8 research outputs found

    ER Stress Inhibits Liver Fatty Acid Oxidation while Unmitigated Stress Leads to Anorexia-Induced Lipolysis and Both Liver and Kidney Steatosis

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR), induced by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, regulates the expression of factors that restore protein folding homeostasis. However, in the liver and kidney, ER stress also leads to lipid accumulation, accompanied at least in the liver by transcriptional suppression of metabolic genes. The mechanisms of this accumulation, including which pathways contribute to the phenotype in each organ, are unclear. We combined gene expression profiling, biochemical assays, and untargeted lipidomics to understand the basis of stress-dependent lipid accumulation, taking advantage of enhanced hepatic and renal steatosis in mice lacking the ER stress sensor ATF6α. We found that impaired fatty acid oxidation contributed to the early development of steatosis in the liver but not the kidney, while anorexia-induced lipolysis promoted late triglyceride and free fatty acid accumulation in both organs. These findings provide evidence for both direct and indirect regulation of peripheral metabolism by ER stress

    Biochemical analysis of proteins in the telomere maintenance pathway

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    Eukaryotic linear chromosomes culminate in nucleoprotein structures designated telomeres. The terminal telomeric DNA consists of tandem repeats of a G-rich motif that is established and maintained by the action of the specialized reverse transcriptase called telomerase. In addition to the function of telomerase, the telomere environment requires an efficient means to assemble and disassemble a multitude of structures to operate correctly and to help achieve cellular homeostasis. Distinct protein assemblies are nucleated at telomeric DNA to both guard the ends from damage and lengthen the DNA after replication. In yeast, Cdc13 recruits either Stn1-Ten1 to form a protective cap or the telomerase holoenzyme to extend the DNA. I have established an in vitro yeast telomere system in which Stn1-Ten1-unextendable or telomerase-extendable states can be observed. Notably, the yeast Hsp90 chaperone Hsp82 mediates the switch between the telomere capping and extending structures by modulating the DNA binding activity of Cdc13. The telomere length and telomerase telomere occupancy also appear to be yeast Hsp90 dependent. Taken together, my data show that the Hsp82 chaperone facilitates telomere DNA maintenance by promoting transitions between two operative complexes and by reducing the potential for binding events that would otherwise block the assembly of downstream structures. The first telomerase cofactor identified was the budding yeast protein Est1, which is conserved through humans. While it is evident that Est1 is required for telomere DNA maintenance, understanding its mechanistic contributions to telomerase regulation has been limited. In vitro, the primary effect of Est1 is to activate telomerase-mediated DNA extension. Although Est1 displayed specific DNA and RNA binding, neither activity iii contributed significantly to telomerase stimulation. Rather Est1 mediated telomerase upregulation through direct contacts with the reverse transcriptase subunit. My studies provide insights into the molecular events used to control the enzymatic activity of the telomerase holoenzyme

    HSP90 manages the ends

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    The Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone Modulates Multiple Telomerase Activities▿

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    The Hsp90 molecular chaperone is a highly abundant eukaryotic molecular chaperone. While it is understood that Hsp90 modulates a significant number of proteins, the mechanistic contributions made by Hsp90 to a client protein typically are not well understood. Here we investigate the yeast Hsp90 regulatory roles with telomerase. Telomerase lengthens chromosome termini by specifically associating with single-stranded telomeric DNA and appending nucleotides by reverse transcription. We have found that the yeast Hsp90 homolog Hsp82p promotes both telomerase DNA binding and nucleotide addition properties. By isolating telomerase from different allelic backgrounds we observed distinct defects. For example, in an hsp82 T101I strain telomerase displayed decreased nucleotide processivity, whereas both DNA binding and extension activities were lowered in a G170D background. The decline in telomerase DNA binding correlated with a loss of Hsp82p association. No matter the defect, telomerase activity was recovered upon Hsp82p addition. Importantly, telomere length and telomerase telomere occupancy was yeast Hsp90 dependent. Taken together, our results indicate that Hsp82p promotes telomerase DNA association and facilitates DNA extension once telomerase is engaged with the DNA