5 research outputs found


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    This article describes lessons learned from a pilot project that delivers Restorative Justice (RJ) to victims of crime referred by agencies supporting victims and victim self-referrals. The project involves a partnership of agencies in the Thames Valley, working as part of a wider European Collaboration, to extend RJ services to victims at the post-sentencing level. We provide access to RJ for victims, whilst protecting their rights and preventing re-victimisation, in accordance with EU directive 2012/29/EU (European Commission, 2012). The context and methodology of our pilot project are explained. Lessons learned from practice through team case discussion and supervision are then identified and described. The cases are then summarised in a table which outlines their key features and acts as a point of reference in relation to the lessons learned. Cases are ongoing at the time of writing. The lessons may not always be clear cut and finalised. We hope that this approach will demonstrate the process of learning from experience and practice as the project develops. Whilst ours is not a rigorously scientific approach, we hope it offers readers a chance to understand the dilemmas and issues presented by a model which starts from a victim’s request for RJ. The authors are the project manager and the RJ Facilitators involved in delivering the service. Independent evaluation, involving interviews with victims, referrers and offenders who have participated in the pilot project, follows at a later stage.Ovaj članak opisuje lekcije naučene iz pilot-projekta koji restorativnu pravdu omogućuje žrtvama zločina na koje upućuju agencije za pomoć žrtvama te žrtvama koje se same prijave za takav program. Projekt uključuje partnerstvo agencija u regiji Thames Valley, koje djeluju u sklopu šire europske suradnje, kako bi se usluge restorativne pravde za žrtve proširile na razini nakon izricanja kazne. Žrtvama omogućujemo pristup restorativnoj pravdi, dok štitimo njihova prava i sprečavamo ponovnu viktimizaciju, u skladu s Direktivom 2012/29/EU (Europska komisija 2012.). Objašnjeni su kontekst i metodologija našeg pilot-projekta, a potom su kroz timske rasprave o slučajevima i nadzor identificirane i opisane lekcije naučene iz prakse. Slučajevi su zatim sažeti u tablici koja navodi njihove ključne značajke i djeluje kao referentna točka u vezi s naučenim lekcijama. U vrijeme pisanja članka, slučajevi su u tijeku. Lekcije se ne mogu uvijek jasno definirati i finalizirati. Vjerujemo da će ovaj pristup pokazati proces učenja iz iskustva i prakse kako se projekt bude razvijao. Iako naš pristup nije strogo znanstven, nadamo se da čitateljima nudi priliku da razumiju dileme i pitanja predstavljene modelom koji počinje zahtjevom žrtve za restorativnom pravdom. Autori su voditelj projekta i voditelji restorativne pravde uključeni u izvršavanje usluga. Neovisna procjena, koja uključuje intervjue sa žrtvama, posrednicima i počiniteljima koji su sudjelovali u pilot-projektu, slijedi u kasnijoj fazi

    Victims in Restorative Justice at Post-sentencing level. A Manual

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    The content of this manual evolved from the research project ‘Restorative Justice at post-sentencing level; supporting and protecting victims’ carried out by an international European team from Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. This manual is one of several project publications. The target group of this manual consists of those who are, in the widest sense, related to the work with victims of crime but also those, who are interested in Restorative Justice. This manual describes how victims of crime and therewith offenders and the community can be supported in various different ways. Therefore, the awareness of their needs is central at the outset. Furthermore, it aims to provide understanding of the individual process of coping and may therefore also lead to more self-awareness. If the victim is interested and prepared, it is possible to carry out Restorative Justice procedures in all types of crime and at all levels of seriousness, as long as it fits the person’s needs. The different steps to gain understanding of the situation of a victim and to provide support, as well as to empower in order to deal with what has occurred, are described in this manual. The different phases, before, during and after a restorative process, will be outlined as well as various RJ-procedures, from indirect victim-offendermediation to conferencing and possible techniques to apply during these procedures. That an atmosphere of trust is essential during the whole process appears evident as it is a basic principle of all Restorative Justice procedures. In order to provide better orientation, each sub-section is initiated with a number of key issues, which are then elaborated in a short text and concluded with a precise recommendation for practitioners to apply in the work with victims. More experienced practitioners can use this manual as a book of reference and concentrate on the recommendation whereas those, who have had less contact with victims in their work, can use it as an additional guide. In the final section, some case studies from the project partners England, Schleswig-Holstein, Portugal and Croatia give an exemplary insight into the restorative work carried out, from the victim perspective only

    Mein(schöner)Prof.de. The Physical Attractiveness of Academic Staff and Its Influence on Evaluations by Students

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    Preferential Binding to Elk-1 by SLE-Associated IL10 Risk Allele Upregulates IL10 Expression

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