6 research outputs found

    Ruptured splenic artery aneurysms and the use of an adapted fast protocol in reproductive age women with hemodynamic collapse: Case series

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    Nontraumatic symptomatic hypotension in all patients requires prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment for optimum outcome. The female population specifically has an expanded differential diagnosis that should be considered when these patients present with hemodynamic collapse. While the most common causes of hypotension in pregnant patients are dehydration, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, and placental and uterine abnormalities, less common nonobstetrical etiologies such as hepatic rupture and ruptured abdominal and visceral artery aneurysms should also be considered. Splenic artery aneurysms are associated with high rates of mortality and in cases of pregnancy, maternal and fetal mortality. These high rates can be attributed to the asymptomatic nature of the aneurysm, rapid deterioration after rupture, and frequent misdiagnosis. In patients with hemodynamic collapse, the role of traditional imaging is limited mainly due to the critical condition of the patient. Bedside ultrasound has emerged as a diagnostic imaging resource in patients with undifferentiated hypotension and in patients with traumatic injuries. However, its use has not been studied specifically in the female population. We present two patients with ruptured splenic artery aneurysms, discuss the role of bedside ultrasound in their management, and introduce a new ultrasound protocol for use in reproductive age female patients with hemodynamic collapse


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    Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is defined as a functional renal failure in patients with liver disease that features morphologically intact kidneys, where regulatory mechanisms have minimized glomerular filtration and maximized tubular resorption and urine concentration. The syndrome occurs almost exclusively in patients with ascites. Type 1 HRS develops as a consequence of a severe reduction of effective circulating volume due to both an extreme splanchnic arterial vasodilatation and a reduction of cardiac output. Type 2 HRS is characterized by a stable or slowly progressive renal failure so that its main clinical consequence is not acute renal failure, but refractory ascites, and its impact on prognosis is less negative. Liver transplantation is the most appropriate therapeutic method, nevertheless, only a few patients can receive it. The first line treatment includes terlipressin plus albumin. Renal function recovery can be achieved in less than 50% of patients and a considerable decrease in renal function may reoccur even in patients who have been responding to therapy over the short term. Other therapies include transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS), dialysis and peritoneovenous shunts which are most commonly done when patients are awaiting a liver transplant or when there is the possibility of improvement in liver function

    Multidetector CT of Midfacial Fractures: Classification Systems, Principles of Reduction, and Common Complications

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    The advent of titanium hardware, which provides firm three-dimensional positional control, and the exquisite bone detail afforded by multidetector computed tomography (CT) have spurred the evolution of subunit-specific midfacial fracture management principles. The structural, diagnostic, and therapeutic complexity of the individual midfacial subunits, including the nose, the naso-orbito-ethmoidal region, the internal orbits, the zygomaticomaxillary complex, and the maxillary occlusion-bearing segment, are not adequately reflected in the Le Fort classification system, which provides only a general framework and has become less relevant in contemporary practice. The purpose of this article is to facilitate the involvement of radiologists in the delivery of individualized multidisciplinary care to adults who have sustained blunt trauma and have midfacial fractures by providing a clinically relevant review of the role of multidetector CT in the management of each midfacial subunit. Surgically relevant anatomic structures, search patterns, critical CT findings and their management implications, contemporary classification systems, and common posttraumatic and postoperative complications are emphasized. RSNA, 2018

    Vascularized Thymosternal Composite Tissue Allo- and Xenotransplantation in Nonhuman Primates: Initial Experience

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    Background:. Vascularized composite allotransplantation is constrained by complications associated with standard immunosuppressive strategies. Vascularized thymus and bone marrow have been shown to promote prolonged graft survival in composite organ and soft-tissue vascularized composite allotransplantation models. We report development of a nonhuman primate vascularized thymosternal composite tissue transplant model as a platform to address donor-specific immune tolerance induction strategies. Methods:. Vascularized thymosternal allograft (skin, muscle, thymus, sternal bone) was transplanted between MHC-mismatched rhesus monkeys (feasibility studies) and baboons (long-term survival studies), with end-to-side anastomoses of the donor aorta and SVC to the recipient common femoral vessels. A male allograft was transplanted to a female’s lower abdominal wall, and clinically applicable immunosuppression was given. Skin biopsies and immunological assays were completed at regular intervals, and chimerism was quantified using polymerase chain reaction specific for baboon Y chromosome. Results:. Four allo- and 2 xenotransplants were performed, demonstrating consistent technical feasibility. In 1 baboon thymosternal allograft recipient treated with anti-CD40–based immunosuppression, loss of peripheral blood microchimerism after day 5 was observed and anticipated graft rejection at 13 days. In the second allograft, when cutaneous erythema and ecchymosis with allograft swelling was treated with anti-thymocyte globulin starting on day 6, microchimerism persisted until immunosuppression was reduced after the first month, and the allograft survived to 87 days, 1 month after cessation of immunosuppression treatment. Conclusions:. We established both allo- and xeno- composite vascularized thymosternal transplant preclinical models, which will be useful to investigate the role of primarily vascularized donor bone marrow and thymus

    Patient-reported Outcomes in Facial Reconstruction: Assessment of FACE-Q Scales and Predictors of Satisfaction

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    Background:. There is a paucity of patient-reported outcome measures for facial trauma reconstruction. To measure satisfaction and health-related quality of life (HRQOL), following repair of traumatic facial fractures, we used the FACE-Q, a set of patient-reported outcome instruments designed for aesthetic facial surgery. As a step toward validating the scales for facial trauma, we evaluated their reliability. Methods:. This is a prospective study of patients following primary repair of traumatic facial fractures at a level 1 trauma center from 2016 to 2018. Six FACE-Q scales with relevance to the facial trauma population were completed by patients at their 1-month postoperative visits. Predictors of satisfaction were examined using multiple linear regression models. Reliability of the scales in this population was evaluated using psychometric methods. Results:. One hundred eighty-five participants fulfilled inclusion criteria. Mean scores for the 6 scales ranged from 59 (SD = 15) for Recovery-Early Life Impact to 94 (SD = 13) for Satisfaction with Medical Team. Predictors of lower satisfaction and/or HRQOL include current tobacco smoking status, mandibulomaxillary fixation, and Le Fort pattern fractures. All scales were found to have good to excellent reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.824–0.969). Conclusions:. Following repair of facial fractures, patient-reported outcomes can be reliably measured using FACE-Q scales. On average, patients report poor health-related quality of life in the early postoperative period. Predictors of low satisfaction and/or poor HRQOL include current smoking habit, mandibulomaxillary fixation, and Le Fort fractures