82 research outputs found


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    LHC muon trigger detectors are supposed to work for 10 yr under an intense flux of radiation. Therefore, in the framework of ATLAS, the performance of full and reduced size RPC prototypes, heavily irradiated with gamma sources, were measured for variable incident fluxes. We introduce here a detector description in terms of the "global" parameters based on experimental data such as current, total counting rate and gamma fluxes. In this test the ATLAS final front- end electronics was used for the first time. (4 refs)


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    Ageing test of the ATLAS RPCs at X5-GIF

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    An ageing test of three ATLAS production RPC stations is in course at X5-GIF, the CERN irradiation facility. The chamber efficiencies are monitored using cosmic rays triggered by a scintillator hodoscope. Higher statistics measurements are made when the X5 muon beam is available. We report here the measurements of the efficiency versus operating voltage at different source intensities, up to a maximum counting rate of about 700Hz/cm^2. We describe the performance of the chambers during the test up to an overall ageing of 4 ATLAS equivalent years corresponding to an integrated charge of 0.12C/cm^2, including a safety factor of 5.Comment: 4 pages. Presented at the VII Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors; Clermont-Ferrand October 20th-22nd, 200


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    We present results on efficiency and time resolution of a large- resistive plate chamber prototype, equipped with the final ATLAS front-end electronics, at the Gamma Irradiation Facility installed on the CERN X5 beam. (5 refs)

    High-rate tests on Resistive Plate Chambers operated with eco-friendly gas mixtures

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    Results obtained by the RPC ECOgas@GIF++ Collaboration, using Resistive Plate Chambers operated with new, eco-friendly gas mixtures, based on Tetrafluoropropene and carbon dioxide, are shown and discussed in this paper. Tests aimed to assess the performance of this kind of detectors in high-irradiation conditions, analogous to the ones foreseen for the coming years at the Large Hadron Collider experiments, were performed, and demonstrate a performance basically similar to the one obtained with the gas mixtures currently in use, based on Tetrafluoroethane, which is being progressively phased out for its possible contribution to the greenhouse effect. Long term aging tests are also being carried out, with the goal to demonstrate the possibility of using these eco-friendly gas mixtures during the whole High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: Submitted to European Physical Journal C on October 24, 2023, 15 pages, 14 figure

    Preliminary results on the long term operation of RPCs with eco-friendly gas mixtures under irradiation at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility

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    Since 2019 a collaboration between researchers from various institutes and experiments (i.e. ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb/SHiP and the CERN EP-DT group), has been operating several RPCs with diverse electronics, gas gap thicknesses and detector layouts at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++). The studies aim at assessing the performance of RPCs when filled with new eco-friendly gas mixtures in avalanche mode and in view of evaluating possible ageing effects after long high background irradiation periods, e.g. High-Luminosity LHC phase. This challenging research is also part of a task of the European AidaInnova project. A promising eco-friendly gas identified for RPC operation is the tetrafluoruropropene (C3_{3}H2_{2}F4_{4}, commercially known as HFO-1234ze) that has been studied at the CERN GIF++ in combination with different percentages of CO2_2. Between the end of 2021 and 2022 several beam tests have been carried out to establish the performance of RPCs operated with such mixtures before starting the irradiation campaign for the ageing study. Results of these tests for different RPCs layouts and different gas mixtures, under increasing background rates are presented here, together with the preliminary outcome of the detector ageing tests