completo. Seg煤n los aspectos evaluados; el 40 % de los encuestados no seleccion贸 la respuesta correcta relacionada con la definici贸n y causas de s铆ncope; sobre la evaluaci贸n inicial y atenci贸n multidisciplinaria, los aciertos alcanzaron el 74 % y 71 % respectivamente. En relaci贸n al diagn贸stico y estratificaci贸n de riesgo, los desaciertos fueron del 80 %. La aplicaci贸n del coeficiente KR20 clasific贸 como muy buena la consistencia interna del instrumento evaluativo empleado.Conclusiones: se evalu贸 el nivel de conocimiento de los m茅dicos sobre s铆ncope y su manejo en urgencias. Existe d茅ficit del conocimiento en los aspectos evaluados. Los resultados obtenidos se consideran confiables.Introduction: syncope is a common entity in emergency departments.Objective: to evaluate the knowledge about syncope and its management in the emergency department in physicians of a general hospital.Methods: a qualitative, evaluative research was carried out through the application of a pre-designed academic questionnaire on key aspects of syncope care in the emergency department to physicians of clinical specialties related to emergency care at the Abel Santamar铆a general teaching hospital, Pinar del R铆o province, in April 2022. Respondents were chosen randomly, voluntarily and anonymously.Questionnaire: the questionnaire included 5 questions, single-choice multiple choice type, with 4 possible answers (a, b, c, d). The aspects evaluated were: definition, causes, initial evaluation, diagnosis, risk stratification, and syncope care.Results: the questionnaire was administered to 35 physicians. Less than 5 minutes were required to complete the questionnaire. According to the aspects evaluated, 40 % of the respondents did not select the correct answer related to the definition and causes of syncope; on the initial evaluation and multidisciplinary care, the correct answers reached 74 % and 71 % respectively. And in relation to diagnosis and risk stratification, misses were 80 %. The application of the KR20 coefficient classified the internal consistency of the evaluation instrument used as very good.Conclusions: the level of knowledge of physicians about syncope and its management in the emergency department was evaluated. There is a knowledge deficit in the aspects evaluated. The results obtained are considered reliable