15 research outputs found

    Custom-Designed Affinity Capture LC-MS F(ab′)2 Assay for Biotransformation Assessment of Site-Specific Antibody Drug Conjugates

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    Affinity capture liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) intact antibody assay has been widely used for direct drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) and catabolite characterization of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). However, the intact mass spectra of new ADCs, which incorporate new types of linkers and payloads other than maytansines and auristatins, are more complex than those examined previously. The current method has showed some limitations in elucidating certain structural modifications. Herein, we report an alternative analytical approach for ADCs, such as THIOMAB antibody-drug conjugates (TDCs), where the linker drugs are site-specifically conjugated in the Fab region. The newly developed affinity capture LC-MS F­(ab′)­2 assay incorporates affinity capture of human IgGs via binding to the Fab region, followed by on-bead IdeS digestion to remove the Fc domain specifically and uniformly. The resulting F­(ab′)­2 (∼100 kDa) fragments contain the key ADC biotransformation information, such as drug-to-antibody ratio and drug metabolism and are more readily analyzed by electrospray ionization LC-MS than the intact ADC (∼150 kDa). The reduced size of analytes results in improved mass spectral sensitivity and resolution. In addition, the reduced and optimized sample preparation time, for example, rapid removal of the Fc fragment by IdeS digestion, minimizes assay artifacts of drug metabolism and skewed DAR profiles that may result from the prolonged incubation times (e.g., overnight enzymatic treatment for Fc deglycosylation). The affinity capture LC-MS F­(ab′)­2 assay provides more detailed and accurate information on ADC biotransformations in vivo, enabling analysis of low-dose, labile, and complex site-specific ADCs with linker-drug conjugated in the Fab region

    Characterization of the Redox Activity and Disulfide Bond Formation in Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease

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    Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) is an unusual nuclear redox factor in which the redox-active cysteines identified to date, C65 and C93, are surface inaccessible residues whose activities may be influenced by partial unfolding of APE1. To assess the role of the five remaining cysteines in APE1’s redox activity, double-cysteine mutants were analyzed, excluding C65A, which is redox-inactive as a single mutant. C93A/C99A APE1 was found to be redox-inactive, whereas other double-cysteine mutants retained the same redox activity as that observed for C93A APE1. To determine whether these three cysteines, C65, C93, and C99, were sufficient for redox activity, all other cysteines were substituted with alanine, and this protein was shown to be fully redox-active. Mutants with impaired redox activity failed to stimulate cell proliferation, establishing an important role for APE1’s redox activity in cell growth. Disulfide bond formation upon oxidation of APE1 was analyzed by proteolysis of the protein followed by mass spectrometry analysis. Within 5 min of exposure to hydrogen peroxide, a single disulfide bond formed between C65 and C138 followed by the formation of three additional disulfide bonds within 15 min; 10 total disulfide bonds formed within 1 h. A single mixed-disulfide bond involving C99 of APE1 was observed for the reaction of oxidized APE1 with thioredoxin (TRX). Disulfide-bonded APE1 or APE1–TRX species were further characterized by size exclusion chromatography and found to form large complexes. Taken together, our data suggest that APE1 is a unique redox factor with properties distinct from those of other redox factors

    Synthesis and Application of an Environmentally Insensitive Cy3-Based Arsenical Fluorescent Probe To Identify Adaptive Microbial Responses Involving Proximal Dithiol Oxidation

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    Reversible disulfide oxidation between proximal cysteines in proteins represents a common regulatory control mechanism to modulate flux through metabolic pathways in response to changing environmental conditions. To enable <i>in vivo</i> measurements of cellular redox changes linked to disulfide bond formation, we have synthesized a cell-permeable thiol-reactive affinity probe (TRAP) consisting of a monosubstituted cyanine dye derivatized with arsenic (i.e., TRAP_Cy3) to trap and visualize dithiols in cytosolic proteins. Alkylation of reactive thiols prior to displacement of the bound TRAP_Cy3 by ethanedithiol permits facile protein capture and mass spectrometric identification of proximal reduced dithiols to the exclusion of individual cysteines. Applying TRAP_Cy3 to evaluate cellular responses to increases in oxygen and light levels in the photosynthetic microbe <i>Synechococcus</i> sp. PCC7002, we observe large decreases in the abundance of reduced dithiols in cellular proteins, which suggest redox-dependent mechanisms involving the oxidation of proximal disulfides. Under these same growth conditions that result in the oxidation of proximal thiols, there is a reduction in the abundance of post-translational oxidative protein modifications involving methionine sulfoxide and nitrotyrosine. These results suggest that the redox status of proximal cysteines responds to environmental conditions, acting to regulate metabolic flux and minimize the formation of reactive oxygen species to decrease oxidative protein damage

    Simple Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Assisted Sample Preparation Method for LC-MS-Based Proteomics Applications

