3 research outputs found

    Analisa Faktor Pelayanan Keperawatan yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien BPJS di IGD RSUD Dr. R. Soedarsono Kota Pasuruan.

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    Kepuasan pasien merupakan indikator baik atau buruknya kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan oleh penyedia jasa layananan kesehatan. Rata-rata yang didapatkan dari beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia menunjukkan 67% pasien yang mengeluh adanya ketidakpuasan dalam penerimaan pelayanan keperawatan, lebih dari separuh responden tidak puas dengan BPJS. Hasil pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan yang objektif dan akurat dapat membantu rumah sakit dalam merumuskan bentuk pelayanan yang lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menganalisis faktor pelayanan keperawatan yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien BPJS di IGD RSUD Dr. R. Soedarsono Kota Pasuruan. Metode penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang melibatkan 135 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode consecutive sampling. Instrument yang digunakan yaitu lembar kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan Strctural Equation Modelling untuk mengetahui pengaruh antar variabel digunakan dan untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien BPJS di Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai p value pada faktor pelayanan keperawatan meliputi waktu tanggap perawat, kesigapan perawat, sikap perawat, dan tindakan perawat menunjukkan nilai p value yang sama yaitu 0,000 atau < 0,05 yang artinya signifikan atau masing-masing faktor tersebut terdapat pengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien, dan Jika dilihat dari skor estimate standardized regression weights keempat faktor pelayanan keperawatan tersebut yang memiliki pengaruh atau kontribusi terhadap kepuasan pasien BPJS di IGD RSUD Dr. R. Soedarsono Kota Pasuruan adalah waktu tanggap perawat. Perawat perlu menambah pemahaman tentang cara memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas termasuk kecepatan, ketepatan serta kehandalan dalam memberikan penanganan kepada pasien di IGD

    Mosque is the only visible shelter at the most dangerous time: A qualitative study of the victims’ experience in the Mount S emeru eruption

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    Objective: To assess the evacuation behaviour of victims during acute natural disaster. Method: The qualitative, phenomenological study was conduc ted in Lumajang Regency, Indonesia, from December 5 to 12, 2021, and comprised disaster victims who had just been evacuated from the Mount Semeru eruption disaster site. Data was collecte d using a sem i-struc tured interv iews a nd ob servations. Data was analysed using Colaizzi’s qualitative method. Results: There were 18 subjec ts aged 19-60 years. They were inter viewed in two groups, with the first group having 11(61.1%) subjects and the other 7(38.9%). On the basis of the data collected, 4 themes emerged. The first theme was emphasis on ‘evacuation together ’. The second theme was ‘helping others in need’. The third theme was ‘local wisdom passe d down t hrough generations’. The fourth theme was ‘mos que being t he only bright s ite’ wh ich mad e it the destination of choice for evacuation. Concl usion: Disaster vic tims remember well the buildings they frequent. This is a good so lution for determining shelter points during a disaster. There needs to be a regulation and preparation at the evacuation referral point so that victims may survive during acute disasters

    Mosque is the only visible shelter at the most dangerous time: a qualitative study of the victims’ experience in the MT semeru eruption

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    Objective: To assess the evacuation behaviour of victims during acute natural disaster. Method: The qualitative, phenomenological study was conducted in Lumajang Regency, Indonesia, from December 5 to 12, 2021, and comprised disaster victims who had just been evacuated from the Mount Semeru eruption disaster site. Data was collected using a semi-structured interviews and observations. Data was analysed using Colaizzi’s qualitative method. Results: There were 18 subjects aged 19-60 years. They were interviewed in two groups, with the first group having 11(61.1%) subjects and the other 7(38.9%). On the basis of the data collected, 4 themes emerged. The first theme was emphasis on ‘evacuation together’. The second theme was ‘helping others in need’. The third theme was ‘local wisdom passed down through generations’. The fourth theme was ‘mosque being the only bright site’ which made it the destination of choice for evacuation. Conclusion: Disaster victims remember well the buildings they frequent. This is a good solution for determining shelter points during a disaster. There needs to be a regulation and preparation at the evacuation referral point so that victims may survive during acute disasters. Keywords: Disaster, Eruption, Evacuation, Religious belief, Mass psychology