492 research outputs found

    Etude Comparee Des Complications Des Avortements Clandestins: Misoprostol versus autres méthodes abortives.

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    L’objectif était de comparer le taux des complications infectieuses parmi les femmes utilisant le Misoprostol (groupe 1) et celles utilisant d’autres méthodes abortives (groupe 2). L’étude est transversale et analytique avec un mode de recrutement prospectif. Elle a été conduite au Centre Hospitalier de Libreville (CHL) du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2008 et a concerné les femmes admises pour complications d’un avortement clandestin. Il y a eu plus de cas d’infection dans le groupe 2 (

    Caractérisation agropédologique des sols de mboltime dans la zone des niayes (Sénégal)

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    L'objectif de cette étude était de faire une évaluation de la fertilité physico-chimique de différents sols du village de Mboltime et de déterminer les similarités relatives. Les horizons de cinq fosses pédologiques (P1 , P2, P3, P4 et P5) ouvertes dans les zones dunaires et inter-dunaires ont servi à cet effet. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les horizons de surface sont sableux à sablo-limoneux avec des pH et conductivité électrique variant selon les profils et les horizons. Seul le profil P4 a montré des sols acides et salés au niveau des horizons P4H1, P4H3 et P4H5. Les autres profils ont montré des sols neutres à légèrement alcalins et non salins. Les teneurs en matière organique et azote total ont été assez faibles dans les profils 1, 2, 3 et 5, et moyens dans le profil 4 avec un rapport C/N variant de 2,72 à 16,50. Les teneurs en Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ et K+ varient suivant le C et N. Le cation le plus abondant dans les sols a été le Ca2+; suivi du Mg2+ et du Na+ alors que K+ a été le cation le moins abondant. L'analyse factorielle des correspondances (AFC) a permis de mettre en évidence deux groupes de sols en fonction de la salinité et de l'acidité. Un groupe I constitué de sols très salins et un groupe II constitué de sols non salins. Cette étude a mis en évidence deux contraintes majeures à la production végétale dans le village de Mboltime que sont la salinité et l'acidité des sols.Mots clés : Sol, Profil pédologique, Niayes, salinite ; Sénégal AGROPEDOLOGICAL CARACTERIZATION OF MBOLTIME SOILS IN NIAYES AREA (SENEGAL)The objective of this study was to evaluate physico - chemical properties of different soils from Mboltime village and relevant similarities. Horizons of five soil profiles (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) in the dune and inter-dune areaswere used for that purpose. The results showed variance in topsoil contents of sand with silt- loam, pH and electric conductivity according to the  profiles. Only the P4 profile presents acid and salty soil to the level asof horizons P4H1, P4H3 and P4H5. The other profiles presented neutral to slightly alkaline soil pH with limited salinity. The soil contents of organic matter, and total nitrogen were rather weak in the profiles 1, 2, 3 and 5, and moderate in profile 4. The C/N ratio values varied from 2.72 to 16.50 while soil contents of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+ variations were according to C and N. The most abundant cations in land was Ca2+; followed by Mg2+, Na+ and K+ was the least abundant cationin soils. The factorial  correspondence analysis (FCA) showed two groups of soil according to  salinity and acidity mainly depending to high and low salinity respectively. This study showed two major constraints to land productivity in the village of Mboltime which are the salinity and the acidity of soils.Keywords : Soil, soil profile, salinity, Niayes, Senega

    Impact of annual praziquantel treatment on urogenital schistosomiasis in a seasonal transmission focus in central Senegal

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    In Sub-Saharan Africa, urogenital schistosomiasis remains a significant public health problem, causing 150.000 deaths/year with approximately 112 million cases diagnosed. The Niakhar district is a disease hotspot in central Senegal where transmission occurs seasonally with high prevalences. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of annual treatment over 3 years on the seasonal transmission dynamics of S. haematobium in 9 villages in the Niakhar district. Adults and children aged between 5 and 60 years were surveyed from 2011 to 2014. Urine samples were collected door-to-door and examined for S. haematobium eggs at baseline in June 2011, and all participants were treated in August 2011 with PZQ (40 mg/kg). After this initial examination, evaluations were conducted at 3 successive time points from September 2011 to March 2014, to measure the efficacy of the annual treatments and the rates of reinfection. Each year, during the transmission period, from July to November-December, malacological surveys were also carried out in the fresh water bodies of each village to evaluate the infestation of the snail intermediate hosts. At baseline, the overall prevalence of S. haematobium infection was 57.7%, and the proportion of heavy infection was 45.3%, but one month after the first treatment high cure rates (92.9%) were obtained. The overall infection prevalence and proportion of heavy infection intensities were drastically reduced to 4.2% and 2.3%, respectively. The level of the first reinfection in February-March 2012 was 9.5%. At follow-up time points, prevalence levels varied slightly between reinfection and treatment from 9.5% in June 2012 to 0.3% in March 2013, 11.2 in June 2013, and 10.1% April 2014. At the end of the study, overall prevalence was significantly reduced from 57.7% to 10.1%. The overall rate of infested Bulinid snails was reduced after repeated treatment from 0.8% in 2012 to 0.5% in 2013. Repeated annual treatments are suggested to have a considerable impact on the transmission dynamics of S. haematobium in Niakhar, due to the nature of the epidemiological system with seasonal transmission. Thus, to maintain this benefit and continue to reduce the morbidity of urogenital schistosomiasis, other approaches should be integrated into the strategy plans of the National program to achieve the goal of urogenital schistosomiasis elimination in seasonal foci in Senegal

    Technical innovations in processing cassava peels into new products for feeding livestock and fish and for food safety

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    Poster prepared for international conference on Integrated Systems Research for Sustainable Intensification in Smallholder Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, 3-6 March 201

    Magnetic Excitations of Undoped Iron Oxypnictides

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    We study the magnetic excitations of undoped iron oxypnictides using a three-dimensional Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy. Analytic forms of the spin wave dispersion, velocities, and structure factor are given. Aside from quantitative comparisons which can be made to inelastic neutron scattering experiments, we also give qualitative criteria which can distinguish various regimes of coupling strength. The magnetization reduction due to quantum zero point fluctuations shows clear dependence on the c-axis coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Frontiers of Physics in China: a special issue on Iron-based superconductor
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