9 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia, Ciudad Bogotá, Departamento Cundinamarca, Municipio Mosquera

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    Colombia ha sido un país muy golpeado por la violencia desde hace más de 50 años por varios grupos armados que durante el desarrollo de sus actividades han tenido practicas violentas y han dejado muchas víctimas. Desde el análisis y la narración de sus vivencias se busca ampliar conocimientos respecto a las habilidades y significados correspondientes, mediante el relato y reconocimiento de su historia personal, esto siendo importante para una persona que ha tenido experiencias traumáticas, así lo indica White (2016) “dando prioridad a un nuevo desarrollo y una revigorización del sentido de sí mismo”. De acuerdo con la narración de la comisión de la verdad video de Shimaia, y El Tiempo Casa Editorial (2020) Masacre en El Salado, se pretende desde el rol del psicólogo identificar impactos psicosociales traumáticos, además de hacer un análisis reflexivo identificando emergentes psicosociales, recursos de afrontamiento y elementos resilientes y simbólicos identificando su posicionamiento como víctima o sobreviviente. Posteriormente para el caso Shimaia, se plantean una serie de preguntas (circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas) para un acercamiento psicosocial y en la masacre de El Salado, se da un abordaje por medio de acciones y estrategias que están enfocadas al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida y el fortalecimiento de habilidades de las víctimas del conflicto armado desde un enfoque de empoderamiento donde se pretende que las victimas puedan controlar las circunstancias y alcancen sus objetivos Powell (1990). A este documento se anexa la experiencia realizada en el paso 3.Colombia has been a country hard hit by violence for more than 50 years by various armed groups that during the course of their activities have engaged in violent practices and have left many victims. From the analysis and narration of their experiences, the aim is to expand knowledge regarding the corresponding skills and meanings, through the story and recognition of their personal history, this being important for a person who has had traumatic experiences, as indicated by White (2016). “giving priority to a new development and a reinvigoration of the sense of self”. According to the narration of the video truth commission of Shimaia, and El Tiempo Casa Editorial (2020) Massacre in El Salado, it is intended from the role of the psychologist to identify traumatic psychosocial impacts, in addition to making a reflective analysis identifying emerging psychosocial, coping resources and resilient and symbolic elements identifying their position as a victim or survivor. Subsequently, for the Shimaia case, a series of questions (circular, reflective and strategic) are posed for a psychosocial approach and in the El Salado massacre, an approach is given through actions and strategies that are focused on improving the quality of life and the strengthening of the abilities of the victims of the armed conflict from an empowerment approach where it is intended that the victims can control the circumstances and achieve their objectives Powell, (1990). The experience carried out in step 3 is attached to this document

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 20 No. 43 Diciembre 2002

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    Con la edición del número 43 de la Revista Temas Socio-Jurídicos se cierra el ciclo de los primeros veinte años, continuos, de labores de este medio académico destinado a divulgar la labor intelectual de docentes y discentes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga. En medio del convulso e inestable escenario jurídico del país, se pretende contribuir a la construcción de un pensamiento jurídico ligado a la realidad social que plantea desde las distintas vertientes de la opinión tópicos inquietantes para el medio académico, procurando decantamiento y comprensión de los fenómenos al tiempo que propicia la controversía y la libre expresión de los diferentes puntos de vista, en desarrollo de los principios que orientan esta casa de estudios.With the edition of number 43 of the Socio-Legal Issues Magazine, the cycle of the first twenty continuous years of work of this academic environment is closed, aimed at disseminating the intellectual work of teachers and students of the Faculty. of Law of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga. In the midst of the convulsive and unstable legal scenario in the country, intends to contribute to the construction of a legal thought linked to the social reality that raises from the different slopes of the opinion disturbing topics for the academic environment, seeking decantation and understanding of the phenomena while fostering controversy and the free expression of the different points of view, in development of the principles that guide this house of studies

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac

    Pushing the analytical limits: new insights into complex mixtures using mass spectra segments of constant ultrahigh resolving power

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    A new strategy has been developed for characterization of the most challenging complex mixtures to date, using a combination of custom-designed experiments and a new data pre-processing algorithm. In contrast to traditional methods, the approach enables operation of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) with constant ultrahigh resolution at hitherto inaccessible levels (approximately 3 million FWHM, independent of m/z). The approach, referred to as OCULAR, makes it possible to analyze samples that were previously too complex, even for high field FT-ICR MS instrumentation. Previous FT-ICR MS studies have typically spanned a broad mass range with decreasing resolving power (inversely proportional to m/z) or have used a single, very narrow m/z range to produce data of enhanced resolving power; both methods are of limited effectiveness for complex mixtures spanning a broad mass range, however. To illustrate the enhanced performance due to OCULAR, we show how a record number of unique molecular formulae (244 779 elemental compositions) can be assigned in a single, non-distillable petroleum fraction without the aid of chromatography or dissociation (MS/MS) experiments. The method is equally applicable to other areas of research, can be used with both high field and low field FT-ICR MS instruments to enhance their performance, and represents a step-change in the ability to analyze highly complex samples.This work was supported by a Newton Fund award (reference number 275910721), Research Agreement No. 5211770 UIS-ICP, and COLCIENCIAS (project No. FP44842-039-2015). Juan P. Arenas thanks COLCIENCIAS for the Scholarship. Rémy Gavard and Mary Thomas thank EPSRC for a PhD studentship through the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Analytical Science (grant number EP/L015307/1). David Rossell was partially supported by Ramon y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2015-18544 from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Government of Spain) and by a "Ayudas Fundacion BBVA a Equipos de Investigacion Cientifica en Big Data 2017" award from the BBVA Foundation