9 research outputs found

    Review Jurnal Pegegog_Student Problem Assessment (SPA) in the Covid-19 Condition in terms of 10 Sub Areas of Life Problems

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    Student problems in the Covid-19 condition are very complex and urgent in the needs of the Covid-19 pandemic and after Covid-19. School counsellors have the competence to identify through assessment. However, not all reviews can analyze students’ problems comprehensively. This study focuses on assessing student problems that can diagnose the condition of students from the personal, social, academic, and career fields. The research method uses a mixed-method through qualitative data supported by quantitative data. The research targets were students, then tested the validity and reliability for students N=929. The results of data analysis describe ten students’ problems from the personal, social, learning, and career fields with valid and reliable items. The results of item validity are 49 accurate statement items or corrected item-total correlation > 0.1161, while one thing is invalid with 0.936 reliability or very high criteria. School counsellors can use assessment of student problems in analyzing student problems and needs. The results of the evaluation can be used for guidance and counselling plans by school counsellors

    Plagiarisme Student Problem Assessment (SPA) in the Covid-19 Condition in terms of 10 Sub Areas of Life Problems (10-ALP)

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    Student problems in the Covid-19 condition are very complex and urgent in the needs of the Covid-19 pandemic and after Covid-19. School counsellors have the competence to identify through assessment. However, not all reviews can analyze students’ problems comprehensively. This study focuses on assessing student problems that can diagnose the condition of students from the personal, social, academic, and career fields. The research method uses a mixed-method through qualitative data supported by quantitative data. The research targets were students, then tested the validity and reliability for students N=929. The results of data analysis describe ten students’ problems from the personal, social, learning, and career fields with valid and reliable items. The results of item validity are 49 accurate statement items or corrected item-total correlation > 0.1161, while one thing is invalid with 0.936 reliability or very high criteria. School counsellors can use assessment of student problems in analyzing student problems and needs. The results of the evaluation can be used for guidance and counselling plans by school counsellors

    Rev Jurnal Pegegog_Student Problem Assessment (SPA) in the Covid-19 Condition in terms of 10 Sub Areas of Life Problems (10-ALP)

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    Student problems in the Covid-19 condition are very complex and urgent in the needs of the Covid-19 pandemic and after Covid-19. School counsellors have the competence to identify through assessment. However, not all reviews can analyze students’ problems comprehensively. This study focuses on assessing student problems that can diagnose the condition of students from the personal, social, academic, and career fields. The research method uses a mixed-method through qualitative data supported by quantitative data. The research targets were students, then tested the validity and reliability for students N=929. The results of data analysis describe ten students’ problems from the personal, social, learning, and career fields with valid and reliable items. The results of item validity are 49 accurate statement items or corrected item-total correlation > 0.1161, while one thing is invalid with 0.936 reliability or very high criteria. School counsellors can use assessment of student problems in analyzing student problems and needs. The results of the evaluation can be used for guidance and counselling plans by school counsellors

    Jurnal Pegegog_Student Problem Assessment (SPA) in the Covid-19 Condition in terms of 10 Sub Areas of Life Problems (10-ALP)

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    Student problems in the Covid-19 condition are very complex and urgent in the needs of the Covid-19 pandemic and after Covid-19. School counsellors have the competence to identify through assessment. However, not all reviews can analyze students’ problems comprehensively. This study focuses on assessing student problems that can diagnose the condition of students from the personal, social, academic, and career fields. The research method uses a mixed-method through qualitative data supported by quantitative data. The research targets were students, then tested the validity and reliability for students N=929. The results of data analysis describe ten students’ problems from the personal, social, learning, and career fields with valid and reliable items. The results of item validity are 49 accurate statement items or corrected item-total correlation > 0.1161, while one thing is invalid with 0.936 reliability or very high criteria. School counsellors can use assessment of student problems in analyzing student problems and needs. The results of the evaluation can be used for guidance and counselling plans by school counsellors

    Rev Jurnal Pegegog_Student Problem Assessment (SPA) in the Covid-19 Condition in terms of 10 Sub Areas of Life Problems (10-ALP)

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    Student problems in the Covid-19 condition are very complex and urgent in the needs of the Covid-19 pandemic and after Covid-19. School counsellors have the competence to identify through assessment. However, not all reviews can analyze students’ problems comprehensively. This study focuses on assessing student problems that can diagnose the condition of students from the personal, social, academic, and career fields. The research method uses a mixed-method through qualitative data supported by quantitative data. The research targets were students, then tested the validity and reliability for students N=929. The results of data analysis describe ten students’ problems from the personal, social, learning, and career fields with valid and reliable items. The results of item validity are 49 accurate statement items or corrected item-total correlation > 0.1161, while one thing is invalid with 0.936 reliability or very high criteria. School counsellors can use assessment of student problems in analyzing student problems and needs. The results of the evaluation can be used for guidance and counselling plans by school counsellors

    LAPORAN PELAKSANAAN KULIAH KERJA NYATA UNIVERSITAS AHMAD DAHLAN PERIODE LXI TAHUN AKADEMIK 2016/2017 DIVISI VI.D.II. Lokasi: Dusun Bruno 1, Desa Ngestirejo, Kec. Tanjungsari, Kab. Gunungkidul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Ahmad Dahlan di Dusun Bruno 1 berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Karena semua Program Kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh Mahasiswa KKN di dukung oleh Masyarakat Dusun Papringan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan antusias dan partisipasi yang tinggi dari masyarakat dalam mengikuti kegiatan selama KKN berlangsung. Adapun Kegiatan tersebut adalah Pembuatan Pupuk Organik, Pembuatan minuman serbuk jahe, Penyuluhan Dampak Negatif TV, Peremajaan Masjid dan Pantai, Penyuluhan PHBS, Pembuatan Singkong Thailand, Perlombaan Gerak dan Lagu, Pengajian Umum dan Pendampingan TPA (Anak-anak dan Lansia)


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    Jiwa nasionalisme sangat perlu ditanamkan sejak dini sebagai upaya perwujudan rasa cinta masyarakat terhadap tanah air. Permasalahan utama pendidikan di luar negeri adalah terjadinya gempuran budaya dan tantangan globalisasi yang tidak terelakkan. Mengatasi permasalahan tersebut perlu dilakukan sosialisasi untuk meningkatkan jiwa nasionalisme salah satunya melalui semangat pancasila. Sosialisasi ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi pada siswa/i untuk lebih memiliki semangat nasionalisme sehingga bangga sebagai bangsa Indonesia dan berjiwa pancasila. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan melakukan sosialisasi nilai-nilai pancasila dan implementasinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan evaluasi hasil sosialisasi. Hasil sosialisasi ini didapatkan hasil sebelum dan sesudah sosialisasi. Pada aspek nilai pancasila terjadi peningkatan pemahaman dari rata-rata 81% menjadi rata-rata 98%, sedangkan aspek impelentasi pancasila terjadi peningkatan pemahaman dari rata-rata 84% menjadi rata-rata 94%