1,014 research outputs found
Assessment of contamination of Salmonella spp. in imported black pepper and sesame seed and salmonella inactivation by gamma irradiation
This study shows the frequency of seeds samples contaminated by Salmonella spp. collected randomly from local markets; on 30 black pepper sample no contaminated sample was found while Salmonella spp. was detected in 3 of 36 (8.3%) analyzed sesame samples; three different serotypes were identified: S. Montevideo, S. Stanleyville e S. Tilene. The efficacy of gamma irradiation to inactivate Salmonella Montevideo in black pepper and sesame irradiated between 1 and 5 kGy was evaluated. 3 kGy is sufficient to reduce of 3-4 log CFU/g; whereas 5 kGy have been need to reduce 5.5-6 log CFU/g for samples of black pepper and sesame. No statistically significant differences were found between black pepper and sesame
Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale e Biodiversit\ue0 dell'Universit\ue0, via Archirafi 38, 90123 Palermo (I)
[email protected]
Abies nebrodensis \ue8 una specie endemica relitta, gravemente minacciata di estinzione, la cui popolazione naturale \ue8 costituita da 30 individui distribuiti discontinuamente in una piccola area del territorio di Polizzi Generosa, all\u2019interno del Parco naturale delle Madonie in Sicilia. La minaccia di estinzione \ue8 dovuta, oltre all'esiguit\ue0 della popolazione, al ridotto numero di piante mature (ventiquattro) e al pericolo di inquinamento genetico incombente. A partire dall\u2019inizio degli anni \u201880 del secolo scorso, infatti, sono stati introdotti nella vicinanze dell\u2019area di indignato individui di abeti esotici (Abies alba Mill., A. cephalonica Loudon, e A. nordmanniana (Stefen) Spach) che, avendo raggiunto la maturit\ue0 sessuale, potrebbero mettere a rischio l\u2019integrit\ue0 genetica della progenie dell\u2019abete locale (Raimondo & Schicchi, 2005). Nell\u2019ambito del progetto \u201cConservazione di Abies nebrodensis e ripristino delle torbiere di Geraci Siculo\u201d, in corso di attuazione da parte dell\u2019Ente Parco delle Madonie, del Dipartimento di Biologia ambientale e Biodiversit\ue0 di Palermo e di altri partners locali, un\u2019azione di salvaguardia prevede l\u2019innesto degli abeti esotici con marze di A. nebrodensis, valorizzando la positiva esperienza effettuata con il progetto Life Natura (1). A tal fine, nel periodo compreso tra la terza decade di aprile e la seconda decade di maggio sono stati effettuati circa 350 innesti in contrada Comunello, nel territorio di Isnello. Le marze sono state prelevate da individui maturi di A. nebrodensis di oltre 30 anni di et\ue0, introdotti nelle opere di ripopolamento che, in seguito ai risultati delle analisi genetiche, sono geneticamente correlati agli esemplari della popolazione naturale. Gli innesti sono stati eseguiti a spacco ma soprattutto a corona, previa capitozzatura dei soggetti di A. alba e A. cephalonica, a un\u2019altezza di circa 2 m per evitare possibili danneggiamenti da parte del bestiame. Nei soggetti sono stati, comunque, rilasciati temporaneamente alcuni palchi che, continuando a svolgere le normali funzioni vitali, agevoleranno l\u2019attecchimento delle marze. Queste ultime sono state opportunamente sagomate e inserite tra la corteccia e il legno sia nel fusto capitozzato che in alcuni rami laterali. Esse sono state tenute strettamente aderenti ai soggetti tramite nastro adesivo e protette da due sacchetti, rispettivamente di polietilene e di carta, per creare condizioni micro-climatiche ottimali alla sopravvivenza delle marze. Dalla terza decade di maggio \ue8 iniziato, con cadenza settimanale, il monitoraggio degli innesti e la foratura, ove necessario, del sacchetto di plastica per eliminare l\u2019umidit\ue0 in eccesso. Dopo 40 giorni \ue8 stato possibile constatare che oltre il 90% degli innesti \ue8 attecchito. Anche alcuni innesti eseguiti a scopo sperimentale su Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco sono vitali. Durante la fine di luglio e agosto si prevede una graduale scopertura delle marze. Gli esiti di questa azione, tuttavia, potranno essere valutati compiutamente all\u2019inizio della prossima primavera. La tecnica dell\u2019innesto riveste notevole importanza poich\ue9 permette di eliminare o ridurre una delle minacce pi\uf9 consistenti a carico della popolazione naturale di A. nebrodensis, trasformando la stessa in un punto di forza nell\u2019ambito della strategia di conservazione della specie. Essa, infatti, potr\ue0 contribuire a incrementare la popolazione dell\u2019endemico A. nebrodensis, valorizzando come portainnesti piante che se non abbattute costituirebbero un serio pericolo per la conservazione dell\u2019abete delle Madonie.
