4 research outputs found

    Utjecaj dodavanja fosfora u hranu na značajke kostiju svinja u rastu

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the response of growing pigs to a level of phosphorus in excess of current usage and also to examine the effect of reducing phosphorus level in the later growing stages on bone characteristics. After slaughter, third metacarpals were removed from the front right foot of experimental pigs and the bones were weighed. Overall length of each bone and the width of bone shaft at the narrow and wide dimension were measured. Wall thickness, shear force resistance and ash percentage were also measured. Dry weight of bone was significantly affected by treatment (P<0.05). There was a similar trend for both bone ash weight and ash percentage, with those fed a phase phosphorus diet (low phosphorus level in the later growing stages) having significantly lower values than the other treatments (P<0.01). There was a trend for increased stress as dietary phosphorus level increased. We can conclude that pig bone development was significantly affected by dietary phosphorus level. The low-phosphorus diet gave significantly poorer results than the adequate-phosphorus diet; while there were no beneficial effects of supplementing phosphorus at a level higher than 2.4 g/kg. Lowering the phosphorus level to 1.6 g/kg in the late finishing stage seemed to produce a deleterious effect.Istražen je utjecaj prekomjernog dodavanja i smanjivanja količine fosfora na značajke kostiju u kasnijoj fazi rasta svinja. Nakon klanja svinjama je s prednje desne noge uzeta treća metakarpalna kost te je svakoj uzetoj kosti izmjerena masa, dužina i obujam na najužem i najÅ”irem dijelu. Također je mjerena debljina kompaktne supstancije, jačina otpornosti i udio pepela. Dodavanje fosfora u hrani znatno je utjecalo na suhu tvar kostiju (P<0,05). Slično je ustanovljeno za sadržaj pepela i njegov udio za vrijeme dodavanja fosfora (niska razina fosfora u kasnijoj fazi rasta) pri čemu su ustanovljene signifikantno niže vrijednosti u odnosu na druge tretmane (P<0,01). Ustanovljena je i povećana sklonost stresu ovisno o povećanju fosfora u obroku. Zaključuje se da je na razvoj kostiju u svinja značajno utjecala količina fosfora u obroku. Niska razina fosfora u obroku dovela je do znatno loÅ”ijih rezultata u odnosu na obrok s primjerenom količinom fosfora, iako nije bilo povoljnog učinka kad je fosfor dodan u količini većoj od 2,4 g/kg. Smanjenje količine fosfora na 1,6 g/kg u zavrÅ”noj fazi rasta imalo je Å”tetan učinak

    Prikaz slučaja oŔitne kile u konja.

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    A case of postaccident diaphragmatic hernia in 10-month old filly is disscussed in this article. Auscultation and comparatively percussion of the both sides of the chest were performed. The lateral thoracic radiograph and transthoracic ultrasound were done to support the diagnosis. Clinical status and biochemical blood parameters were checked for the assessment of complications. ECG showed a tendency to progressive lessening of R and T waveā€™s amplitude.Prikazana je oÅ”itna kila nastala nakon prometne nesreće u desetomjesečne ždrjebice. Auskultacijom i perkusijom pretražene su obje strane prsnoga koÅ”a. Radi potvrde dijagnoze provedena je radiografska i ultrazvučna pretraga bočnih strana prsnoga koÅ”a. U svrhu otkrivanja možebitnih komplikacija provjereno je kliničko stanje životinje i provedene su biokemijske pretrage krvi. Elektrokardiogram je pokazivao smanjivanje amplituda R i T valova

    Occurence of Psychosis in Dogs Reared in House, Farm and Kennels

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    This ethological study wasĀ  carried out to establish the occurrence of psychosis in dogs, reared both in-home (as a pet) and in dog kennels. The dogs housed in kennels were reared either individually (as working animals) or in groups (in kennels). All the pet dogs were reared alone in the households. The highest occurrence of psychotic states was encountered in stray dogs housed in kennels and followed by the pet dogs. These states were very rarely observed in individually reared dogs at farms and working dogs. The possible explanation is that they were submitted to less stressors due to good management at farms and the proper approach on the basis of their temperaments, i.e. their welfare was at the highest level

    Comparative Study of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate after Aminoglycoside and Aminocyclitol Treatment in Goats (Capra hircus)

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    The aim of the present study was to follow up the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in healthy female goats during and after 5-day parenteral treatment with amikacin (10 mg/kg), tobramycin (5 mg/kg), apramycin (20 mg/kg), gentamicin (4 mg/kg), kanamycin (10 mg/kg) and spectinomycin (20 mg/kg). Gentamicin and tobramycin caused an initial increase followed by a significant decrease of ESR on the 5th day for gentamicin and the 10th day for tobramycin, respectively, followed by recovery after the treatment. Reversely, amikacin and especially spectinomycin produced an increase of ESR without recovery several days post treatment. Kanamycin caused decrease of ESR on the 5th day without recovery in the subsequent days. Only apramycin did not give rise to increasing of ESR. In conclusion the aminoglycosides, especially tobramycin and gentamicin, caused more severe alterations of ESR than the aminocyclitols