919 research outputs found

    Two-body bound and edge states in the extended SSH Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the bosonic two-body problem in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger dimerized chain with on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions. We find two classes of bound states. The first, similar to the one induced by on-site interactions, has its center of mass on the strong link, whereas the second, existing only thanks to nearest-neighbors interactions, is centered on the weak link. We identify energy crossings between these states and analyse them using exact diagonalization and perturbation theory. In the presence of open boundary conditions, novel strongly-localized edge-bound states appear in the spectrum as a consequence of the interplay between lattice geometry, on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions. Contrary to the case of purely on-site interactions, such EBS persist even in the strongly interacting regime.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; Submitted to EPJ Special Topics, Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherenc

    Quantum simulation of correlated-hopping models with fermions in optical lattices

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    By using a modulated magnetic field in a Feshbach resonance for ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices, we show that it is possible to engineer a class of models usually referred to as correlated-hopping models. These models differ from the Hubbard model in exhibiting additional density-dependent interaction terms that affect the hopping processes. In addition to the spin-SU(2) symmetry, they also possess a charge-SU(2) symmetry, which opens the possibility of investigating the η\eta-pairing mechanism for superconductivity introduced by Yang for the Hubbard model. We discuss the known solution of the model in 1D (where η\eta states have been found in the degenerate manifold of the ground state) and show that, away from the integrable point, quantum Monte Carlo simulations at half filling predict the emergence of a phase with coexisting incommensurate spin and charge order.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Ultracold fermions in a one-dimensional bipartite optical lattice: metal-insulator transitions driven by shaking

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    We describe the behavior of a system of fermionic atoms loaded in a bipartite one-dimensional optical lattice that is under the action of an external time-periodic driving force. By using Floquet theory, an effective model with renormalized hopping coefficients is derived. The insulating behavior characterizing the system at half-filling in the absence of driving is dynamically suppressed and for particular values of the driving parameter the system becomes either a standard metal or an unconventional metal with four Fermi points. We use the bosonization technique to investigate the effect of on-site Hubbard interactions on the four Fermi-point metal-insulator phase transition. Attractive interactions are expected to enlarge the regime of parameters where the unconventional metallic phase arises, whereas repulsive interactions reduce it. This metallic phase is known to be a Luther-Emery liquid (spin gapped metal) for both, repulsive and attractive interactions, contrarily to the usual Hubbard model which exhibits a Mott insulator phase for repulsive interactions. Ultracold fermions in driven one-dimensional bipartite optical lattices provide an interesting platform for the realization of this long studied four Fermi-point unconventional metal.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Particle-hole character of the Higgs and Goldstone modes in strongly-interacting lattice bosons

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    We study the low-energy excitations of the Bose-Hubbard model in the strongly-interacting superfluid phase using a Gutzwiller approach and extract the single-particle and single-hole excitation amplitudes for each mode. We report emergent mode-dependent particle-hole symmetry on specific arc-shaped lines in the phase diagram connecting the well-known Lorentz-invariant limits of the Bose-Hubbard model. By tracking the in-phase particle-hole symmetric oscillations of the order parameter, we provide an answer to the long-standing question about the fate of the pure amplitude Higgs mode away from the integer-density critical point. Furthermore, we point out that out-of-phase oscillations are responsible for a full suppression of the condensate density oscillations of the gapless Goldstone mode. Possible detection protocols are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A dynamic model of ballasted rail track with bituminous sub-ballast layer

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    The bituminous sub-ballast layer within the ballasted rail track allows some mechanical and environmental advantages. An analytical model of a ballasted rail track with sub-ballast layer has been proposed by considering the rail as viscous-elastic continuous beam discretely supported, at four levels of elasticity. The model was used to compare the mechanical performance of both ballasted track with and without bituminous sub-ballast layer. The results confirmed that the bituminous sub-ballast layer reduces the dynamic forces on the ground and achieves the technical objectives as reduction of ground borne vibrations and increase of the design life of the rail track