Raimondo F. M., Schicchi R., 2005. Rendiconto sul progetto LIFE Natura n\ub0 LIFE2000NAT/IT/7228 \u201cConservazione in situ ed ex situ di Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei\u201d. Tipolitografia Luxograph, Palermo
Further characterization of agmatine binding to mitochondrial membranes: involvement of imidazoline I2 receptor.
Agmatine, a divalent diamine with two positive charges at physiological pH, is transported into the matrix of liver mitochondria by an energy-dependent mechanism, the driving force of which is the electrical membrane potential. Its binding to mitochondrial membranes is studied by applying a thermodynamic treatment of ligand-receptor interactions on the analyses of Scatchard and Hill. The presence of two mono-coordinated binding sites S(1) and S(2), with a negative influence of S(2) on S(1), has been demonstrated. The calculated binding energy is characteristic for weak interactions. S(1) exhibits a lower binding capacity and higher binding affinity both of about two orders of magnitude than S(2). Experiments with idazoxan, a ligand of the mitochondrial imidazoline receptor I(2), demonstrate that S(1) site is localized on this receptor while S(2) is localized on the transport system. S(1) would act as a sensor of exogenous agmatine concentration, thus modulating the transport of the amine by its binding to S(2)
Structure and magnetism of electrospun porous high-entropy (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Ni1/5)3O4, (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Zn1/5)3O4 and (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Ni1/5Zn1/5)3O4 spinel oxide nanofibers
High-entropy oxide nanofibers, based on equimolar (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni), (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Zn) and (Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Zn) combinations, were prepared by electrospinning followed by calcination. The obtained hollow nanofibers exhibited a porous structure consisting of interconnected nearly strain-free (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Ni1/5)3O4, (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Zn1/5)3O4 and (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Ni1/5Zn1/5)3O4 single crystals with a pure Fd3Ě„m spinel structure. Oxidation state of the cations at the nanofiber surface was assessed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and cation distributions were proposed satisfying electroneutrality and optimizing octahedral stabilization. The magnetic data are consistent with a distribution of cations that satisfies the energetic preferences for octahedral vs. tetrahedral sites and is random only within the octahedral and tetrahedral sublattices. The nanofibers are ferrimagnets with relatively low critical temperature more similar to cubic chromites and manganites than to ferrites. Replacing the magnetic cations Co or Ni with non-magnetic Zn lowers the critical temperature from 374 K (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni) to 233 and 105 K for (Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Zn) and (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Zn), respectively. The latter nanofibers additionally have a low temperature transition to a reentrant spin-glass-like state
An improved method on stimulated T-lymphocytes to functionally characterize novel and known LDLR mutations.
The main causes of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) are mutations in LDL receptor (LDLR) gene. Functional studies are necessary to demonstrate the LDLR function impairment caused by mutations and would be useful as a diagnostic tool if they allow discrimination between FH patients and controls. In order to identify the best method to detect LDLR activity, we compared continuous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B-lymphocytes and mitogen stimulated T-lymphocytes. In addition, we characterized both novel and known mutations in the LDLR gene. T-lymphocytes and EBV-transformed B-lymphocytes were obtained from peripheral blood of 24 FH patients and 24 control subjects. Functional assays were performed by incubation with fluorescent LDL followed by flow cytometry analysis. Residual LDLR activity was calculated normalizing fluorescence for the mean fluorescence of controls. With stimulated T-lymphocytes we obtained a better discrimination capacity between controls and FH patients compared with EBV-transformed B-lymphocytes as demonstrated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis (the areas under the curve are 1.000 and 0.984 respectively; P < 0.0001 both). The characterization of LDLR activity through T-lymphocytes is more simple and faster than the use of EBV-transformed B-lymphocytes and allows a complete discrimination between controls and FH patients. Therefore the evaluation of residual LDLR activity could be helpful not only for mutation characterization but also for diagnostic purposes
Quantum view of Li-ion high mobility at carbon-coated cathode interfaces
: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are among the most promising power sources for electric vehicles, portable electronics and smart grids. In LIBs, the cathode is a major bottleneck, with a particular reference to its low electrical conductivity and Li-ion diffusivity. The coating with carbon layers is generally employed to enhance the electrical conductivity and to protect the active material from degradation during operation. Here, we demonstrate that this layer has a primary role in the lithium diffusivity into the cathode nanoparticles. Positron is a useful quantum probe at the electroactive materials/carbon interface to sense the mobility of Li-ion. Broadband electrical spectroscopy demonstrates that only a small number of Li-ions are moving, and that their diffusion strongly depends on the type of carbon additive. Positron annihilation and broadband electrical spectroscopies are crucial complementary tools to investigate the electronic effect of the carbon phase on the cathode performance and Li-ion dynamics in electroactive materials
An inter-laboratory comparison to evaluate the suitability of EN 1787 standard to detect irradiation in plant-origin foods with health benefits
