276 research outputs found

    New Coumarin Dipicolinate Europium Complexes with a Rich Chemical Speciation and Tunable Luminescence

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    Europium (III) luminescent chelates possess intrinsic photophysical properties that are extremely useful in a wide range of applications. The lack of examples of coumarin‐based lantha‐ nide complexes is mainly due to poor photo‐sensitization attempts. However, with the appeal of using such a versatile scaffold as antenna, especially in the development of responsive molecular probes, it is worth the effort to research new structural motifs. In this work, we present a series of two new tris coumarin‐dipicolinate europium (III) complexes, specifically tailored to be either a mono or a dual emitter, tuning their properties with a simple chemical modification. We also en‐ countered a rich chemical speciation in solution, studied in detail by means of paramagnetic NMR and emission spectroscopy

    Remarkable effect of [Li(G4)]TFSI solvate ionic liquid (SIL) on the regio- And stereoselective ring opening of α-gluco carbasugar 1,2-epoxides

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    Carba analogues of biologically relevant natural carbohydrates are promising structures for the development of future drugs endowed with enhanced hydrolytic stability. An open synthetic challenge in this field is the optimization of new methodologies for the stereo- and regioselective opening of α-gluco carbasugar 1,2-epoxides that allow for the preparation of pseudo mono- and disaccharides of great interest. Therefore, we investigated the effect of Lewis acids and solvate ionic liquids (SILs) on the epoxide ring opening of a model substrate. Of particular interest was the complete stereo- and regioselectivity, albeit limited to simple nucleophiles, toward the desired C(1) isomer that was observed using LiClO4. The results obtained with SILs were also remarkable. In particular, Li[NTf2]/tetraglyme ([Li(G4)]TFSI) was able to function as a Lewis acid and to direct the attack of the nucleophile preferentially at the pseudo anomeric position, even with a more complex and synthetically interesting nucleophile. The regioselectivity observed for LiClO4 and [Li(G4)]TFSI was tentatively ascribed to the formation of a bidentate chelating system, which changed the conformational equilibrium and ultimately permitted a trans-diaxial attack on C(1). To the best of our knowledge, we report here the first case in which SILs were successfully employed in a ring-opening process of epoxides

    Copper-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Reactions of Alkyl Aziridines with B2pin2: Experimental and Computational Studies

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    The possibility to form new C–B bonds with aziridines using diboron derivatives continues to be a particularly challenging field in view of the direct preparation of functionalized ÎČ-aminoboronates, which are important compounds in drug discovery, being a bioisostere of ÎČ-aminoacids. We now report experimental and computational data that allows the individuation of the structural requisites and of reaction conditions necessary to open alkyl aziridines using bis(pinacolate)diboron (B2pin2) in a regioselective nucleophilic addition reaction under copper catalysis

    Regio- and stereoselective behavior of l-arabinal-derived vinyl epoxide in nucleophilic addition reactions. Comparison with conformationally restricted d-galactal-derived analogs

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    Abstract The regio- and stereoselectivity of the addition reactions of O-, C-, N-, and S-nucleophiles to l-arabinal-derived vinyl epoxide 2, the simplest non-conformationally restricted glycal-derived vinyl epoxide, has been examined and compared with the corresponding, conformationally restricted d-galactal-derived analogs 1ÎČ and 1ÎČ-Me. Results indicated that the 1,4-/1,2-regioselectivity ratio and the related syn-1,4-/anti-1,2-stereoselectivity observed in glycal-derived vinyl oxiranes is independent of the presence of substituents on the six-membered unsaturated ring, and the absence of conformational freedom: it depends only on the ability of the nucleophile to give a coordination process with the oxirane oxygen in the form of a hydrogen bond or through a coordinating cation

    Tethering Carbohydrates to the Vinyliminium Ligand of Antiproliferative Organometallic Diiron Complexes

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    Four propargyl O-glycosides derivatized with mannose, glucose, and fructose moieties were synthesized and then incorporated within a diiron structure as part of a vinyliminium ligand. Hence, six glycoconjugated diiron complexes, [2−5]CF3SO3 (see Scheme 1) and the nonglycosylated analogues [6a−b]CF3SO3, were obtained in high yields and unambiguously characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, and IR and multinuclear NMR spectroscopies. All compounds exhibited a significant stability in DMSO-d6/D2O solution, with 63−89% of the complexes unaltered after 72 h at 37 °C and also in the cell culture medium. The cytotoxicity of [2−6]CF3SO3, as well as that of previously reported 7 and 8, was assessed on CT26 (mouse colon carcinoma), U87 (humanglioblastoma), MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma), and RPE-1 (human normal retina pigmented epithelium) cell lines. In general, the IC50 values correlate with the hydrophobicity of the compounds (measured as octanol−water partition coefficients) and do not show an appreciable level of selectivity against cancer cells with respect to the nontumor ones

    New 1,3-Disubstituted Benzo[h]Isoquinoline Cyclen-Based Ligand Platform: Synthesis, Eu3+ Multiphoton Sensitization and Imaging Applications