    Finite-momentum Bose-Einstein condensates in shaken 2D square optical lattices

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    We consider ultracold bosons in a 2D square optical lattice described by the Bose-Hubbard model. In addition, an external time-dependent sinusoidal force is applied to the system, which shakes the lattice along one of the diagonals. The effect of the shaking is to renormalize the nearest-neighbor hopping coefficients, which can be arbitrarily reduced, can vanish, or can even change sign, depending on the shaking parameter. It is therefore necessary to account for higher-order hopping terms, which are renormalized differently by the shaking, and introduce anisotropy into the problem. We show that the competition between these different hopping terms leads to finite-momentum condensates, with a momentum that may be tuned via the strength of the shaking. We calculate the boundaries between the Mott-insulator and the different superfluid phases, and present the time-of-flight images expected to be observed experimentally. Our results open up new possibilities for the realization of bosonic analogs of the FFLO phase describing inhomogeneous superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Fatigue resistance: is it possible having a unique response?

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    The mechanical characterisation of the asphalt concrete in terms of both the fatigue resistance and the stiffness modulus is necessary to use any design method of the flexible road pavements. Different kinds of test are usually used in experimental work such as bending tests, uniaxial tests, etc., but sometimes they do not give the same answer. In this paper mechanical characterization was carried out by means of fatigue tests undertaken with two most used testing machines for asphalt material: two point bending (2PB) test at IFSTTAR in Nantes (France) and four point bending (4PB) test at University of Palermo, in Palermo (Italy). Different strain controlled tests were undertaken for the same material under the same loading conditions, frequency and temperature (15 Hz and 20ËšC), according to the European standard 12697 part 24 and 26. The first results of this interlaboratory activity are showed in this paper

    Reinforcement Learning for Variable Selection in a Branch and Bound Algorithm

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    Mixed integer linear programs are commonly solved by Branch and Bound algorithms. A key factor of the efficiency of the most successful commercial solvers is their fine-tuned heuristics. In this paper, we leverage patterns in real-world instances to learn from scratch a new branching strategy optimised for a given problem and compare it with a commercial solver. We propose FMSTS, a novel Reinforcement Learning approach specifically designed for this task. The strength of our method lies in the consistency between a local value function and a global metric of interest. In addition, we provide insights for adapting known RL techniques to the Branch and Bound setting, and present a new neural network architecture inspired from the literature. To our knowledge, it is the first time Reinforcement Learning has been used to fully optimise the branching strategy. Computational experiments show that our method is appropriate and able to generalise well to new instances

    Dissociable electrophysiological measures of natural language processing reveal differences in speech comprehension strategy in healthy ageing

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    Healthy ageing leads to changes in the brain that impact upon sensory and cognitive processing. It is not fully clear how these changes affect the processing of everyday spoken language. Prediction is thought to play an important role in language comprehension, where information about upcoming words is pre-activated across multiple representational levels. However, evidence from electrophysiology suggests differences in how older and younger adults use context-based predictions, particularly at the level of semantic representation. We investigate these differences during natural speech comprehension by presenting older and younger subjects with continuous, narrative speech while recording their electroencephalogram. We use time-lagged linear regression to test how distinct computational measures of (1) semantic dissimilarity and (2) lexical surprisal are processed in the brains of both groups. Our results reveal dissociable neural correlates of these two measures that suggest differences in how younger and older adults successfully comprehend speech. Specifically, our results suggest that, while younger and older subjects both employ context-based lexical predictions, older subjects are significantly less likely to pre-activate the semantic features relating to upcoming words. Furthermore, across our group of older adults, we show that the weaker the neural signature of this semantic pre-activation mechanism, the lower a subject's semantic verbal fluency score. We interpret these findings as prediction playing a generally reduced role at a semantic level in the brains of older listeners during speech comprehension and that these changes may be part of an overall strategy to successfully comprehend speech with reduced cognitive resources
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