This paper reports the results of a study carried out to verify the applicability of the EN 1787 method, which uses the Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique for the identification of irradiated plant-origin foods with health benefits. The method was tested on samples of herbal ingredients of Plant Food Supplements (PFSs), nuts and fresh blueberries. Untreated and irradiated samples of Camellia sinensis (leaves) Ginkgo biloba (leaves), Glycine max (seeds), Silybum marianum (fruits), Vaccinium myrtillus (fruits), almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts and fresh blueberries were analysed. The work includes an inter-laboratory blind test involving five Italian laboratories that perform routine analyses for the official control of irradiated food. A total of 180 untreated and irradiated samples of PFS ingredients, nuts and fresh blueberries were analysed. The analyses on the irradiated samples were replicated even a long time after irradiation (up to two years depending on the matrix) to test the reliability of the method throughout the shelf life of the products. The results were matrix-dependent: all the 5 kGy irradiated nuts and the 1 kGy-irradiated blueberries were correctly classified, whereas herbal ingredients showed complex ESR spectra with spurious signals which often prevented the correct classification of the sample
Charge Storage Mechanism in Electrospun Spinel-Structured High-Entropy (Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2)3O4 Oxide Nanofibers as Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries
High-entropy oxides (HEOs) have emerged as promising anode materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Among them, spinel HEOs with vacant lattice sites allowing for lithium insertion and diffusion seem particularly attractive. In this work, electrospun oxygen-deficient (Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Zn) HEO nanofibers are produced under environmentally friendly calcination conditions and evaluated as anode active material in LIBs. A thorough investigation of the material properties and Li+ storage mechanism is carried out by several analytical techniques, including ex situ synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The lithiation process is elucidated in terms of lithium insertion, cation migration, and metal-forming conversion reaction. The process is not fully reversible and the reduction of cations to the metallic form is not complete. In particular, iron, cobalt, and nickel, initially present mainly as Fe3+, Co3+/Co2+, and Ni2+, undergo reduction to Fe0, Co0, and Ni0 to different extent (Fe < Co < Ni). Manganese undergoes partial reduction to Mn3+/Mn2+ and, upon re-oxidation, does not revert to the pristine oxidation state (+4). Zn2+ cations do not electrochemically participate in the conversion reaction, but migrating from tetrahedral to octahedral positions, they facilitate Li-ion transport within lattice channels opened by their migration. Partially reversible crystal phase transitions are observed
Gender influence on professional satisfaction and gender issue perception among young oncologists. A survey of the Young Oncologists Working Group of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)
Background The professional gender gap is increasingly recognised in oncology. We explored gender issues perception and gender influence on professional satisfaction/gratification among young Italian oncologists. Methods Italian oncologists aged ≤40 years and members of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology were invited to participate in an online survey addressing workload/burnout, satisfaction in professional abilities and relations, relevant factors for professional gratification, and gender barriers. ‡ 2 test for general association or ‡ 2 test for trend was used to analyse the data. Results 201 young oncologists participated in the survey: 67% female, 71% aged 30-40 years, 41% still in training and 82% without children. Women and men were equally poorly satisfied by the relations with people occupying superior hierarchical positions. There was heterogeneity between women and men in current (p=0.011) and expected future (p=0.007) satisfaction in professional abilities: women were more satisfied by current empathy and relations with colleagues and were more confident in their future managerial and team leader skills. The most important elements for professional gratification indicated by all participants were, in general, work-life balance (36%) and intellectual stimulation/research (32%); specifically for women, work-life balance (48%) and intellectual stimulation/research (20%); and specifically for men, career (29%) and social prestige/recognition (26%). Heterogeneity within the same gender emerged. For example, the elements indicated by men as the most important were intellectual stimulation/research (39%) and work-life balance (21%) in general, versus social prestige/recognition (24%) and career (24%), respectively, specifically for men (p<0.0001). More women versus men perceived gender issue as an actual problem (60% vs 38%, p=0.03); men underestimated gender barriers to women's career (p=0.011). Conclusions Satisfaction in professional abilities varied by gender. Work-life balance is important for both women and men. Stereotypes about gender issues may be present. Gender issue is an actual problem for young oncologists, mostly perceived by women
Valorization of indigenous dairy cattle breed through salami production
The aim of the research was to produce salami manufactured with meat of three different commercial categories of bovine breed: cow on retirement, beef and young bull. A total of six experimental productions, at small-scale plant, were carried out with and without starter culture inoculums. The evolution of physico-chemical parameters in all trials followed the trend already registered for other fermented meat products. Several LAB species were found during process with different levels of species diversity and frequency of isolation among inoculated (mainly Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus) and uninoculated (mainly Enterococcus devriesei, Lactobacillus curvatus and Lactobacillus sakei) trials. Enterobacteriaceae were found at very low levels during the entire ripening period and no pathogenic bacteria were found in any samples. The multivariate analysis showed that starter inoculums and meat affected significantly the physico-chemical and the microbiological composition of salami. The sensory analysis evidenced the highest overall acceptability was displayed by salami produced with meat from cow on retirement
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