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    Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is one of the most popular laboratory reagents used for biological sample extraction; however, the presence of this reagent in samples challenges LC-MS-based proteomics analyses because it can interfere with reversed-phase LC separations and electrospray ionization. This study reports a simple SDS-assisted proteomics sample preparation method facilitated by a novel peptide-level SDS removal step. In an initial demonstration, SDS was effectively (>99.9%) removed from peptide samples through ion substitution-mediated DS<sup>–</sup> precipitation using potassium chloride (KCl), and excellent peptide recovery (>95%) was observed for <20 μg of peptides. Further experiments demonstrated the compatibility of this protocol with LC-MS/MS analyses. The resulting proteome coverage obtained for both mammalian tissues and bacterial samples was comparable to or better than that obtained for the same sample types prepared using standard proteomics preparation methods and analyzed using LC-MS/MS. These results suggest the SDS-assisted protocol is a practical, simple, and broadly applicable proteomics sample processing method, which can be particularly useful when dealing with samples difficult to solubilize by other methods

    High-Resolution Accurate-Mass Mass Spectrometry Enabling In-Depth Characterization of <i>in Vivo</i> Biotransformations for Intact Antibody-Drug Conjugates

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    Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) represent a promising class of therapeutics for the targeted delivery of highly potent cytotoxic drugs to tumor cells to improve bioactivity while minimizing side effects. ADCs are composed of both small and large molecules and therefore have complex molecular structures. <i>In vivo</i> biotransformations may further increase the complexity of ADCs, representing a unique challenge for bioanalytical assays. Quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOF MS) with electrospray ionization has been widely used for characterization of intact ADCs. However, interpretation of ADC biotransformations with small mass changes, for the intact molecule, remains a limitation due to the insufficient mass resolution and accuracy of Q-TOF MS. Here, we have investigated <i>in vivo</i> biotransformations of multiple site-specific THIOMAB antibody-drug conjugates (TDCs), in the intact form, using a high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) MS approach. Compared with conventional Q-TOF MS, HR/AM Orbitrap MS enabled more comprehensive identification of ADC biotransformations. It was particularly beneficial for characterizing ADC modifications with small mass changes such as partial drug loss and hydrolysis. This strategy has significantly enhanced our capability to elucidate ADC biotransformations and help understand ADC efficacy and safety <i>in vivo</i>

    Mapping N-Linked Glycosylation Sites in the Secretome and Whole Cells of <i>Aspergillus niger</i> Using Hydrazide Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry

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    Protein glycosylation (e.g., N-linked glycosylation) is known to play an essential role in both cellular functions and secretory pathways; however, our knowledge of <i>in vivo</i> N-glycosylated sites is very limited for the majority of fungal organisms including <i>Aspergillus niger</i>. Herein, we present the first extensive mapping of N-glycosylated sites in <i>A. niger</i> by applying an optimized solid phase glycopeptide enrichment protocol using hydrazide-modified magnetic beads. The enrichment protocol was initially optimized using both mouse blood plasma and <i>A. niger</i> secretome samples, and it was demonstrated that the protein-level enrichment protocol offered superior performance over the peptide-level protocol. The optimized protocol was then applied to profile N-glycosylated sites from both the secretome and whole cell lysates of <i>A. niger</i>. A total of 847 N-glycosylated sites from 330 N-glycoproteins (156 proteins from the secretome and 279 proteins from whole cells) were confidently identified by LC–MS/MS. The identified N-glycoproteins in the whole cell lysate were primarily localized in the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, and storage vacuoles, supporting the important role of N-glycosylation in the secretory pathways. In addition, these glycoproteins are involved in many biological processes including gene regulation, signal transduction, protein folding and assembly, protein modification, and carbohydrate metabolism. The extensive coverage of N-glycosylated sites and the observation of partial glycan occupancy on specific sites in a number of enzymes provide important initial information for functional studies of N-linked glycosylation and their biotechnological applications in <i>A. niger</i>

    Mapping N-Linked Glycosylation Sites in the Secretome and Whole Cells of <i>Aspergillus niger</i> Using Hydrazide Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry

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    Protein glycosylation (e.g., N-linked glycosylation) is known to play an essential role in both cellular functions and secretory pathways; however, our knowledge of <i>in vivo</i> N-glycosylated sites is very limited for the majority of fungal organisms including <i>Aspergillus niger</i>. Herein, we present the first extensive mapping of N-glycosylated sites in <i>A. niger</i> by applying an optimized solid phase glycopeptide enrichment protocol using hydrazide-modified magnetic beads. The enrichment protocol was initially optimized using both mouse blood plasma and <i>A. niger</i> secretome samples, and it was demonstrated that the protein-level enrichment protocol offered superior performance over the peptide-level protocol. The optimized protocol was then applied to profile N-glycosylated sites from both the secretome and whole cell lysates of <i>A. niger</i>. A total of 847 N-glycosylated sites from 330 N-glycoproteins (156 proteins from the secretome and 279 proteins from whole cells) were confidently identified by LC–MS/MS. The identified N-glycoproteins in the whole cell lysate were primarily localized in the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, and storage vacuoles, supporting the important role of N-glycosylation in the secretory pathways. In addition, these glycoproteins are involved in many biological processes including gene regulation, signal transduction, protein folding and assembly, protein modification, and carbohydrate metabolism. The extensive coverage of N-glycosylated sites and the observation of partial glycan occupancy on specific sites in a number of enzymes provide important initial information for functional studies of N-linked glycosylation and their biotechnological applications in <i>A. niger</i>

