142 research outputs found

    Detecting the Relationship between Adaptation and Learning Performance of Second Generation Immigrant Students in Elementary Schools

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to determine the relationship between student adaptation and learning performance among second generation immigrant children in elementary schools. We collected 364 students’ data to fit this scope from New Taipei City in 2013. Statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The findings reveal that the second generation immigrant students’ adaptation is pretty well compared to that of their counterparts. The learning performance is also better than that of the expected level. The result indicates there is different individual adaptation among second generation immigrant children due to their mother’s education attainment. The different interpersonal adaptation has also shown on their father’s education attainment. Mother’s occupation can explain the differences of family adaptation, learning adaptation, and student’s adaptation. The second generation immigrant student’s adaptation has shown low positive correlation with their learning performance. The findings may use to enhance second generation immigrant student’s adaptation and prompt to their learning performance.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20150419~20150420[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Hong Kon

    Determining the Relationship between Academic Self-efficacy and Student Engagement by Meta-analysis

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    [[abstract]]Academic self-efficacy has become an important factor that will affect students’ choices of their learning task and behaviors, as well as their mentality and emotions on learning. Moreover, student engagement has been found playing a key to success in learning. This study tried to analyze the relationship between academic self-efficacy and student engagement through meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is the statistical procedure for combining data from series of studies focused on specific topics. When the effect varies from one study to the next, meta-analysis may be used to identify the variation. To determine their relationship, we selected 26 previous studies from 1990 to 2014 in the target data banks and conducted by Comprehensive Meta-analysis (CMA). The results reveal: (1) There is a relationship existed between academic self-efficacy and student engagement; (2) In different school level, that only shows the moderating effect on academic self-efficacy and behavioral engagement.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20150419~20150420[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Hong Kon

    Selecting the Strategies for Implementing Teacher Evaluation in Junior High Schools

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to select better strategies for implementing teacher evaluation in junior high schools. Based on the fuzzy questionnaire, this study collected the data from teachers’ perceptions on importance and feasibility in related teacher evaluation strategies. The survey was targeted at 17 junior high school and 400 teachers in New Taipei city, Taiwan. The return rate of fuzzy questionnaires is 89.5%. This study transformed the interval data by way of fuzzy means, defuzzification, and fuzzy distance. The result reveals, for the purposes of teacher evaluation, the possible strategies are improving the quality of teaching and assisting teachers in their professional development; For the principles of teacher evaluation, the possible strategies including set the evaluation indicators according to teachers’ teaching fields and let teachers participate in related decision making; For related methods of teacher evaluation, the possible strategies are classroom observation, using teacher self-evaluation, and using teaching portfolio. The inappropriate strategy is evaluated by parent questionnaires. The study suggests ten strategies for improving the current teacher evaluation system.[[booktype]]紙

    Fuzzy Correlation among Student Engagement and Interpersonal Interactions

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    [[abstract]]Student engagement has become a hot issue in education settings. Previous studies have provided a profound knowledge to tackle this issue from different perspectives. While engagement or not is an ambiguous question for student learning, it is not easy to reflect on a crisp answer in a traditional way. Similarly, the students’ interpersonal interactions among the teachers, classmates, and parents have shown uncertainly relationship with their engagement. This study aims to explore the issues by using self-designed fuzzy questionnaire as an example for high school teachers. Fuzzy means, centroids, variances, and fuzzy correlations have been transformed. The results reveal some indicators have negative tendency fuzzy relationships. The fuzzy correlation coefficients did not display their significant differences in this case study. This study has demonstrated that the fuzzy statistics can provide an example to tackle the similar issue on a class basis in education settings.[[sponsorship]]Tamkang University[[notice]]補正完

    Determining the relationship between college student engagement and learning development by SEM

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    Quantitative data analysis[[abstract]]This study aims to explore the latent impact of college student engagement on learning development. We have considered students’ background to determine the effect of student engagement and learning development. Based on the Student Engagement Questionnaire, this study collected 2,651 valid questionnaires from public and private universities in Taiwan. Factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and SEM were used to analyze the data. The result reveals that the relevant factors of learning will promote student engagement and their future development. The findings may provide useful information for policy and practice in campus.[[sponsorship]]IMIP 2014[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20141023~20141024[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa