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    The development of lanthanide-based luminescent probes with a long emission lifetime has the potential to revolutionize imaging-based diagnostic techniques. By a rational design strategy taking advantage of computational predictions, a novel, water-soluble Eu3+ complex from a cyclen-based ligand bearing 1,3-disubstituted benzo[h]isoquinoline arms was realized. The ligand has been obtained overcoming the lack of reactivity of position 3 of the isoquinoline moiety. Notably, steric hindrance of the heteroaromatic chromophore allowed selective and stoichiometry-controlled insertion of two or three antennas on the cyclen platform without any protection strategy. The complex bears a fourth heptanoic arm for easy conjugation to biomolecules. This new chromophore allowed the sensitization of the metal center either with one or two photons excitation. The suitability as a luminescent bioprobe was validated by imaging BMI1 oncomarker in lung carcinoma cells following an established immunofluorescence approach. The use of a conventional epifluorescence microscope equipped with a linear structured illumination module disclosed a simple and inexpensive way to image confocally Ln-bioprobes by single photon excitation in the 350–400 nm window, where ordinary confocal systems have no excitation sources

    Carba-D,L-allal- and -D,L-galactal-derived vinyl N-nosyl aziridines as useful tools for the synthesis of 4-deoxy-4-(N-nosylamino)-2,3-unsaturated-5a-carbasugars

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    The novel carba-D,L-allal- and carba-D,L-galactal-derived vinyl N-nosyl aziridines were prepared and the regio- and stereoselective behavior in opening reactions with O- and N-nucleophiles examined. The carbaglycosylating ability of the novel aziridines, as deduced by the amount of 1,4-addition products (1,4-regioselectivity) obtained in the acid-catalyzed methanolysis taken as a model reaction, is similar or superior to that observed with the corresponding carba-D,L-allal- and -D,L-galactal-derived vinyl epoxides, respectively. In all 1,2- and 1,4-addition products obtained, a –(N-nosylamino) group is regio- and stereoselectively introduced at the C(4) carbon of a 1,2- or 2,3-unsaturated carbasugar, susceptible to further elaborations toward aminocyclitol derivatives. The stereoselective synthesis of the corresponding, enantiomerically pure carba-D,L-allal- and -D,L-galactal-derived vinyl N-acetyl aziridines is also described

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Glycoconjugated LDH Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents

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    Conjugation of known biologically active molecules to carbohydrate frameworks represents a valuable option for the preparation of hybrid, structurally-related families of compounds with the aim of modulating their biological response. Therefore, we present here a study on the preparation of d-galacto, d-manno, d-gluco, and d-lactose glycoconjugates of an established N-hydroxyindole-based (NHI) inhibitor of lactated dehydrogenase (LDH). Structural variations involved the sugar stereochemistry and size as well as the anchoring point of the NHI on the carbohydrate frame (either C-1 or C-6). In the case of the galactose anomeric glycoconjugate (C-1), intriguing solvent-dependent eects were observed in the glycosylation stereochemical outcome. The biological activity of the deprotected glycoconjugates in contrasting lactate formation and cancer cell proliferation are described

    Functionalized aliphatic polyketones with germicide activity

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has further confirmed to the community that direct contact with contaminated surfaces and objects represents an important source of pathogen spreading among humans. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to design effective germicidal paints to ensure a rapid and potent disinfectant action of surfaces. In this work, we design novel germicide polymeric coatings by inserting quaternary ammonium and sugar groups on the macromolecular backbone, thus respectively endowing the polymer with germicide features and hydrophilicity to interact with the surfaces. An aliphatic polyketone was selected as a starting polymer matrix that was functionalized with primary amine derivatives via the Paal–Knorr reaction. The resulting polymers were deposited on cellulose filter papers and checkboard charts with excellent coating yield and substrate coverage as determined by scanning electron microscopy for cellulose. Remarkably, the substrates coated by the functional polymers bearing quaternary ammonium compounds showed excellent bactericide properties with antibacterial rate of 99% and logarithmic reduction of >3. Notably, the polymers with higher hydrophobicity showed better retention on the substrate after being treated with water at neutral pH

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of non-glucose glycoconjugated N-hydroyxindole class LDH inhibitors as anticancer agents

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    Inhibitors of human lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A) are promising therapeutic agents against cancer. The development of LDH-A inhibitors that possess cellular activities has so far proved to be particularly challenging, since the enzyme’s active site is narrow and highly polar. In the recent past, we were able to develop a glucose-conjugated N-hydroxyindole-based LDH-A inhibitor designed to exploit the sugar avidity expressed by cancer cells (the Warburg effect). Herein we describe a structural modulation of the sugar moiety of this class of inhibitors, with the insertion of α-D-mannose, ÎČ-D-gulose, or ÎČ-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine portions in their structures. Their stereospecific chemical synthesis, which involve a substrate-dependent stereospecific glycosylation step, and their biological activity in reducing lactate production and proliferation in cancer cells are reported. Interestingly, the α-D-mannose conjugate displayed the best properties in the cellular assays, demonstrating an efficient antiglycolytic and antiproliferative activity in cancer cells