    A Highly Sensitive Targeted Mass Spectrometric Assay for Quantification of AGR2 Protein in Human Urine and Serum

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    Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is a secreted, cancer-associated protein in many types of epithelial cancer cells. We developed a highly sensitive targeted mass spectrometric assay for quantification of AGR2 in urine and serum. Digested peptides from clinical samples were processed by PRISM (high pressure and high resolution separations coupled with intelligent selection and multiplexing), which incorporates high pH reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC) separations to fractionate and select target fractions for follow-on LC-selected reaction monitoring (LC-SRM) analyses. The PRISM-SRM assay for AGR2 showed a reproducibility of <10% CV and limit of quantification (LOQ) values of ∼130 pg/mL in serum and ∼10 pg per 100 μg of total protein mass in urine, respectively. A good correlation (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.91) was observed for the measurable AGR2 concentrations in urine between SRM and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). On the basis of an initial cohort of 37 subjects, urinary AGR2/PSA concentration ratios showed a significant difference (<i>P</i> = 0.026) between noncancer and cancer. Large clinical cohort studies are needed for the validation of AGR2 as a useful diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer. Our work validated the approach of identifying candidate secreted protein biomarkers through genomics and measurement by targeted proteomics, especially for proteins where no immunoassays are available

    A Highly Sensitive Targeted Mass Spectrometric Assay for Quantification of AGR2 Protein in Human Urine and Serum

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    Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is a secreted, cancer-associated protein in many types of epithelial cancer cells. We developed a highly sensitive targeted mass spectrometric assay for quantification of AGR2 in urine and serum. Digested peptides from clinical samples were processed by PRISM (high pressure and high resolution separations coupled with intelligent selection and multiplexing), which incorporates high pH reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC) separations to fractionate and select target fractions for follow-on LC-selected reaction monitoring (LC-SRM) analyses. The PRISM-SRM assay for AGR2 showed a reproducibility of <10% CV and limit of quantification (LOQ) values of ∼130 pg/mL in serum and ∼10 pg per 100 μg of total protein mass in urine, respectively. A good correlation (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.91) was observed for the measurable AGR2 concentrations in urine between SRM and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). On the basis of an initial cohort of 37 subjects, urinary AGR2/PSA concentration ratios showed a significant difference (<i>P</i> = 0.026) between noncancer and cancer. Large clinical cohort studies are needed for the validation of AGR2 as a useful diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer. Our work validated the approach of identifying candidate secreted protein biomarkers through genomics and measurement by targeted proteomics, especially for proteins where no immunoassays are available

    Immolation of <i>p</i>‑Aminobenzyl Ether Linker and Payload Potency and Stability Determine the Cell-Killing Activity of Antibody–Drug Conjugates with Phenol-Containing Payloads

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    The valine-citrulline (Val-Cit) dipeptide and <i>p</i>-aminobenzyl (PAB) spacer have been commonly used as a cleavable self-immolating linker in ADC design including in the clinically approved ADC, brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris). When the same linker was used to connect to the phenol of the cyclopropabenzindolone (CBI) (<b>P1</b>), the resulting <b>ADC1</b> showed loss of potency in CD22 target-expressing cancer cell lines (e.g., BJAB, WSU-DLCL2). In comparison, the conjugate (<b>ADC2</b>) of a cyclopropapyrroloindolone (CPI) (<b>P2</b>) was potent despite the two corresponding free drugs having similar picomolar cell-killing activity. Although the corresponding spirocyclization products of <b>P1</b> and <b>P2</b>, responsible for DNA alkylation, are a prominent component in buffer, the linker immolation was slow when the PAB was connected as an ether (PABE) to the phenol in <b>P1</b> compared to that in <b>P2</b>. Additional immolation studies with two other PABE-linked substituted phenol compounds showed that electron-withdrawing groups accelerated the immolation to release an acidic phenol-containing payload (to delocalize the negative charge on the anticipated anionic phenol oxygen during immolation). In contrast, efficient immolation of <b>LD4</b> did not result in an active <b>ADC4</b> because the payload (<b>P4</b>) had a low potency to kill cells. In addition, nonimmolation of <b>LD5</b> did not affect the cell-killing potency of its <b>ADC5</b> since immolation is not required for DNA alkylation by the center-linked pyrrolobenzodiazepine. Therefore, careful evaluation needs to be conducted when the Val-Cit-PAB linker is used to connect antibodies to a phenol-containing drug as the linker immolation, as well as payload potency and stability, affects the cell-killing activity of an ADC