    Building Better Discipline Strategies for Schools by Fuzzy Logics

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    [[abstract]]This study aims to realize better discipline strategies for applying in high schools. We invited 400 teachers to participate the survey and collected their perceptions on the discipline strategies in terms of the acceptance of strategies and their effectiveness in schools. Based on the idea of fuzzy statistics, this study transformed the fuzzy interval data by way of fuzzy means, fuzzy centroids, and fuzzy distances to select better discipline strategies. The result reveals, in positive discipline domain, the high acceptable and effective strategies are “praise student in oral frequently”, following “integrated life events in classroom management”, “grant awards, small merit, and work incentives”, and “leading students to participate volunteering activities”; In general discipline domain, the high acceptable and effective strategies are “notify parents to associate to solve”, then “adjusting students’ seating”; In special discipline domain, there is no high acceptable and effective strategies available. The selected discipline strategies might be used to improve the current issues in high schools.[[sponsorship]]International Association for Development of the Information Society; 淡江大學教育學院[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20141210~20141212[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]New Taipei City, Taiwa

    Exploring Concurrent Relationships between Economic Factors and Student Mobility in Expanding Higher Education Achieving 2030

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    Student mobility is one of the most important indicators to reflect institutional internationalization in a sustainable higher education system. Student mobility issues have been addressed in previous studies, and the phenomenon was discussed in association with related factors persistently. Since higher education sustainable development has received much scholarly attention, monitoring student mobility flows to adjust international strategies is necessary. This study explored practical approaches to detect student mobility flows in the process of higher education expansion. Targeting Taiwan’s higher education system as an example, we addressed the topic of system expansion and the core issues of student mobility. Target series data were collected from 1950 to 2021, including the economic growth ratio, GDP per capita, higher education enrollment, gross enrollment ratio (GER), and the number of inbound and outbound students. The data were transformed with index formats, for example, the economic growth ratio, enrollment increasing ratio (IR), and net flow ratio. The cross-correlation function (CCF) and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) were used to determine the correlations of the series data and their future trends. The findings suggested that the system expansion, with GER and IR, might reflect fluctuated student mobility in economic growth. This study confirmed that the time series approaches work well in detecting the phenomena of higher education expansion and their effects on student mobility flow in the future

    Detecting Female Students Transforming Entrepreneurial Competency, Mindset, and Intention into Sustainable Entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurship has been viewed as an opportunity for economic development and changing economic scenario in global markets. Women are viewed as a reservoir of entrepreneurial talents, so they can be growth engines in novel markets. Previous studies have considered entrepreneurship as the most effective way towards the economic empowerment of women. Female students engaged in entrepreneurial education have been addressed persistently, while what transforms them in an education process is still unclear. Considering the transforming global economy and its influence on higher education, this study aims to detect female students transforming entrepreneurial competency, mindset, and intention into sustainable entrepreneurship. Using a self-compiled survey, we targeted 752 female students to investigate their entrepreneurial competency, mindset, and intention. SPSS and AMOS were used to transform the data for interpretation. We assumed that the impact of female student’s entrepreneurial competency could be modified by an entrepreneurial mindset and result in entrepreneurial intention. To detect this causal relationship, this study employed reliability, factor, structural equation modeling (SEM), and bootstrapping analyses to verify the evidence. The result of the SEM confirms that the female students’ entrepreneurial competency will, through their entrepreneurial mindset, impact entrepreneurial intention. With bootstrapping, 5000 samples were collected, and it was demonstrated that the measure constructs were still reliable in the model. This study found that there is a mediation effect between entrepreneurial competency and entrepreneurial intention. The entrepreneurial mindset plays a crucial role in the transformation process. Without an entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial competency cannot exert a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. The findings can help reinvent related entrepreneurial education in higher education

    Detecting the Institutional Mediation of Push–Pull Factors on International Students’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    [[abstract]]In this study, we designed a structural model to determine the relationships among push–pull factors, institutional situations, and satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 17 selected indicators fell under five domains, namely push factors, pull factors, institutional leadership, international strategies, and satisfaction. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to verify the assumptions of the model. Based on 1005 degree-seeking international students’ views, this study found that push and pull factors may coincidentally exist, and their functions can be modified by institutional situation. The findings suggest pull factors will, through institutional leadership, impact students’ satisfaction, while push factors will not. Moreover, the detection of institutional mediation can provide useful information for specific institutes to develop their future recruiting or retaining strategies. These findings enriched our knowledge of the field for higher education sustainable development. For future studies, this design may be useful to interpret the phenomena of global student mobility in higher education settings.[[sponsorship]]科技部[[notice]]補正完


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    [[abstract]]Gender parity issues have been discussed widely in previous literature. While trend analysis for this phenomenon is still very limited. This study focuses on the effect of system expansion on faculty gender parity by using transfer function and ARIMA to tackle the series data. Gender parity index was transformed by Becker’s discrimination coefficient (D) to detect the patterns of gender parity in the selected higher education system. To predict the future trend, the ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) was used to build the fittest model to interpret the trends of D in next decade. The findings display the higher education system still favored male faculty, whereas following the post-expansion in next decade, the gender parity will reduce its discrepancy. This study provides an example to tackle the similar issue in different higher education settings.[[notice]]補正完